Hey DH, props to you and cool setup!
For increasing water transfer efficiency, hot rodders use Redline Water wetter, good stuff and works better than antifreeze.
I was thinking the exact same thing. should also let 'em know that water cools better then a mix 50/50 mix of water/anti-freeze. You only need anti-freeze for just that to prevent freezing and some minor corrosion protection. The water wetter will work better and provide corrosion protection but will not protect from freezing.
DigitalHippy what is the set-up again on your 2800w room. I'm running the same wattage. I gotta find a way to be more efficient myself. My ambient outside temps can easily hit 100+ during summer and I am going to remodel my a/c set-up soon cuz it be struggling at times or might go with the IceBox set-up. thanx.