Mr. Fast, my first thought was like many others, they left you a gift.
I have hitchhiked for the last forty years. Many, many good memories and some great rides. I even got a ride in an Amish carriage, hey a rides a ride, and damn sure beats walking. Doing much of my hitchhiking in S. E. Ohio, I'd say around 60-70 percent of my rides involved smoking some killer home - grown or some form of alcohol, from beer to moonshine. Hell, I even got laid twice, once in Ohio once in Cape Cod, thanks to hitchhiking. Only one bad ride I remember. Got a ride with three other guys and they thought it would be funny to ride past where I said I wanted out and act like they weren't going to let me out of their car.
Thanks for the story,I liked it!
The only thing that makes me think they lost it is,the fricken chunk had to of been at least a half ounce.
It was so heavy,the motor home was leaning to one side!