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How did you come up with your nym (name) and avatar?

CharlesU Farley

Well-known member
For the first time ever on a forum, I bumped into my identical stranger right here on ICMag, ChuckYouFarley. That got me to thinking, which is always a dangerous thing. While almost all of the nyms I see here on ICMag are not familiar to me (other than some real old timers from pre-OG days) a lot of the writing styles, attitudes, and quirks/style of writing are. So, how did you come up with the nym that you're using here? How long have you been using it, do you use it on any other forum, etc. I'll start it off:

I got my nym from a 1991 movie called Pump Up the Volume. Even though it's quite dated now (at the time it was outstanding) and you would not believe the soundtrack, it had a very interesting character played by Christian Slater. His character was being pursued by the Feds and the only way they could get him was via a mailbox express mailbox address.

The address on the PO Box was registered to Charles U. Farley. Nobody understood the play on words for his name except for one dick, who said the words, oh I get it Chuck _U_ Farley... obviously a play on the words fuck you Charlie.

Been using variations of this nym since 1994, depending on the registration requirements of the venue. I've been Charlie Farley, Chucky Farley, C. Ulysses Farley, here on ICMag I had to be CharlesU Farley cuz you could only have a first and last name. Without the middle initial, it's kinda hard to get the irony of my nym. ;) There were a lot of others I can't remember right now I'm sure. But _always_ variations on this name.

I can be accused of a lot of things but a sock puppet most assuredly isn't one of them.

I chose the drunk and disorderly mugshot of Barney the Dinosaur as my avatar, because that's a perfect analogy of how I am on cannabis fora. Nice and friendly almost all the time, old /ancient and out of touch with current trendy cannabis techniques.

But if you fuck with him, he'll kick your ass. :LOL:


One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
I got my name back in the 80's when I was president of the local Trout Unlimited chapter. I was/am a big catch and release advocate on certain cold water fish. Mainly trout. I do this because I like catching big fish. if you Put em bk they grow bigger and are much more challenging and fun to catch. My avatar comes from Tolken's The Hobbit . Gandalf is old like me....His hair is longer but the same color.

CharlesU Farley

Well-known member
I got my name back in the 80's when I was president of the local Trout Unlimited chapter. I was/am a big catch and release advocate on certain cold water fish. Mainly trout. I do this because I like catching big fish. if you Put em bk they grow bigger and are much more challenging and fun to catch. My avatar comes from Tolken's The Hobbit . Gandalf is old like me....His hair is longer but the same color.
Haven't fished in many many years now, always preferred going after large-mouth bass when I did. I live in prime, mountain trout territory these days but just never did get into the Zen, fly fishing aspect of it.

Hanging out on the side of a canal in the Everglades, halfway across Alligator Alley, with a bunch of Coptic sinse and a six pack of beer... and I was good to go. :cool:

Respect for the catch and release.

I thought maybe your name had something to do with a black computer or putting a computer back, that's how litteraI am. :ROFLMAO:


One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
Haven't fished in many many years now, always preferred going after large-mouth bass when I did. I live in prime, mountain trout territory these days but just never did get into the Zen, fly fishing aspect of it.

Hanging out on the side of a canal in the Everglades, halfway across Alligator Alley, with a bunch of Coptic sinse and a six pack of beer... and I was good to go. :cool:

Respect for the catch and release.

I thought maybe your name had something to do with a black computer or putting a computer back, that's how litteraI am. :ROFLMAO:
I catch bass as well. Private lake in Pueblo Colorado. All catch and release with barb-less hooks. I am going next month.



Well-known member
Got my Nannymouse from way back in the pre-prison MarcEmery daze. People were upset with the number of anonymous posters, had to get a handle. Couldn't think of much at the time, so just went with the idea that i was 'A Nannymouse', and just used the Nannymouse part.


Active member
I've always went by Kryptonite and Krypto.
Several years before I even had the internet, early 90's, a good friend of mine dealt in poundage for the Hell's Angels and was also my supplier. He was pretty good at growing and I wasn't, so he helped me get started by giving me some tips to help me out. He also gifted me a few cuts of Northern Lights and seeds of Early Pearl. I grew out the cuts and seeds together, got a couple males from the Early Pearl and ended up with a bunch of seeds. I grew those seeds out and really liked the product, it became a favorite of mine and several friends. One of my friends kept calling it the "Icky Sticky" and I didn't care for that name too much, so one night we were all sitting around partying and I made the comment that this pot is so strong it would bring Superman to his knees. From that day forward it was known as the Kryptonite. I was always looking for information to help me be a better grower so when I did buy my first computer I began searching for sources of information. The first site I found was Cannabis Culture so I registered there and using the name Kryptonite just seemed natural to me. I didn't care for CC, quickly found OverGrow and Cannabis World and registered the same name at each of them. It was easy to remember the day I registered at OG and CW because it was my birthday. I used the Kool Aid avatar because as a kid that grew up poor I drank a ton of it.


Active member
For the first time ever on a forum, I bumped into my identical stranger right here on ICMag, ChuckYouFarley. That got me to thinking, which is always a dangerous thing. While almost all of the nyms I see here on ICMag are not familiar to me (other than some real old timers from pre-OG days) a lot of the writing styles, attitudes, and quirks/style of writing are. So, how did you come up with the nym that you're using here? How long have you been using it, do you use it on any other forum, etc. I'll start it off:

I got my nym from a 1991 movie called Pump Up the Volume. Even though it's quite dated now (at the time it was outstanding) and you would not believe the soundtrack, it had a very interesting character played by Christian Slater. His character was being pursued by the Feds and the only way they could get him was via a mailbox express mailbox address.

