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Home Invasion Gone Wrong



I can't find the original news story... and the second updated story link no longer works. I was wondering if the victim will be charged with manslaughter.


Go to sacbee.com. I bet they drop even the state manslaughter charges and go federal on the plants.
California manslaughter is either 3, 6 or 11 years. Involuntary is 2, 3 or 4. And you can get out after half of that.
Federal five years at 85% is four years three months. I can guess which way this will go.

They will most likely try the thief that survived in Nevada County and he will, apparently, face murder charges.
Of course, he will ask for a change of venue, if he's smart.


Maybe they didn't cut their stuff down because they were in compliance? Have to see what the lawyers say.

Royal said all four people at the Tobacco Road ranch house had doctor's recommendations for marijuana. But the sheriff called the ranch operation a commercial grow and said residents appeared to be in violation of local protocols that allow medical pot users to legally raise only six plants each.

Not that LEO would know what to do with a collective besides destroy it.


Active member
sometimes karma comes fast...

pickup truck fast

Awesome response. I'm glad the thieves got what they deserved, but it bothers me that the man avenging his family is put in prison. Rediculous.



Active member
sometimes karma comes fast...

pickup truck fast

Awesome response. I'm glad the thieves got what they deserved, but it bothers me that the man avenging his family is put in prison. Rediculous.

That's why he's in prison, he wasn't avenging his family, unless your calling money and weed family now, because that's all they took.
They were gone, all in the house were safe, and this dude went after them and caused one to die, his house to get raided, all his weed taken by the cops, and pending charges on the roommates.
None of that shit would have happened if he just stayed home.
They could have kept on growing, made the stolen money back, and life would be fine.
The guy should have stayed home.

Hash Man

As for all the locals being behind the victem, its true, but as you leave north san juan and enter grass valley and nevada city, everything becomes a lot more conservative. Its not the free for all that people think it is up in this neck of the woods. I will be suprised if he gets off his charges. The local police say they really do not care about the production aspect of nsj, what they worry about is the violence that can happen from the grows... and this situation is a good example. It happens every year and all it takes is one slip up to get caught in the middle of a bad situation. While all the locals do look out for each other, there is very little one can do on isolated land with enemies inside ones house. This is a sad situation for the locals, and is a good reminder to follow the basic rules of not having anyone come back to your house, especially if you have a grow going on like they did. Too many people out here are lax about ther trim parties and invite way too many " trustworthy" strangers to help them get product ready. Also, there is a large network of foreigners who come in and make their yearly wage from trims. Too many loose ends and absent minded trust going on in nsj, hopefully this will serve as a remuinder that it is not all good.

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