1970 small s - very nice penny as pennies go
for the latest hot penny that you could see
1982 d small date, quite rare and desirable - 18,800 at an auction
Do you know if the 1982 small D is the 3.1 gram penny or the 2.5 gram penny ?
From looking online, I guess it's the Copper one. Or that it occurs in both versions, but the copper small D is the rare one.
I save the copper 1982's.
If u have a copper penny from when they were scraped for bullets.that would be a good thing.forget what year. 1940 or something.when pennys were steel.
I really love silver
I have a bunch of copper pennies ... in the spare bathroom that became a bird cage.
So ... some of them ... are covered in Organic Bird Castings.
Does that increase their value ?
the pennies are 1981 and prior for the copper, from what my money guy says. copper the next silver!! save them lil bastards
I think those pennies are made out of Gilding Metal.
95% copper, 5% Zinc.
Same stuff copper bullet jackets are made of.
I would like so see someone mine Copper out of the piles of dirt at shooting ranges.
If I shoot 80 bullets in a typical session, I'm only leaving a few grams of copper per bullet.
Maybe 1/3 pound of copper total.
But ... 100 shooters per day etc., that would be 33 pounds of copper. $5 a pound, $165. per day.
Maybe they have a secret mining operation and they're not telling anybody.
Way back when I was ten years old (1962) My friend Jeff and I dug the slugs out from behind the pistol targets. Thirty to forty pounds each was all we could carry per trip.
Doing it just for the fun of melting the lead out and casting shapes made in sandy soil. Amazing how well the sand held its shape against the lead.
If you like having a 100 ounce bar at your desk just to look at ... that's a sign that you Really Like Silver.
Love these Asahi bars, though I guess I bought them when they had the Johnson Matthey stamp.
1000 ounce Penoles bars are great for collecting dust too.
Especially if the dust has Gold in it.