Can you post a build of your swamp tubes
i use compressed coc brick or blocks for many reasons some of which are
1 easy to transport out to difficult aacces plots. one block turns to 70liters onced expanded.
2 the coco is excellent for swamps it is impossible for coco to be over saturated with water. it alwas has oxgen even when fuull wet
i take the cocc out on spot and wet and expand it there. then i mix into it granular fertilizers. each tube i do is about 10 gallons coco with 500 grams of granular dry ferts. thgis year i also added about one gallon of swamp clay to each tube. i imagine there is all kinds of good stuff in the swamp muck.
i make a steel cage tube at home.fold them tightly stacking them so to fit in a back back. on spot i jam 4 stick or posts or any type of support in to the ground and put the cage between them then put garbage bag in tube then fill with my coco.
under the tube i usuall dig down about six inches into the ground so the coco starts at the sub ground level thus assuring tthe coco can absorb moisture from below; my swamp is mostly constantly soaked muc ground not standing water