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Honduras sativa


Well-known member
I know you say H5 is better structure , but those tops on H6 are beautiful Solar. :D You have drawn a really pretty and productive shape from this plant.

I was thinking the exact same thing man they are crazy good.


ACE Seeds Breeder
Hi SolarLogos,

Very happy to see the results of your Honduras breeding :) Glad to hear you keep working with the line in pure form.
This year Hondurans look even with fattier colas than previous year. Surprised you comment Honduras finishes even later than Oldtimer's Haze there, here it finishes more than 1 month earlier!
But sure, looks like yours will finish in January, hope they do well until the end!

I have two lines that I've been working, the H5 and H6. H5 has the smaller calyxes of the two lines and H6 has medium size calyxes. Both lines usually finish in the greenhouse the 2nd week of January, finishing even later than OTH. Both are looking very frosty considering there is still more time to flower. Honduran is usually hairy with small trichomes and small calyxes, so there is certainly improvement over resin coverage.
The white on the leaves is Diatomaceous Earth.


New member
that is mixed with synthetic marijuana that was created 4 for ppl n D 90’s era . no thanks!
the thc synthetic mj is/was very psycho active! if it is was what ppl claim p.75 from grimm selection if u ask me. either way, i get those assumptions enjoy.

Lester Beans

Frequent Flyer
that is mixed with synthetic marijuana that was created 4 for ppl n D 90’s era . no thanks!
the thc synthetic mj is/was very psycho active! if it is was what ppl claim p.75 from grimm selection if u ask me. either way, i get those assumptions enjoy.

I don't understand any of this ...


Well-known member
Honduras sativa mixed with synthetic marijuana from the 90's? What the fuck is synthetic marijuana and what Honduras has anything to do with Princess selection/C99 breeding? Someone stayed high on the acid train or what?

Well, that's what I think I understood so far from that nonsense, I might be totally wrong though :laughing:


Well-known member
Honduras sativa mixed with synthetic marijuana from the 90's? What the fuck is synthetic marijuana and what Honduras has anything to do with Princess selection/C99 breeding? Someone stayed high on the acid train or what?

Well, that's what I think I understood so far from that nonsense, I might be totally wrong though :laughing:
Was told not to try any of the weed available at Christinia this year
It is mixed with "spice" which apparently is a form of synthetic weed,and,that people get physically sick from it
If my memory serves me right,at some point in the 90s,there was a similar 'synthetic" thing going around


Well-known member
Well I remember hearing about synthetic THC, don't know if it's the same but it's garbage IMHO... Just something for retarded people who thinks it's all about THC and nothing else.

It's like those ones who thinks everything about weed is from Holland, world capital of cannabis they say... They have obviously no idea what they're talking about :). When I talk to some fellow growers about my weed growing, they all ask what I'm growing like "white widow, northern light, ...". Well you know what I mean. When I tell them I have been growing pure old school Haze/Sativa 17+ weeks flowering strains, they're like "wtf"... Pretty much all "New school" growers don't know anything about above 8 weeks seed-> harvest strains...

Edit: don't know anything about above 8 weeks
Last edited:


Well-known member
Hello ACE & friends,

I've started another batch of Honduras seeds for an open pollination project. I have a Mexican/late flowering pheno mother, plus 8 new plants that are just about 4 weeks old. I'd like to see what a Colombian side of the heritage has to offer, but more importantly, back up the line so I can play around with it later. The Mexican side alone makes this line worth keeping. They are just about to be flipped to 11/13.


I am also running some clones of my Honduran mother for flower. These will be scrogged - I'd like to see what this plant can do when grown with a little extra veg time and space for the roots to develop. As you can probably see, I'm currently having some issues with fungus gnats on my first run of these no-till totes, despite a healthy predatory mite population in my soil mix.


Really excited to continue working with this cultivar!


Well-known member
Thanks herbgreen! The clover does look nice but it's a great habitat for those damn gnats... Oh well. I suppose a functioning ecosystem has to have its villains to keep the heroes hanging around.

I am eternally thankful for a partner who doesn't get bent out of shape over a tiny fly here and there :yay:


Active member
....mosquito dunks

Gnatrol is same thing just 10X stronger

Fungus gnats.... havent seen one in a long time

I would use the Gnatrol knock em out

then maintain with mosquito dunks/bits

same enzyme or whatever....

however, dunks can take awhile to get em


ACE Seeds Breeder
Thanks MrFancyPlants :)

Glad you liked enough the 'Mexican pheno' of our Honduras to keep clones of your selection and to grow some of her offspring.


Well-known member
My Honduras plants are now a little over a week into flowering. I can see one definite female and several suspected males, though it is probably too early to tell.

4 of these 8 are especially strong and vigorous:

There are clearly two phenotypes here. The plant at the right/top right stands out for having large fan leaves with deeply-serrated, narrow fingers. I grew another plant from an unrelated line (skunk/blueberry) last year. She had a very similar-looking leaf and structure, and produced purple bracts.

The other 4 plants are somewhat shorter:

They seem a bit more finicky and less vigorous. It may also be they are not as thirsty as the first group, and I have been somewhat overwatering them. This group contains all 3 of the suspected (so, potentially earlier flowering) males.

In the meantime, the clones I am growing for flower are bushing out, and will be ready for the second net soon. It's not the most even scrog but they look like they will reward me mightily nonetheless.



Well-known member
Hello friends,

I am now about 2.5 weeks into flowering my 9 Hondurans (8 from seed, 1 clone from my first Honduras grow). Of the baby plants from seed, there are 4 males and 4 females. There is quite a bit of variation, in a good way. I'd like to share some pictures and notes. Sorry for the bad (bright and reflective) lighting in many of these, but I hope these document the general natural structure and look of each phenotype at this stage of development. I had not done any pruning up to this point for the same reason.

H4 - male

Height: 19.5''
Shortest of the bunch. Broad leaf. Light green but not quite yellowish like H5. Holds his leaves better as well. Good structure, branchy yet stout. Has the most interesting smell on the stem rub.


H5 - male

Height: 26''
Similar leaf shape to H4, with similar structure, but stretchier, and with droopier top fan leaves. Stem rub is similar to the H2 mother, but not as intense, as more zesty. The top is lightest in color among the siblings, looking almost yellowish under the COBs.


H7 - male

Height: 29''
Tallest male. Thinner leaf, with frequent double serrations. Generally sparser appearance. More perky than H4/H5. Mature fan leaves tend to form an almost 90 degree angle at the stem. Not overly branchy with a more columnar appearance. The smell on the stem rub is faint but distinct.


H9 - male

Height: 26''
Almost a transitional type between H4/H5 an H7, but closer to H7. Wider leaf with fewer if any double serrations. Smell on the stem rub similar to H2 but weaker.


Females to follow...


Well-known member
H6 - female

Height: 34.5''
Wide leaf with shorter petioles, very stretchy toward the top, even after some pinching. Thick, prominent, but less numerous stigmas, compared to H12.First female to show sex.


H10 - female

Height: 34''
Similar to H12, but even closer to H7 in terms of structure and leaf size/shape. Smell on the stem rub has a fine mushroom-like quality to it.


H11 - female

Height: 33.5
Similar to H6 in terms of leaf appearance, but is seems more columnar, like H7/H10. Last in terms of flower development.


H12 - female

Height: 28''
Shortest of the females. Giant fan leaves with thinner, deeply and often double serrated fingers. Very branchy. What I originally thought were male flowers turned out to be tertiary branches. Can't quite make out the stem rub yet.



Happy growing to all, as always!