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How do I reuse coco?



dam , you guys really do get the gold standard award for being lazy bastids , lol....

only thing about the reuse & planting straight back into the pot is the lessened "fluffiness" of the medium & pack. Would think without sifting 1rst would be alot less airation going on in even the 2nd round in the medium . Yet have tried that sifting method and working some fresh material back in , that is a chore in itself .

But "whatever works" boyz ....if it can be done , guess coco is the one mediium it can be done with as it rinses well and retains much of its "loft".
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I'm gona reuse my coco this time, just pot the pots on the deck and Hose tap water through them until EC of runoff is reading like my tap water.

Bottle of enzymes for the last 2 weeks, and first 2 weeks sounds like a good bet. @~$130 per gallon of Hygrozyme it's worth investing in. The money is not the savings, it's the time of repotting your whole room that is saved... which normally takes me about 2-3 hours for 36 2gal perfect pots, but I have a bad wrist/elbow and back.

I can imagine larger setups taking multiple days to dump the coco, repot it, flush it, and put a plant in.. yikes!


You can use that shit over if yas want to but my maters and peppers are gonna love it this spring after my first run with it and I don`t want any possibilities of contamination......This stuff`s cheap and easy to work with as long as yas know the rules bout flushin and such......But Hey.......I`ve been re-usin my lava for over 8 yrs. for the buckets so I understand the frugality of us fellow growers to save a buck here and there........After all .......Ours is not the cheapest hobby by any means.....I sterilize the rocks before using over so I guess it`s the same thing except I KNOW when my rocks are clean and I`m not sure I`d be able to tell when coco mush is aight.......Sorry...evidently it does`nt matter like BlindDate, Clowntown , and Neptune have posted but I`m a clean freak so sue me....... :spank: ......I`ve got raised beds for my veggies planned this next season for my coir recycling and you can get bales of it outta Canada imported from God knows where for peanuts ....You just haveta wash the shit out of it to bring ppm`s down........I use GH nutes half-strength like my `ol buddy BlueHaze taught me here and these buckets are as easy as Hempy`s by far although I use verm/perl mix for clones .....BH handwaters his and turns em every day but I`ve been doin the run to waste thingy and 15-20% runoff with 1/4 inch feed tubes top fed with same runoff and timed feed easy as babyshit........I`m usin the coco to supply cloneage and pick quality mums for the ebb and flow buckets and soon to be vertical racks with bare bulbs to kick up the yield a knotch or 2......Ya`ll take care........DHF......... :joint:
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