The address on the PO Box was registered to Charles U. Farley. Nobody understood the play on words for his name except for one dick, who said the words, oh I get it Chuck _U_ Farley... obviously a play on the words fuck you Charlie.

Been using variations of this nym since 1994, depending on the registration requirements of the venue. I've been Charlie Farley, Chucky Farley, C. Ulysses Farley, here on ICMag I had to be CharlesU Farley cuz you could only have a first and last name. Without the middle initial, it's kinda hard to get the irony of my nym. ;) There were a lot of others I can't remember right now I'm sure. But _always_ variations on this name.

I can be accused of a lot of things but a sock puppet most assuredly isn't one of them.

I chose the drunk and disorderly mugshot of Barney the Dinosaur as my avatar, because that's a perfect analogy of how I am on cannabis fora. Nice and friendly almost all the time, old /ancient and out of touch with current trendy cannabis techniques.

But if you fuck with him, he'll kick your ass. :LOL:

When you first questioned whether or not I was who I said I was, I thought that was strange. I asked you if you formerly went by ChuckYouFarley because I remember that name from OverGrow and here. I thought it was strange because I've had some contact with ChuckYouFarley and even have PM's here at IC from him. It seems to be such an odd name what's the chances. Mystery solved .

CharlesU Farley

Well-known member
I've always went by Kryptonite and Krypto.
Several years before I even had the internet, early 90's, a good friend of mine dealt in poundage for the Hell's Angels and was also my supplier. He was pretty good at growing and I wasn't, so he helped me get started by giving me some tips to help me out. He also gifted me a few cuts of Northern Lights and seeds of Early Pearl. I grew out the cuts and seeds together, got a couple males from the Early Pearl and ended up with a bunch of seeds. I grew those seeds out and really liked the product, it became a favorite of mine and several friends. One of my friends kept calling it the "Icky Sticky" and I didn't care for that name too much, so one night we were all sitting around partying and I made the comment that this pot is so strong it would bring Superman to his knees. From that day forward it was known as the Kryptonite. I was always looking for information to help me be a better grower so when I did buy my first computer I began searching for sources of information. The first site I found was Cannabis Culture so I registered there and using the name Kryptonite just seemed natural to me. I didn't care for CC, quickly found OverGrow and Cannabis World and registered the same name at each of them. It was easy to remember the day I registered at OG and CW because it was my birthday. I used the Kool Aid avatar because as a kid that grew up poor I drank a ton of it.
Outstanding story! Give you credit for keeping the same nym for 20 plus years. Uncle Ben and gypsy are the only ones active here on ICM, that I'm aware of, that have kept the same nym that long.

There were many newbies/rookies on the Usenet group adpc who changed their nyms when they went on OG, CW, etc. But you could definitely tell who they were, based on writing style, Over enthusiq advocacy of new, trendy fads, etc.

The term we used to use for those types of posters was nym shifting POS. o_O

Early Pearl and NL, I bet that was special. (y)

CharlesU Farley

Well-known member
When you first questioned whether or not I was who I said I was, I thought that was strange. I asked you if you formerly went by ChuckYouFarley because I remember that name from OverGrow and here. I thought it was strange because I've had some contact with ChuckYouFarley and even have PM's here at IC from him. It seems to be such an odd name what's the chances. Mystery solved .
I remember when you asked that and the reason why I didn't answer it was because I never participated in OG, other than buying Sensi's NL from gypsy. So I wasn't the Chuck you Farley you were referring to.

I've been variations of Charles U. Farley since the mid-90s. Mine comes from a movie called Pump Up the Volume, it's technically called spoonerism. When you switch the first letter of two words, so Chuck U Farley becomes Fuck U Charlie.

The Charles U Farley spoonerism was originally used by the National Lampoon in the '60s, I believe. That's where the writer of Pump up the Volume got the idea.
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New member
My Dr.stickerdick came about in 1968.
Out hunting or fishing ,was taking a leak and got a Bunch of cockelburrs on me.
My friend that was with me started calling me stickerdick. Ever since.
That friend, from 4 years of age, called that ever since till his death in 2022.rip Chuck.
In the 1990's hung around kids just turning 20's.
One of them would call me "the doctor" because I would explain things to them using 20 dollar words.

Upon joining my first grow site- Reeferman Seeds - put the two together
Have used it on reeferman, gurillaman, ICMag, THCfarmer, .....rollitup

Only name I have used. Now I am. 66.5 years old or is it years odd?
I do miss "convex" , "Texas Kid", "Jalisco kid,


Plant Abuser
ICMag Donor
because of this thread I need to go back to Soba Tabby

I used Social_Misfit because I thought Dequilo got burned here one time or another

Dequilo came from here “El Degüello” song from the Almo No Quarter

used from OverGrow almost every where


On a mailtrain.
Premium user
some of my best life experiences were in Big Sur 67’-69’

the photo on my avi is Lime Kiln beach just south of Lucia where I have watched the sunsets many a time with a dozen to 100 hippies tripping balls on $1 dollar tabs of orange sunshine and smoking bshw…

I will never be that high again.