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How $31 of pot gave mom a 10-year-prison sentence

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor

On Dec. 31, 2009, Spottedcrow and her mother, Delita Starr, 50, sold a “dime bag” of marijuana to a police informant at Starr's home in Kingfisher, court records state.

Starr handled the transaction and asked her 9-year-old grandson — Spottedcrow's son — for some dollar bills to make change for the $11 sale.

Two weeks later, the same informant returned and bought $20 of marijuana from Spottedcrow.

The two women were arrested for drug distribution and because Spottedcrow's children were in the home, an additional charge of possession of a dangerous substance in the presence of a minor was added.

Read more: http://newsok.com/how-31-of-pot-gave-mom-a-10-year-prison-sentence/article/3542585#ixzz1EYxJRXNb

Wow... U.S. drug laws are fucking retarded.


Well-known member
The oligarch that controls our government wants a nation of sheep that spy on each other and remain oblivious to reality.


Kiss My Ring
a very astute observation!
...shame really how many on these forums would criticize and condemn you for your sheeplessness.

Hey! anyone want to buy a slightly used roll of aluminum foil? worn once...


Get two birds stoned at once
So sad for the kids, how can they say that they are protecting them by destroying their childhoods.

I used to buy sometimes from two moms, they never had bags on hand and would always give me a couple baby food jars for small amounts lol.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
Where have we seen that before? Oh wait I know...

Where have we seen that before? Oh wait I know...

The oligarch that controls our government wants a nation of sheep that spy on each other and remain oblivious to reality.

That is what Stalin and Hitler did to control their population. The US government is one disaster, and one information leak away from enacting "Operation For Your own Good"


" the illusion of freedom will continue for as long as it is profitable to continue the illusion. at the point where the illusion becomes to expensive to maintain, they will take down the scenery, they will push back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater."
Frank Zappa


lets say 1 year in prison costs $50,000. don't really think i need a pencil for this one, thats $500,000 to keep a woman locked up who sold $31 worth of weed. now even if you forget about the woman's family and the the human side of this story how could you say that this is a sane situation. let her out and buy a half million dollars worth of math tutoring for the ball scratching morons who run this country.


thanks for the props hash ... anyone out there with any solid numbers on the money that is spent to lock stoners up every year? not really sure i even want to know but .....

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
Marijuana is top U.S. cash crop

Marijuana is top U.S. cash crop

anyone out there with any solid numbers on the money that is spent to lock stoners up every year? not really sure i even want to know but .....

^It is about 15 billion. yet it could add 35 billion to our GNP if we would legalize it. http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/nationworld/2003482836_marijuana18.html

Marijuana is top U.S. cash crop, pro-legalization analysis says

By Eric Bailey

Los Angeles Times

SACRAMENTO, Calif. — For years, activists in the marijuana-legalization movement have claimed that cannabis is America's biggest cash crop. Now they're citing government statistics to prove it.

A report released today by a marijuana public-policy analyst contends the market value of pot produced in the United States exceeds $35 billion — far more than the crop value of such staples as corn, soybeans and hay.

California is responsible for more than one-third of the cannabis harvest, with an estimated production of $13.8 billion, exceeding the value of the state's grapes, vegetables and hay combined. Marijuana is the top cash crop in a dozen states, the report states.

Jon Gettman, the report's author, is a public-policy consultant and leading proponent of the push to drop marijuana from the federal list of hard-core Schedule 1 drugs, such as heroin and LSD. He argues that the data support his push to begin treating cannabis like tobacco and alcohol by legalizing and reaping a tax windfall from it, while controlling production and distribution to better restrict use by teenagers.

Gettman's report cites figures in a 2005 State Department report estimating U.S. cannabis cultivation at 10,000 metric tons, or more than 22 million pounds — 10 times the 1981 production.

Using data on the number of pounds eradicated by police around the United States, Gettman produced estimates of the likely size and value of the cannabis crop in each state. His methodology used what he described as a conservative value of about $1,600 a pound compared with the $2,000- to $4,000-a-pound street value often cited by law-enforcement agencies.

Nationwide, the estimated cannabis production of $35.8 billion exceeds corn ($23 billion), soybeans ($17.6 billion) and hay ($12.2 billion), according to Gettman's findings.

"Not only is the problem worse in terms of magnitude of cultivation, but production has spread all around the country. To say the genie is out of the bottle is a profound understatement," Gettman said.

While withholding judgment on the study's findings, federal anti-drug officials took exception to Gettman's conclusions.

Tom Riley, a spokesman for the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy, cited examples of foreign countries that have struggled with big crops used to produce cocaine and heroin.

