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How did you get into Cannabis growing?


Moved to Humboldt in 99 and eventually did my own indoor after assisting and learning for a few years. I was 19


Active member
I got a copy of Indoor Marijuana Horticulture in 2001 when I was 15 years old, and it's been since slightly before that (thanks Overgrow!) that I wanted to grow my own. I also grew my first psychedelic mushrooms at 14 with some cash from a X-mas gift, lol. Also with the help of a buddy, years ago, we preformed Sandmeyer reaction to produce GHB.

We always wanted to be self-sufficient.

Veggia farmer

Well-known member
Well, we very seldom had weed! we hade hash, sometimes really good, but a lot bullshit going around. Biggest mistake mas to buy a hekto of hash with fucking plastic in it! For around 800 euros! shit like that made me said, grown your own, and change the scene! So now i have almost only smoked my on herb since I was around 18.


All the cool kids in high school were growing a couple plants (early '70s).

My mom was a master gardener.


Éirinn go Brách
ICMag Donor
To the OP, cool thread. You were asked in this thread if you grow...do you?


Intersesting pattern in the many posts and threads he has made since the recent join. He posts as if so however

I saw seeds in dixies around '75 in a friends older brother's closet. Saw hemp wild once in Minn around '78 on a golf course and smuggled some home in my parents RV. Completely worthless when i got it home. Did not see a real cannabis plant again for more than 35 years until i grew it a few years ago.

I grew it after i decided to self supply my medicine i take for a service related condition. I made that decision to self supply after the colleged aged kid i bought from on the black market turned out also to be a junkie and was getting sketchy. Swore i would not expose myself and by extension my family to an element like this.

Not passing judgement on the guy or anyone reading for that matter. But i stay far away from that or the lifestlye.


Active member
My earliest memories as a child were of my parents harvesting the outdoor crop.... everyone around was in a good mood, family and friends were around for weeks trimming.... I always associated the plant with happiness from a very young age.... after a good stint as a Commercial fisherman/diver in a failing industry, commercial cultivation was an easy transition...I'm a 3rd generation farmer, this Shits in my blood....


Active member
At 400$ an ounce and an affinity towards the finer things in life it didn't take long after I got my first apartment to start growing my own.


Active member
I was 33 with my 2nd kid on the way.construction was still crapped out and the wife lost her job and insurance. I borrowed 1200 b ucks first crop was a mess second crop was a hit, I only grow half the year now, but that's more than enough. I wish I started when the oz was 400 not 200.


Active member
Always adored looking at marijuana plant pics in High Times...and always knew I would grow my own one day. The Great Recession made it impossible to find a job after graduating college so I eventually needed to do something. I feel blessed everyday I get to do this.



Started smoking herb at the age of 19 for my scoliosis pain, at that time my best friend said "aren't you a farmer?" I said "yes" so he said "why don't you grow your own?" it was like a light descended from the Firmament, and I was enlightened. I'm 25 now.


Active member
I had a subscription to high times throughout my teens into my late 20s. I never had the money on a grow. I tried a few plants in the desert but I got tired of hauling water a couple miles.


Well-known member
the 1970's
a bag of weed with seeds, as all bags were back then
'you mean i can actually grow this stuff?'


Well-known member
I too "decided I didn't want to smoke brick weed or crap anymore,
and I sure as hell wasn't gonna pay $120 an oz. to buy the top notch stuff..." then I saw the overgrow site and signed up, then started my first grow using the best of the reggies/bagseeds I saved. started in the year 1999. been growing ever sense then. and loving it.

I would really love to live in California and grow for dispensaries.
cuz when I started planting those bagseeds outdoors they grew with little to no effort at all and harvesting some 2-3oz per plant. They were small summer grows. best part was the FREE HPS in the sky (SUN). :)

The flowers that the bagseeds grew were kickass and my fam loved them.

this is deff a good thread.


Active member
I had tried a few times and failed. Then somebody gave me a slip of paper that said, "icmag.com". Haha, that is true, and I been flying high ever since.

:laughing: Haha... that sounds like something I have done in the past..... they asked me how to grow & I slipped them a note..

Cool Moe

Active member
80,000 Mexicans killed over 10 years in the quest for U.S. consumer dollars made me not want to support that anymore. $60 an eighth for hydro that tasted like chemicals and gave me a headache made me not want to smoke that anymore. Then a buddy came through town who had 4 different flavors of bagseed he'd grown himself and the light bulb went on. I suggested I'd do some research and source some quality seeds if he could toss enough back my way to make it worth my time and money. A partnership was formed, I stumbled onto the ICmag forums, and the rest is history. I'd quit in a heartbeat if I had to go back to how it was before.

Joint Lock

Active member
I dropped something and it fell under my dads couch . I slid out a HT mag and was inspired from there (was already a smoker) . Back in 99-01 I was bored with soil and came across OG (website) while researching hydroponics .Became a mod at H G 420 . Learned a lot in that time . A lot of ppl thought I had been doing hydo for a while . Due to my success , Was really beginners luck . I just got lucky. That I was one of the first members who was always active. Which landed me a mod spot when the site started

.Any who this is this is the around the time I got my first swing with retail genetics . Thanks Subby and Jill . TGA's subby had sent me a free pack of JCBx and from there I always bounced around the forums under many names over the years . Buck aka annaC Seeds gave me the link to this place . When he was doing his thing at HG


Crotchety Old Crotch
I started growing 40 years ago - pot had seeds, you planted them & they grew. Hell, my first job was at McDonalds & the customers would plant seeds in our indoor flower beds. Too funny when you notice about a dozen little seedlings in plain sight.

I grew my first plant in my bedroom window


The buds I got way back then come loaded with seeds, You find something you like with seeds in it it don't take long for the idea to plant them seeds to come into play.


Active member
light dep

light dep

1972 jamaican bag seed,i lived in a caravan in an orchard aged 16 .

It was 2nd year i figured on light dep
i was at latitude 52 deg latitude uk so end october they showed start of bud but pulled them because cold n wet .

I spent a few days in a library reading botanical books ,then eureka 12 hrs .
So i grew in pots and bulit a shed on end of my caravan
putting plants in dark at 5 pm from june 21st and take out again after dark.
So excited lol jamaican in full flower 1st august .
Uk had fuk all but flouros in 73.A