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Honey instead of Molasses?


hello, i know a lot of people use molasses during flowering to increase bud size and resin.

plants alrdy use sugars as energy, so i guess the molasses helps with budding, some how.

i am wondering if honey could also be used, and what the differences might be.

and of course if anyone has ever used any other type of sugar, such as honey, please let us know what your experience was.

honey is very good for the human body, much better then most other sugars.


Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
I have used maple syrup

Did not find it made much difference to the yield, did make it stink ( according to gf)


Dr Dog said:
I have used maple syrup

Did not find it made much difference to the yield, did make it stink ( according to gf)

LOL you poured Maple Syrup in your soil? If so that would be funny to have seen.

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
actually did not pour it in, bubbled it with water for a few days

Being Canadian, it only made sense to try it, it was kind of funny, only time gf complained of smell of the weed is when I smoked the buds from the maple syrup plants


her dankness
Molasses is super cheap compared to other sources of liquid sugar. Use unsulfured only. It's simply a source of available carbon. A carb synthesizer will help plants use it. As with any addition of carbon, it's only effective if your plants are healthy and vigorous and under ample light.


thanks for the replies.

i have found that honey is not a good idea, it is a natural anti-bacterial... it could kill the bacteria in the soil the plant likes

also as others have said, molasses is not only important for the sugars, but is rich in other things as well

im gonna keep reading, but the consensus is Black Strap Molasses is the way to go, because it is even more rich in nutrients the plant can use compared to normal molasses.

of course i am new to all this, so do some research before you qoute me plz


St. Elsewhere
I've also read that honey is very anti-bacterial. I suggest Brer Rabbit Blackstrap Molasses. More potent than Grandma's.

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