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How Cool Can a Cop Be?

Der Nette Mann

New member
Mr. Nevermind said:
A cool cop is an oxymoron. No such thing. Cant be cool and a cop at the saem time. Anyone who chooses a field of employment which the job entails arresting MJ users isnt cool. Fuck cops.


Actually, when my micro-grow was discovered, I was told, literally: "You are so fucking stupid. We'll take those plants, thank you. This will not happen again."

And they were gone... with the grow equipment still intact. Never heard anything about it again.


OldMan&theWeed said:
Thanks for the correction. I wondered about the spelling as I wrote it, but not enough to use spell check. :wallbash:

Just hit F7!!

I've been suprised just how goood my spelling has goten to be since I started posting here.



peanutbutter said:
You must work for the government, if you believe that.

What a retarded remark, look at the whole context, and think deeper. Here is a hint, I give examples. If you think the crack head holding the needle with aids threatening people is governing his life well, then your a fucking idiot as well, because OBVIOUSLY he can't govern his life, and someone should interfere. I am not saying you can't govern your life, I am saying there a those that OBVIOUSLY can't and intend to hurt others. :D

Kinderfeld said:
People are to fucking stupid and reckless to govern themselves, I mean think about it, you really want crack heads threatening poeple with an aids-blooded needle (saw on cops) on the streets? Or people stashing bombs in buildings threatening to blow them up? bank hold ups? coutless situations..

Now why do I always have to spell out everything...seems like poeple are de-evolving everyday, if thats even a term.
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bergerbuddy said:
Partner... cops ALWAYS.. use to dump ur herbs on the hood of ur car and tell ya to DRIVE.. while they followed for a bit.... or just dump it out..

Out of a DOZEN times being caught by cops smoking in parks etc...etc... I NEVER GOT BUSTED in the LATE 70's NEVER... I was told to call up and turn myslef in.. HAHAHAH.. yeah right... AND I WAS A JUVENILE...

Smoke that bit of truth!


Been there. I stomped several bags into the side of the road. And that was in Texas in the 70's.


Active member
Mr. Nevermind. The way I see it, there are good and bad people in all walks of life. I believe the good outweighs the bad. And, I believe this holds true for police departments as well. There are plenty of times where I've seen police officers simply do their job and they are very professional. There are other times when I've witnessed some scary shit from the badged gang in blue. I agree with your sentiment about, "Fuck the cops!" because in our situation we can't trust any of them at face value. But, if we had to weed them out, I think we'd find more good than bad.

Kinderfeld. You make some good points but you seem frighteningly narc-ish right now. Those things you are saying sound like some Bill O'Reilly spin the truth info. You're putting a cape and a fat "S" on the chest of all police officers and that simply is NOT true. I suspect you haven't had any real encounters with police officers or maybe your family is too close to them where you live so you can get away with a lot. I know that feeling because I have that same situation in another part of the country. However, in the other, no one gives a damn who I know in some other police department. I've personally seen some shit that will crush your views of police officers. And, I've been through some shit that will give you Mr. Nevermind's attitude.

To imagine that a police officer commits the same crimes he would arrest for is completely unacceptable and goes to show the corrupt attitude of a lot of police departments. And your acceptance of that is totally deplorable as a supposed citizen. These people are hired to do a job. They are not above the law but they think they are above the law! That's a problem in my book. This is the problem in our current police state right now. It's just as bergerbuddy mentioned - selective arrests. This is why our prisons are chock full of minorities - people like you who have the nerve to accept marijuana smoking officers yet defend them when they arrest other marijuana users for using marijuana. Oh, but because they were doing "something else" it's still ok in your world.

I'm done


Kinderfeld if nothing else I find your attitude naive. I've run into the law on a few occassions(nothing serious,never been arrested) and its ALWAYS,ALWAYS,ALWAYS bad news and I serious doubt a cpop or the system is going to do anything positive about that crackhead.
Has the system prevented anyone from getting addicted up till now?? Life is full of choises and IMHO the cops or the system weigh very little on the path most people choose.


cops can be cool sometimes. they can be dicks too. It's just luck of the draw. Probably is best to stay the fuck away from them all together. That's what I do.

remember carl winslow from family matters? He was cool as shit. :joint:


PoppinFresh said:
Kinderfeld. You make some good points but you seem frighteningly narc-ish right now.

It is mainly where you live, it's all different, but yes friend do help a lot. I don't think they are all saints/perfect, but if your trying to find perfection, you won't find that anywhere. I believe more cops are good then bad... I understand and respect what your saying though. Like someone already told me though, usually you can judge someones age by how they look at cops.

