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Honduras sativa

Cactus Squatter

Well-known member
ehehhe let them be for some time more if trichomes are not ripe enough for your taste, but try to don't overripe the plants since imo a big part of the magic of this Honduran sativa comes from its very clean cerebral effects. Thank you so much for your support this year Cactus Squatter a pleasure to see your beautiful plants and your presence among us :tiphat:

I had to pull them not long after posting my last. We had a bunch of rain come in followed by freezing temps for a few days. They ended up having a little amber to them when picked.

The purple pheno has the most insane smell in the jars as it’s curing. Perfume, incense, slightly livery, and a note of something that reminds me of Masa being made but I can’t place it yet.
The green pheno had a crazy puppy breath smell while growing, but after drying and starting its cure it has changed to a sweeter mj kinda smell with a really slight undertone of that same “Masa” kind of smell. The green pheno looked exactly like the “Mexican” plants I grew in the 90’s. Flowered the same, slightly different smell in flower with the pronounced puppy breath thing, but now smells exactly like so much of what we used to get in bags and in our grows from those seeds. The little quick dried piece I smoked had a nice warm feeling to it. Clear headed but very warm bodied and relaxing.

Some one in my circle will for sure be running several next year. These were so easy to keep happy and had so much vigor it’s insane.


Well-known member
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This Honduras has been sitting in my mother tent getting ignored for months. I put her in a tent that Im running a bunch of hazes in, as an after thought as I had some extra room in there. So I thought what the hell I'll just throw the Honduras in there.

Well well well… She's quickly trying to steal the show, she stretched continuously until week 5 of flower and is now starting to stack in a completely symmetrical fashion from the very bottom to the top of every single one of her branches. She's a real looker, probably going to produce some nice colas the way she's starting to stack.

She is a seed from the Mexican pheno line out of the Breeders pack.

Dubi- Im currently feeding her at 1.1 EC. What should I consider the maximum to feed her? I don’t want to burn her so I’ll probably keep her at 1.1-1.2 EC for the next few weeks unless she asks for more. I’m not sure she could handle 1.4-1.5 without burning? Any advices you can give me as to what EC to stay at would be greatly appreciated. :D:tiphat:


Well-known member
WOW! thats going to be huge when its filled out amazing genetics from Ace I dont know how they do it.


Well-known member
Hi hi....... A good plan ..... 1.4 is a lot for them. If you use a compound fertilizer, you can adjust the conditions well. That Honduras looks super.

Thank you friend, she’s an elegant lady for certain. :headbange:D

I’ll keep her at 1.2 EC then :tiphat:


ACE Seeds Breeder
What a beauty OZZ_ :) Great structure and flower development after 5 weeks of flowering :yes:

Keep the feeding at 1.2 if she doesn't show yellowing, ina a few weeks you can increase a bit more up to 1.4 in the peak of flower production when the budsites are joining and forming colas. Please keep us updated!


Well-known member
Greetings, fellow Honduras growers!

It's great to see this thread stay active, with so many amazing pictures being posted recently.

I wanted to do a write-up comparing the different females I've seen so far. I ended up keeping 2 females and 1 male out of the pack.


The first female was kept from a small three-seed test run last year. She has a robust structure, with strong and uniform branching of medium/high vigor; medium/large internode distance; 6-week stretch; and 14-15 week flowering time indoors under 11/13 light regime.

In veg, she generally shows broader/shorter leaves. Branching is sturdier and more robust, while somewhat less vigorous than the equatorial types, resulting in a "skeletal", bushy appearance.

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Clones begin flowering under 11/13 within 2 weeks, while the stretch continues for 6 weeks, creating a sprawling, large plant with that allows plenty of light penetration to the lower branches. Final height is "medium" only with HST, and relative to the equatorial type. Otherwise, and with bending alone, she can easily reach 5-6ft when flowered from 10-12''. She produces relatively tight flower clusters, forming large, thick colas near the top of the plant. Smell is discreet but pleasant, flowery against a woody background. Resin is medium-low, concentrated mainly on flower bracts. Thick, prominent stigmas turn rust-orange as they mature.

