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Honolulu PD Demands Cannabis Patients Turn Over Their Firearms


Registered Non-Conformist
Cool thing about Hawaii, is that there really is no need for weapons. It's not like Detroit. People still settle shit with their fists. Ex-resident of Maui Here.

BTW, the outer islands are no more free of Police State Tactics. In fact, even worse, as it is a smaller world on say little Kauai - I was amazed at the brazen ness of the cops on Maui. It was like living in Mexico sometimes.

"" It’s entirely possible that we’ll see more of this behavior from other departments in urban, anti-gun cities like Los Angeles or similar communities."" I agree with this statement. Most likely they will come for weapons in other states.

But, I say GET THE ALCOHOLICS guns first. They are more of a threat.


Kiss My Ring
federal registration via NICS background check.
you don't get your firearm till you have that.
form 4473 can then stay with the dealer because they now have your information...

...is what i meant by registration.

every gun sold.

i know, they say they don't keep that for long. wink wink nod.

NSA? yeah they have it too.

moose eater

federal registration via NICS background check.
you don't get your firearm till you have that.
form 4473 can then stay with the dealer because they now have your information...

...is what i meant by registration.

every gun sold.

i know, they say they don't keep that for long. wink wink nod.

NSA? yeah they have it too.

I can't recall, as it's been too long since the last time I purchased a gun from/through a licensed dealer. But I don't believe the NICS check involves any specific gun info, such as serial #, type, etc. I believe it's just a "may the person buy a firearm or not?" scenario.

I quit buying my own new guns from licensed outlets after the NICS checks went into effect, due to my past activism involvement, public statements, published/posted writings, etc., and the very real potential that if you ever do get a rejection in the NICS process, then technically, some agency or another could (technically, legally??) deduce that if you're not able to -buy- a gun due to some gov. flag or another, than you're technically not permitted to -have- or possess the ones you -already- own either, potentially prompting a visit that leaves you less materially wealthy (or more dead) than you began that day.

A primary protective layer or barrier being the tendency toward lethargy as practiced by bureaucrats.. They'd have to finish the donut and coffee, straighten the hair, de-lint the suit, put aside the lunch calendar, etc., and all of that would likely take up a good portion of the remaining hours of any given day.. :biggrin:

That said, the last 2 or 3 purchases for firearms here, through a licensed dealer, were -years ago-, and were bought by my wife, either as a gift for me, or for herself.. And third-party private sales in Alaska aren't tracked in any way, providing the seller isn't an FFL holder.. Though I keep hand-written paper on any weapon I sell -anyone- to cover my own ass. :)
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moose eater

BTW, it's my belief that your second biggest de facto firearms registration method is credit card receipts and personal checks. ALWAYS use cash when able to. Track -THAT-!! ;^>)


Registered Non-Conformist
Hawaii ain't the Mainland. Better and worse. EDIT: Moose Eater - I like your POV - and edit 2 - We used to say, on an outer Island, "your neighbor can tell what you ate by the smell of your farts."

Green Squall

Well-known member
I just read that its being reviewed and reevaluated by State Police. Sad how they are singling out cannabis. I'd be more worried about gun owners who are on a cocktail of LEGAL psychotropic drugs, and then mixing it with alcohol!

I can't recall the details, but weren't there a handful of states last year that upheld a ban on firearms sales to people who hold MMJ Cards?

moose eater

I can't speak in an informed manner to other states having held the line where MMJ and firearms purchases are concerned (there may well have been some), but I believe that BATFE sent out letters/notices to FFL holders/dealers emphasizinbg the continued federal status of cannabis under federal law as it relates to firearms purchases and the 4473s.

Where medical cannabis is concerned, the feds are alot like the wounded knight on the bridge in Monty Python's 'In Search of the Holy Grail,' refusing to acknowledge their defeat, and taunting the other to come back to do more battle.

"It's only a flesh wound!!," or some such utterance.:)

I just read that its being reviewed and reevaluated by State Police. Sad how they are singling out cannabis. I'd be more worried about gun owners who are on a cocktail of LEGAL psychotropic drugs, and then mixing it with alcohol!

I can't recall the details, but weren't there a handful of states last year that upheld a ban on firearms sales to people who hold MMJ Cards?
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I probably will not be too popular with the shoot'em up crowd, but I really don't care.

Though I personally feel the Federal Law regarding gun ownership by MMJ users to be stupid, and the move by the police chief to be grandstanding, after all she has been in charge for what? A week? The law is the law. It is her job to enforce it. End of story.

As a resident of Hawaii I am fine with guns being registered. I am also quite happy with the fact that if you get caught with an unregistered gun you will go to jail. As a result, most crime here is of the unarmed variety. Forbes ranked Honolulu as #3 in their safest cities, and cited our strict gun laws as the reason why.

More than 13,000 people in the US were killed by guns last year. Should they be registered? Just my opinion.... I think so.

So you ever hear of a place called Chicago ?? Some of the strictest gun laws in the country. Hate to say it but Hawaii has a tad different demographic.


Well-known member
Had a friend tell me about meth head that tried climbing through a window into his house in HI where he lived with his young kids and wife. . .

Even after my friend switching on the light and going at the guy with a club, dude kept trying to climb all the way in.

Guess he finally got pummeled enough to give up. . .

These lawmakers ought to have to live with such concerns before considering such dipshit legislation like that.


Active member
Looks like the ideal is catching on...

Delaware police officials seek to firm up gun ban, want weed use noted on driver’s licenses

By Randall Chase, The Associated Press

DOVER, Del. — As lawmakers consider whether to legalize recreational marijuana use, some law enforcement officials are suggesting new steps to ensure that marijuana users in Delaware don’t have guns.

William Bryson, chairman of the Delaware Police Chiefs Council, told a state panel Wednesday that marijuana users should be required to have a driver’s license endorsement indicating that they use pot.

Bryson says the proposal would help ensure that users of marijuana, whether for medical or recreational purposes, are in compliance with federal law, which prohibits marijuana users from owning guns.

Bryson noted that the federal background check form requires gun purchasers to state whether they unlawfully use marijuana. It also warns them that marijuana use remains unlawful under federal law, regardless of whether it has been legalized or decriminalized by a state.


Active member
Looks like there was some push back...

Honolulu medical marijuana patients can keep their guns, but not buy new ones

By The Associated Press

HONOLULU — The Honolulu Police Department has been requiring medical marijuana patients to relinquish their guns, but the department’s chief says that never should have happened.

The Honolulu Star-Advertiser reports that Chief Susan Ballard said on Wednesday it’s legal for a new medical marijuana patient to possess guns they already own, but they can’t buy additional guns once they become a patient.

The department will continue to deny new gun permits for marijuana patients, but the days of making them give up their guns are over.
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Ballard says the department will return firearms to the two people who voluntarily gave them up.

moose eater

I strongly suspect that in their cost:benefit analysis, they've (correctly) concluded that it's a lot less potentially hazardous to tell someone "No' at a sales counter, than to show up at who-knows-how-many peoples' homes, and say, "Give us your guns."

-I- wouldn't want that job. Not even if they were paying double salary with full benefits.


Seed Whore
Does he also ask them to turn over their firearms if they drink alcohol?

I think more people harmed others while under the influence of alcohol vs cannabis by a long shot.

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