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House and Garden people. Can i see your feeding program?

I've been using H&G for the last couple years with incredible results.
Rescently i moved to a new house, and have been having more problems with deficiencies than ever.
I use Bcuzz coco and the whole H&g line up.

This is how my plants were finishing when they were healthy.




Active member
I've used H & G for 2 years now. Aqua flake, hydro and bio 1 lines. I always see a P and mg deficiency from week 2 or 3 of flower onward. I've about given up on their products. It would be one thing to have these recurring problems if I was using some cheap ass product... but it isn't cheap is it?

Can't really complain about the yields, but it's too much work for the price.


If your having cal mag problems and your using pure coco I would suggest using H&G coco nuts as it has the cal and mag added. The only thing that the coco base nuts does is drop your PH levels a bit lower than they would normally get. Just check your ph levels and adjust as needed. Other than that I have had great results using the H&G nuts line. Of course I add some additives from other companies too. The RO water would also help. Good luck.


dude i use bcuzz and h&g, your not the only one with problems

several others besides us are having issues, fucking pain in my ballsack


I got the same problem

I got the same problem

I am having the same problem with H&G right now that a ton of other people are having. Some kind of Ca or Mg lockout or deficiency, I honestly cant figure it out and from what I have read all over this site, and others, there is a ton of people having the same problems. I am no newbie to growing either so this is really frustrating. Mine seem like they are struggling through some kind of tug of war for Ca and Mg between the coco and my plants. I have tried numerous things to remedy the problem with no sure fire way to fix it. Sometimes my plants will look lively and like they have finally came to some kind of balance, but nope I check on them a couple hours later and they are drooping like they have been overwatered or something. The funny thing is I have tried different things to different plants and they all still seem to be either happy or sad together as a whole no matter what i have done to them individually. If I cant figure it out this grow I am gonna scrap the H&G line, and I think alot of other people feel the same way. If anyone knows of a way to fix this problem, shoot me a pm, or post it here.


Can some of the growers having problems with House and Garden post some pics of their problem plants? I'm using House and Garden Aqua Flakes with all the additives. I use tap water that has about 10ppm and then adjust the ph down to 5.8 and thats it. All the people in this crew up here use H&G...They gave me a sheet that tells you how much of each nutrient in ml. to give each gallon of water. I vegged for 60 days have been in bloom for 24 days, and as of now I haven't seen any deficiency. The sheet I use looks pretty different than the formula on House and Gardens website. I've seen a couple of these guys rooms at day 50 of bloom at the plants looked super healthy, no Ca or Mg lockout whatsoever. The only thing I add outside the H&G line is Carbon Love Bud. I would be happy to post the formula that I was given if anyone is interested. I'll grab it from my garden tonight.
I am using H&G coco A&B, and the whole coco line up with Bcuzz coco.
RO water with a little tap mixed in. Same way i've been doing it for a few years now with exellent results.

About 5 months ago it started going downhill quick.


Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor
Advanced Nutrients or General Hydroponics, nuff' said. :joint:


Can some of the growers having problems with House and Garden post some pics of their problem plants? I'm using House and Garden Aqua Flakes with all the additives. I use tap water that has about 10ppm and then adjust the ph down to 5.8 and thats it. All the people in this crew up here use H&G...They gave me a sheet that tells you how much of each nutrient in ml. to give each gallon of water. I vegged for 60 days have been in bloom for 24 days, and as of now I haven't seen any deficiency. The sheet I use looks pretty different than the formula on House and Gardens website. I've seen a couple of these guys rooms at day 50 of bloom at the plants looked super healthy, no Ca or Mg lockout whatsoever. The only thing I add outside the H&G line is Carbon Love Bud. I would be happy to post the formula that I was given if anyone is interested. I'll grab it from my garden tonight.

yeah i'd like to see the schedule if you don't mind

my growth is doing ok, one of my clones is stunted for sure, but things will pick up soon
i just use the feedchart from their site

works simple enough and plants are ever so green and healthy

i have used many nute lines from AN to Canna to GH3 and more....

H&G is by far superior imo

but then again, what the hell do i know


sure do...

wouldnt grow without any flowering boosters :p

infact, i use the whole line

wow your plants look so nice

are you using tap or r.o.? fed once a day? what brand coco are you using?

so many people are having problems related to mag and K def and your completely successful using the regular schedule, could the excess amount of calcium in the H&G Coco part A combined with a bunch of calcium in your tap cause those lockouts??? is it worth a shot to add maybe a half or a full tablespoon of epsom salts to my mixture?
ty for the compliments kind sir

-RO water all day long 000ppms

H&G is worked/engineered? to work with RO. however if you are using tap, cut your feeding regime in half, if not more....and stick to the h&g line. all that other crap is unnecessary. IMO, it doesnt play well with H&G and if you really dont need any other products. If you go H&G, go H&G all the way! Not H&G mixed with this and that. This is where peoples problems come in....well i do recommend inoculation. I use Great White for both aero/nft and my coco.

I've even put up cal/mag and not buying another bottle. It isnt necessary like with all the other manufacturers. All of the A&B base nutrients in the House & Garden line have 11-12% calcium included in the "A" bottle.

-These are aero/nft hybrid plants.

However, its no different with my coco plants. i run corner plant stash in my tent just to sex other new genes and different head stash and run one main in the aero/nft.

No different though. Plants always healthy and such. I have pictures if you like, however nothing special. I just work my magic with 8 oz solo cups a bunch of them.

-Canna coco, 30-40 secs pump on every 6 hours

but then again....what do i know

oooooooppppssss sorrry fellas

i didnt realize this was in the coco forums....guess i gotta post up some coco pics now eh?
i been using bcuzz cococut cut with perlite with h@g nutes with ro water had problems when i tryed to just feed at one ph range. now i just ride the drift in my rez over the week so i get in optimum ranges for mag and calium thru the week . i do flush my coco once a week now and in the rare occasion they are showing a slight need for either i just give em liberal dose of calmag with the water phed to what it needs most with my weekly flush and is workin wonderfully


well it sounds like you know something...

i'm wondering if the people having similar problems are using tap water like me, if there was an insane amount of calcium in the tap mixed with that decent amount of cal in A part (which people are over nuting already) then that could be a potential reason for these issues

it seems like the consensus is were all developing a few deficiencies, at least potassium for sure, its possible that the excess cal is locking out mag (probably assisting in keeping K from being absorbed too) and doesnt coco already like to suck up potassium?