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Dried flower has a spongy fell, and is about 60% of the density of a modern hybrid tight-nug cultivar. Very easy to trim. Cured bud is less flowery (to me), with more wood/leather kind of smell. Smoke quality is superb. There is a bright , somewhat sharp/astringent, but also sweet note on the inhale, perhaps citric.

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The effect is great for morning/daytime use. Very true to @dubi's description, it is initially energetic and active, perfect especially for getting the day started. I have shared some with a friend's mother who suffers from body aches and joint pain. She reports significant pain relieving effect, and also comments positively that it doesn't get her "zoinked" like more modern weed, leaving her functional. I also recently had a bout of food poisoning. A single joint of H2 the next morning vaporized the nausea, and gave me a burst of energy and appetite to eat a hearty meal and quickly recover.


This is a very interesting , "wild" equatorial phenotype I found when I grew out the rest of the Honduras pack.

She is an ultra-vigorous plant with fast-growing branches that shoot straight up for a very bushy, but "vertical" appearance, with large internode spacing and extreme stretch. Secondary branching is thinner than H2, less robust and sturdy, but faster-growing and pliable. Cuttings root very well.

In veg, she displays a characteristic leaf shape with shorter petioles and leaf lobes that start out wider at the base, but taper off to a long, sharp point. She seems naturally a lighter shade of green than the other females, given the same level of nitrogen. Heavy drinker in veg, and seems to accept a generally "wetter" medium well. She is very healthy and very quickly grows out of minor issues like Mg imbalance after rooting.

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Clones are slow to flower, with 3-4 weeks before clusters begin developing in earnest. Vertical stretch continues for at least 8 weeks, but slows down considerably after the initial 6-week burst. With bending alone, she can still easily outgrow a 7ft tent in a 3-gal pot. As flowers develop, numerous trichomes also appear on leaves. This specimen is, without a doubt, the most resinous and fragrant female of the bunch. Flower clusters are very loose, with tiny bracts throwing out countless stigmas. Early on, she has a distinct sour lemon / fuel smell. It mellows out a bit later, but is still present in dried flower, and the taste of the smoke. This plant seems to mature from the bottom up, and the tips of the spear-shaped colas continue stretching even after 11 weeks of 11/13. This may also be explained by too much N in flower, however.

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I have now attempted to flower out this plant three times. I am definitely getting a better hang of it each time, but I have yet to see an appreciable amount of well-grown flower. The first run was an open pollination, and she never had time to develop mature flowers. Second run was better - until I had to leave for two weeks right around week 8 of flower. The plant was too large for the 3-gal pot, and I believe that the Blumat system I had installed did not perform adequately, I came back home to see a large share of fan leaves drying up and falling off. She never recovered, and much of the harvested flower was already dry and unusable. After carefully removing all the brown stuff from the better-looking samples, I was able to try some relatively fresh, and then again after 2 months of cure.

The effect is similar to her sister, H2. The perceived potency is a bit stronger, and the effect can be described as more "body anxious". It is not immediate, and hits its full stride some 5-10 minutes after finishing a joint. It is more complex than H2 due to the body component. H11 is more physically energizing, which feels a little bit like joints of electricity making my muscles twitch and beg to be activated. As the high develops, it can also lead to some cerebral spaced out experiences. The taste is similar to H2, but features a more prominent sour/acidic note.

I am very anxiously awaiting the end of flower on my current run of H11. She's still mostly green and healthy at 12 weeks despite some Calcium issues, and I think she will be a real treat when done proper.


This is another equatorial type. Very vigorous, but with a more robust/horizontally oriented secondary branching, compared to H11, and a more "regular"-looking, very elegant, narrow leaf with 7-9 fingers. In veg, she looks like a prototypical "sativa".

In flower, she behaves almost identically to H11, with similar stretch, final size, and flower structure. The biggest difference is that unlike her sister, she is neither resinous nor fragrant. Rubbing some fresh flowers between my fingers, I could detect only a very faint flowery scent, against the usual "green plant" background. For this reason, I did not, ultimately, keep this plant in clone form. I did, however, put a roughly 12-15" clone outside in mid-July (39N), guerilla -style. She grew quite well initially, until some kids apparently discovered heir and nearby pulled her out of the ground.

