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Hollywood Gives Marijuana an "R" Rating


New member
what they show to kids

what they show to kids

Lately ive been seeing the previews for this movie, It's Complicated.

The scenes they are showing for the general audience to promote

the film are the scenes about smoking marijuana.


Active member
you all would probably love the film "this movie(film?) is not yet rated" its about the MPAA, and how fuckedup there rateing system is.


Active member
I wish they'd rate the commercials too.

I'm sick of commercials about clit ticklers, dick enlargement pills and erections that last more than 4 hours.

Rate em R and don't allow them on TV!!


High Grade Specialist
i just started watching the tv show dexter first season.
so far two references to marijuana: one time a crackhead wife-beating knucklehead is about to smoke it up. another time some young goth kid offers the protagonist to suck his dick for weed money. its a really good show but the portrayal of weed is ridiculous.

it would be interesting to analyse how weed is portrayed in media overall.


In my humble opinion, movie/video game/TV show/whatever the fuck's being rated by some dumbfuck agency ratings are completely redundant. The only thing they do is tell children "you're too young/stupid/generally not ready for this" and we all know what that makes children think: I WANNA SEE IT MOMMYYYY!!!
And it's not like they're not gonna find a way to obtain the thing that's being withheld from them anyway. Parents should stop trying to demonize shit like that and instead let their kids watch whatever, or at least talk with them about why they'd rather the kids not see that specific movie. Stuff like this makes me cringe.


just because they can find a way to see it doesnt mean they shouldnt have the first line of defense for kids seeing it, the rating system withholding viewing of certain shows to those under the legal age, 13, 18, whatever.

i remember the liberating feeling of turning 13, and seeing PG movies without a guardian, and it was even better when i turned 18, and then 19 for drinking. alcohol is easily attainable, but should still check ages, not just give it away to those who pay. Same line of defense.

But better advocates for those ratings are needed, fo sho.

must keep kids away from learning to use bittorrent clients on the interwebs, come hell or high water. They learn the awesomeness of pirating, and theyll have acccess to ANYTHING and EVERYTHING available on store shelves. who knows, might even be stupid enough to get caught, however that happens...talk about worse lawsuit than cannabis legality..


just because they can find a way to see it doesnt mean they shouldnt have the first line of defense for kids seeing it, the rating system withholding viewing of certain shows to those under the legal age, 13, 18, whatever.

i remember the liberating feeling of turning 13, and seeing PG movies without a guardian, and it was even better when i turned 18, and then 19 for drinking. alcohol is easily attainable, but should still check ages, not just give it away to those who pay. Same line of defense.

But better advocates for those ratings are needed, fo sho.

must keep kids away from learning to use bittorrent clients on the interwebs, come hell or high water. They learn the awesomeness of pirating, and theyll have acccess to ANYTHING and EVERYTHING available on store shelves. who knows, might even be stupid enough to get caught, however that happens...talk about worse lawsuit than cannabis legality..

Umm, I agree that there should be a first line of defense, but it SURE AS HELL shouldn't be the government's (or the MPAA, whatever you're gonna call those fuckers) job to establish it. Parents need to pick up responsibility again. And all that aside, I doubt that seeing scary movies really hurts kids that much. If they wanna see it, they know what they're headed for and last time I checked no one was forcing little kids to watch movies above their age limit (except TV, which is another story, what with the rampant violence everywhere yet every mention of words like "fuck" or half a tit being exposed has to be censored; hypocrisy galore)


Are we still talking about the old ppl smoking a joint...and having a GREAT time??
what are you to be saying at me chief!?

i just think we should keep the ratings the way they are, just get smarter, more genuine, honest people to run them, probably the same as most people i reckon....:pie:a pie!

ps i downloaded that movie, this film has not yet been rated...figure ill watch that tonight:)


Freedom Fighter
what are you to be saying at me chief!?

Haha!! That your Avitar is the best!!:smokeit:
Oh...and something about kids seeing mature ppl smoking a joint shouldn't be worse than killing, maiming..and blowing up Zombies...but that is nothing compared to the Butt in your Avitar!!:respect::headbange

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