huh?! I am new to this thread so forgive me but butt boxing, no yes it was rather bot boxing. either way reminding myself I have some reading to do (and forgive me if I misread, on top of a heap of problems seems I can not read much up close and need reading glasses), don't mind me I look forward to reading this when I am less retarded! no actually had a problem with one of those and then didn't recently, I do not mock them I had at least 2 I considered friends while almost everyone would shun them and me for reasons totally mind boggling and unjust to me. Hopefully people will advance. i hope. I feel like almost "one of the crowd" (or is it herd?) and yet not quite and that small difference makes ALL the difference. It shouldn't we should respect individuality and differentness but very few seem to. I babble on and forgive I have to yet again apologize for myself the next day but hope you can forgive me in advance. you are right I know nothing of the subject you started a thread on, at any rate best of luck and hope I come back to figure out the true meaning! Be well my friend!