Due to security concerns, my next visit was not until early November. I found a 7-foot tall stalk that had been picked completely clean by deer, except for the top 2 feet. I collected some flower to test, but it was so loose and wispy that it dried to almost nothing. In any case, she wasn't any better outdoors with respect to terpene expression.

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This female was very similar to H2 in terms of appearance and growth habits, except maybe for slightly weaker, floppier branching. She is very fast to flower under 11/13. The stretch is manageable, producing the smallest overall female of the bunch.

Flower clusters appear reasonably dense, but do not stack as well as H2, resulting in longer, spear-shaped colas that require support. The aroma starts out with a lot more incense than her sisters, but this note seemed to dissipate over time in flower, giving way to a less refined organic veggie-type smell. She matures much faster than her sisters, probably by week 12 or so. I had her go for 15, which was clearly too long, as she ended up with numerous male flowers poking out all over.

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Despite tighter, vaguely H2-like appearance of the buds while on the plant, harvested flower was very wispy and stringy, even more so than the equatorial types. After 2 months of curing, the green/veggie/onion aroma predominates. The smoke is not as pleasant as H2 and H11, and the perceived effect is similar to H2 but weaker.

Due to sexual instability in late flower, as well as unfavorable terpene profile, I did not keep a mother plant. She is a prodigious seed producer, however, and I have a few just in case.

Overall, I am very happy with the results. Of the 4 females, I consider H2 and H11 very interesting to work with, with H11 being the clear standout for terpenes and effect, despite its wildness. Herm-wise, out of the pack, there was only one true intersex plant early on that I discarded, plus H6 that hermed in late flower. Some issues are obviously to be expected with an equatorial-leaning outdoor line grown indoors, but the stability of the keepers is impressive. They refuse to flower under 13/11, and express firmly under 11/13 all the way through flowering. The resinous reddish keeper male that I selected from the bunch is also impressive in its stability. I will post about him separately once I compile my notes.

Many regards to Dubi and the ACE crew, and of course the original grower(s) who kept this line going in Honduras!


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Cactus Squatter

Well-known member
So the Green Honduras pheno, it’s very quick acting against both headaches and Menstrual cramps for 2 women I know. Awesome because everything else that has worked for them are heavy indicas that’ll ruin a day if they need to stay productive.
With this Green Honduras the pain/discomfort is gone and they’re back to getting things done.


...como el Son...
It is true that for pain in general the Indicas are more effective. However, it seems from general opinions, that for migraine and menstrual discomfort sativas are better (?)


ACE Seeds Breeder
MrFancyPlant love your report and feedback :)thank you so much. Those are some wonderful tropical sativas finished indoors, props! :tiphat:
Happy to hear you are pleased with the results after the ride, H # 2 looks like the most classic Mexican pheno, well at least the dry flower does. Extreme flower/leaf ratio, not much resins.
Glad its providing good medical relief without causing heaviness, tiredness or confusion.... these usually have a clean, pristine stimulating effect, probably closer to solo cup of coffee or to a soft stimulant than to the effects of most modern hybrids strains with so much heavy Afghani.

H # 11 and H # 6 show a very strong Colombian sativa structure and flower development, colas are impressive :headbange
although unless they show lots of purpleness in late flowering, later most of these types also finish producing a finished product closer in qualities to the Mexican pheno than the Colombian stated in the description.

H #10 is indeed the wildest and most tropical, therefore not performing so well indoors as the others. This one probably needs sun, yet i'm sure can be grown well indoors, better from clone.

So the Green Honduras pheno, it’s very quick acting against both headaches and Menstrual cramps for 2 women I know. Awesome because everything else that has worked for them are heavy indicas that’ll ruin a day if they need to stay productive.
With this Green Honduras the pain/discomfort is gone and they’re back to getting things done.

that's great to hear Cactus Squatter :huggg: thank you so much for the feedback on her medicinal qualities, much appreciated.