As far as being a narc, honestly I could care less what anyone thinks here, and trust me, with these poeple's attitude there is really no reason to be a narc. Going about it the way I do, I am more likely to stay out of jail then half these poeple giving cops negative vibes anyways. My life has been touched by a cop in a way, most of you will never understand or experience; even with someone who isn't a cop... and that is where I am coming from.

This doesn't mean I am going to rat everyone out like a narc, I think going that direction really has nothing to do with sticking up for cops intentions. I am saying that, my situation might be yours some day, or to some effect at least, and maybe you guys will open your minds and eyes to see and feel what I mean....I don't blame anyone for their ignorant views, I used to hate cops too.

It takes a whole new level of experience with them to know what they are really about, this experience goes beyond everyone's little stash of cannabis they are smoking right now.
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My little pony.. my little pony
Coolest cop? Easily the one thats off duty. While you arent going to get away with murder most arent going to bother punching in to bother hasseling you about smoking weed unless theres kids around.


Active member
I have a relative who married a cop in TN. I went to their wedding and of course, his ONLY friends were also cops. They knew I was a weed smoker because I am sure my relative told her new cop husband, plus I had on my Phish Antelope t-shirt on that said 420 on the back ;)

Well, at the reception and dance, I have never ever in my life been around a bigger group of douche bags. They all got so sloppy drunk, and one of his friends/groomsmen was an FBI agent and I saw the FBI agent clearly disrespect the brides father to his face for no reason. They even got pulled over for speeding by the local police, but because the FBI agent flashed his badge (I think he actually gave him a cop-to-cop blowjob) he was let out of 2 tickets.

Birds of a feather flock together


Active member
ive come accross many decent coppers but the best where the ones that are no longer in blue.. Or in the force as a trades person.

Last weekend was pulled over and breath tested came back under then asked if ive smoked herb. Said no but the copper said he could smell it, had just been trimming and had sticky fingers when a mate needed a ergent run out to the airport smoking a j as the police pulled along side. Was about to search the car when i came clean yep ive smoked today but not in the last 6 hours.. didnt bother with the search thought i was honest enough and then spent the next 20mins chatting to us about Europe where my mate was headed and the fact that my car isnt quite street legal, no rego, bald tyres, no front licence plate, different wt head light globes, no carpet and rear seat the list goes on but had the required b class permit to drive to fix a defected beast..


You have one positive experience with a paramlilitary-style police force and all of a sudden they're right as rain? I've had experiences with police that were not negetive, and I agree with some of your statements in that, with the pigs, attitude is everything.

But seriously, you talk of these guys like they've not placed themselves in a position which they are holding their fellow citizen (not according to them, we're called civilians:) under their thumb. They do this for a living. Youve gotta be some asshole.


why would a cop waste their time when their off duty? if there off duty and see someone smoking weed, they could warn them and dispose of the stuff or get invovled book them and waste an hour or 3 arresting them and paper work


anybody in NYC in 2004 at the Republican convention? any body want their city to look like that (1 cop per 5 people)?


New member
Where I come from the cops are pretty mellowed out about the reefer. They are looking for the bigger stuff, aka Meth. A couple years back I was chillin at my buddies house when some cops busted in. There were several glass pieces, a water pipe, and a hookah. They gave breathalizers to the four of us in the house, unfortunately me being the only one drinking. Not one word was said about the paraphanelia.

Another funny story. A possession charge in my city is less than an underage consumption of alcohol. Rather hilarious?

Its being de-criminalized in certain places. Just takes time. Most cops are not bad people. They are paid to do a job. And most will do it well, its the few that spoil the bunch.


gets some
The philosophies and training of the respective departments make a HUGE difference, in my experience.

I lived in an area that is known to basically train their officers to proactively harrass citizens every chance they get in hopes of "catching" someone breaking the law. The population of that area is pretty much terrified of the police force. It shows in the crime stats that there are *very* few major crimes in that area though. I now live in an area that trains a "kinder, gentler" policing approach. Ive had a few small run-ins with them and nothing ever came of them. The definition of "cool cops", I guess. Here's the catch though, my current area is rife with major crimes. No one is scared of the police here. So I guess it can be summed up that I like that I dont have to worry much about the cops busting me for anything....I just have to worry about my fellow citizens.


I had something similar happen with the g/friends 16yr old boy...went to his work to fix his truck and mistakingly found his pipe... he was STRESSED as hell about it...not wanting me to tell his mom.. I told him that I "knew nothing" but that he should use his head/better judgement with WHAT/WHERE he does things... UNFORTUNATLY he didnt and his mom found out later... DEEP CHIT at this point for him.. MY POINT BEING that SOMETIMES a "friend" will suggest... or HINT about something.. AS the cop did.. TAKE IT AS A BLESSING...but DONT push it.

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