"Coca is Colombia's largest cash crop, and that hasn't worked out for them, and opium poppies are Afghanistan's largest crop, and that has worked out disastrously for them," Riley said. "I don't know why we would venture down that road."

so at 2500 a pound which is about accurate for national average I would guess still being conservative and that would out it at closer to 47 billion a year. tax 3 cents on the dollar and that is 1.41 billion. 9 cent tax and you have 4.23 billion. that is small tax and a big profit for the government, when will they do math? It wont solve all economic issues but it will be a little help. Not to mention billions saved in enforcement. I would guess it could lead to 7 to 10 billion in tax and revenue saving per year. It will also help empty over crowded prisons and unclog court systems. LOGIC MUST EVENTUALLY PREVAIL!
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auto guerilla

divide and conquer. it obviously works cus as stated above everyone watches eachother waiting to dob on them for something cus it pleases them to help the system as if it's our master. their like dumb dogs...obedient and oblivious...as long as they are being looked after. but what happens when the dog is no longer needed

it gets put down :(
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Active member
That article is absolutely full of drug warrior bullshit.

"Spottedcrow was unemployed and without a stable residence when arrested, the report states. The family lost their Oklahoma City home for not paying bills.

“When she needed money … this is the avenue she chose rather than finding legitimate employment,” the report states. “The defendant does not appear remorseful … and she makes justifications for her actions"

She lost her house because there are no jobs, so she does what she has to to feed her kid and keep a roof over their heads, and they say she is not remorseful, and makes justifications for her actions??????????

That pisses me off so bad I want to scream.
The fucking cops/courts should be the ones feeling remorse, and trying to justify their actions(which they can't)
No, act like this woman is a major criminal for trying to provide for her family the best she can.

I swear if the drug war ends in my life time I am going to do everything I can to see the perpetrators of it tried as war criminals.


Active member
if we could compile a list of the top drug war generals who could face war crime prosecutiuon who would it be? who are merely the puppets and spokespeople, and who are the players behind the scene who continue to profit off the drug war?


no remorse more than likely means that mrs. spottedcrow walked into court with her head higher than the judge thought it should be. maybe she did not have the ability to "grovel" as much as the judge needed to see that day. 10 years for $31 .... is anyone else having a real problem getting their head around those numbers? it's like my brain is demanding that this fact needs to make some sort of sense on at least one level before it will be accepted. the judge does not seem all that remorseful about the fact that she is nothing more than a gear in a very draconian machine. while i do my best to not EVER wish ill on another person it would be good to see one of the judges kids get caught slangin' the same massive amount of weed and get the same sentence. give the judge some time to reflect maybe. thinking her statements to the press would be somewhat different after that. or not ! just my two cents

Madrus Rose

post 69
Wow... U.S. drug laws are fucking retarded.

Well they sure are in states like texas oklahoma , florida etc ....and actually your right , they are all over still. The additional charge of "possession of a dangerous substance in the presence of a minor" was added .

What dangerous substance ? Marijuana ? No-one has ever died from ingesting pot for one thing or even gotten serious ill ...all hysterical legalese nonsense. These guys are just going after arrests & the courts actions are dispicable handing down that sentence.

The chances of a child injesting MJ over some aerosol cleaner , soap detergent , or nail polish remover is almost nil . And even if they managed to ingest a small amount of weed the effects or threat to their safety would be as non existent as if they ate some blades of grass or leaves off a tree . (prolly more harmful)

** Here's one of California's Top Narcotics Task Force chiefs just got caught stealing & selling Meth, Steroids, Xanex & pot just last week ...a big case.


Active member
Its not dangerous because you injest it. Its dangerous because people are robbed, killed, lives are ruined by courts over this stuff.

Knowing that, the system wants to penalize you for putting a child in harms way over a dangerous substance.

Just trying to clarify

Madrus Rose

post 69
Its not dangerous because you injest it. Its dangerous because people are robbed, killed, lives are ruined by courts over this stuff.

Knowing that, the system wants to penalize you for putting a child in harms way over a dangerous substance.

Just trying to clarify

Can agree this is the courts thinking TT ...and courts are all about making distinctions which makes their case in wording & statute & any refutation impossible . Hypothetically that it may be true in the "peoples" eye , but what is truer is the reality of children 1000 times more likely to be victims of domestic violence .... alcohol , meth, coccaine as the igniters & not MJ .

Doesn't seem that she was involving herself with those substances at all but all the facts aren't given just that they considered her a great risk for repeat offender status for selling more mj . The reality persists that children raised in the homes of pot smokers are a 1000 times at less risk than where alcohol is concerned . Alcohol related domestic violence & violent crime stats are off the charts ...but don't see them wanting to go back to prohibition?
(Or sending someone to 10yrs in prison for selling moonshine )

The stats for meth are staggering where dometic violence & violent crime stats are in many areas has meth use involved in 90% & above in all extreme violent cases . Her sentence if just for these small amounts of MJ is totally rediculous ...but point is taken.