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Hillbilly Ho Down


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BYS. Milk n Cookies


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Well-known member
Moving a long nicely. I can imagine the locust or crickets are a pain in the ass. Its always the caterpillars that get me over here.

Smoke Buddy

HillBilly, your plants are looking awesome bro. Very healthy, gonna blow up! best of luck! :rasta:


Active member
Thanks guys , I have been hitting my Xs
With full Organics lol first time really lol and
everything made by The Real Breeders have
been getting FFGB and a weekly organic tea
Also. They seem to be liking the homemade
Hillbilly soil, going to add a lot more amendments
Next year lol since I went really light and
My main concern was the drainage this year
After the shity compaction of last years soil


AppAlachiAn OutLaW
Pic#3 LSD

im digging this LSD. its one the strains im gonna try next year myself. i have a jacky white that i been super cropping the shit out of and so far so good as this is my first year doing a super crop. i like how the structure on the LSD looks it kinda looks like my Jacky W except mine isnt as big as urs lol nice job bro looking forward to how they turn out. here is my JW! i love paradise seeds!


Active member
im digging this LSD. its one the strains im gonna try next year myself. i have a jacky white that i been super cropping the shit out of and so far so good as this is my first year doing a super crop. i like how the structure on the LSD looks it kinda looks like my Jacky W except mine isnt as big as urs lol nice job bro looking forward to how they turn out. here is my JW! i love paradise seeds![URL=https://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=60741&pictureid=1463866&thumb=1]View Image[/url] [URL=https://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=60741&pictureid=1459950&thumb=1]View Image[/url]
That's a nice lookin plant ya got there, What's the
Cross on it?

The LSD I have been working with HBLSTing since
I received her, I am done lol going to get a new cage
On her this week I think, might just start the Trellis
Netting and post not sure..


AppAlachiAn OutLaW
That's a nice lookin plant ya got there, What's the
Cross on it?

The LSD I have been working with HBLSTing since
I received her, I am done lol going to get a new cage
On her this week I think, might just start the Trellis
Netting and post not sure..

im not sure what the cross is since paradise keeps their line secert. i do know one thing and that is the Delahaze from them is a monster yeilder,super resistant to mold and very potent. i been growing it in a guerilla setting for the last 3 years and its never failed me. no mold at all and always great smoke! i bet u could 1000+ grams growing it with all day sun. i got 15oz from it last year and that was only with about 7.5-8hr direct sun.
yea im also done with the jacky i think i will have at least 7-8 top colas which is new to me since i have never did the Fim & super crop method before. i usally just always topped and done with it but i like the fim/super crop alot better then topping now lol


Active member
Gave the gals a nice spray down this
evening, before that this guy was watching
over the Cheesequake I dubbed him 5 O'clock
Charlie from MASH lol


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Active member
So things moving along, got a few nets up
And fed the Non Organics today is Organic HBTEA
Lol the 2 seems to be having the same in growth
And I have dug a couple up that were males haha
But that's ok the replacements were smaller but
They should do ok I guess

High 9. Lol


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