Well-known member

Some beautiful Honduras up in here guys! Bravo!

mine is coming along nicely, here we are at middle of week 7 and she’s continuing to form colas.

She’s a beauty. Tomorrow she gets her first feeding again of liquid nutes, up until now I simply top dressed with worm castings and gave her RO and cal mag.


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Well-known member
What a beauty OZZ_ :) Great structure and flower development after 5 weeks of flowering :yes:

Keep the feeding at 1.2 if she doesn't show yellowing, ina a few weeks you can increase a bit more up to 1.4 in the peak of flower production when the budsites are joining and forming colas. Please keep us updated!

Thanks Dubi, hope all is well! I’m very nervous to do that because she burned up on me at 1.1 EC (biocanna flores), but if you say she can handle 1.2 EC at this stage then I’ll give it to her. Hitting her with 1.2 tomorrow!:headbange:good:


New member
Hola gente!! Actualizo desde Uruguay 🇺🇾

16x10 grow space. Compulsive cropping 😅😅 plants from 4 to 6 ft tall at this moment (- 1 month to start flowering 🤤🤤)

Left to right, at back:

- Angola/Bangui x Old Congo
- 3 Honduras
- 1 OT Haze (front past seasson, revegged)

At front:

- Golden Tiger
- 2 Nepal/PCK
- Golden Tiger
- Oaxacan Gold x Punto Rojo

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Last 3 are Honduras

Saludos !! 🙌🙌
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Well-known member
Beautiful garden jmlt1989 !

Please keep us updated. Uruguay is quite far from Honduras, will be exciting to see how they do.

Well obviously the hybrids you're growing are also made with genetics from faraway places. But the ACE Honduras is a real tropical landrace, from what I understand.


ACE Seeds Breeder
Hola jmlt1989 :wave: Thanks for posting pics of your this season' outdoor plants, plants are growing very healthy like last season.
How did your Oldtimer's Haze finish last year ? I don't recall to see finished pics .... did she survive the winter and you are growing her again this year after reveg?
That would be a nice example of perennial tropical cannabis adapted to your climate and latitude.

The Honduras are super vigorous and massive yielders, even more when grown directly in soil. Please, keep us updated!

goingrey Honduras is indeed a tropical sativa but can be grown with great success around latitudes of 30+ like Uruguay unless in continental places of autumn with early freezing temps.

Cactus Squatter

Well-known member
Something happened today that hasn’t happened to me in a loooooooong time. I’d had 2 bowls of HonPan about 2 hours earlier in the day with one friend of mine, and then another friend came over that didn’t believe me that old school type weed could be amazing, and thought the “soaring high” people talk about with old sativas was just from new smokers getting a head rush the first few times…
We both have very high tolerance levels and very rarely “overdo” it.

So we broke out some of the more choice buds of my Purple Honduras pheno.
We ripped two bowls of that with the earlier arriving friend only taking one hit of it and sitting down, and the two of us finishing those bowls.
And then it happened… I got the freaking whities and started spinning a bit and had to sit down on the damn floor so as not to meet it face first. 😂
The friend who only took one hit started laughing at me and asked if the world started spinning way too much for me too. The overspun feeling passed quickly and as I was standing back up my other friend was sitting down on the floor having found the spins as well. We all ended up laughing uncontrollably for a bit and really enjoying the Honduras vibe.
It’s crazy how clear the high is yet at the same time being a very rushing, flying, floating kind of feel. It’s very unique among everything I’ve grown.

It’s been a bit since I got the spins like that.

So my buddy is now sold on the fact that light, fluffy looking old school smoke can be pretty damn amazing.

The Honduras is truly something special.
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Well-known member
Are there any berry scents on the more anthocyanin/purple plants? I'm wondering if I should choose the honduras for a hybrid or the PHxM. I know purple Haze x Malawi has berry smelling phenotypes and has killer potency, I just am hesitant to breed with 18 week haze dominant varieties, the 13-14 weeks for honduras is more manageable and the high yield is very appealing too, maybe I should grow them both 😆