When I visit my friends in Detroit we will often times make the trip to Ann Arbor. 42 degrees is a fucking museum. Almost all my glass comes from Ann Arbor, Oregon, and Norcal.
Nice GW i love glass my boy has 2 bearclaws from 42 and they are sick im gonna make it out their one day i love my glass i got 2 German RooRs, A George from Bern Glass bub, and a Jessie Hastings Dry! and all i need to finish my collection is a bear claw!
Heres My glass collection!
My stizash!
This is what ive been puffing on lately took some out to char!
i rememeber seeing a show where the dea or cops or whoever took an armored personnel carrier with a ram on it and were busting down growhouse/crackhouse/dealer doors. pretty scary. northern michigan has some nice areas for people wanting to go larger though. I won't elaborate, but if you know the area, you know what i'm talkin about.