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High Times Goes Down

CharlesU Farley

Well-known member
For those ignorant of the realities of Operation Green Merchant, from the Washington Post - October 27, 1989 at 8:00 p.m.

And for others who are confused by my outright _disgust_ of Todd McCormick and Authentic????? Genetics, this is the reason. He is using Steve Murphy, the guy in _this_ article, to sell a bunch of phony fucking seeds, like they are some missing, holy relic from the past that is going to heal the sick and raise the dead. He glommed on to Sam, Mel, and NLSG's hard work and reputation, then pimped/whored a bunch of seeds to a bunch of old fuck nostalgic Boomers who are trying to recreate the magic of yesterday. Then he used various cannabis fora, as the nym OS Buds, to market/hype his bullshit with some phony history of Northern Lights post, with the only goal of making _money_, not some kind of bullshit historical preservation fairy tale. Look at his dual page, full color ads in the glossy, high dollar cannabis magazines that are available at Barnes & Noble. Those ads don't come cheap, so he most certainly to the fuck is _not_ some Boomer cannabis pioneer, who is not in it for the money but only for the love and historic preservation.

How pathetic.

Read this story, and think how much Steve Murphy's life was totally and completely _fucked_ by Operation Green Merchant, with the cooperation of High Times ownership/management. All he was doing was selling grow equipment and growing cannabis plants.

Tom Forcade would puke his guts out knowing what the corporate entity High Times, that he created, ultimately did to this guy when they caved into the DEA.

In this day and time, seems hard to believe that the DEA could actually do this shit over _cannabis_, but they did. Read the article and find out exactly what in the fuck they did and what affect it had on _real_ people, who were doing nothing but cultivating cannabis.

Our own Gypsy Nirvana spent over two years in a fucking Philippine prison on bullshit DEA charges for selling _seeds_ and then nym dogzter did over 10 fucking years of hard _prison_time, just for _cannabis_. Now these two didn't have anything to do with OGM or High Times, it's just the fact that people in this forum that I have communicated with, have spent fucking time in _prison_ for _cannabis_.

How can that not make ya'll angry? :thinking:

Here's the article, decide for yourself:

SEATTLE, OCT. 27 -- Targets of a federal crackdown on marijuana growers criticized the search-and-seizure tactics of drug agents today, but officials defended them as necessary to stem the flow of potent pot. "They made . . . a mess," said Steve Murphy, whose Indoor Sun Shoppe was one of five Seattle stores raided. He said agents took everything from his store except plants and baskets, including two computers containing store records such as invoices and payroll data. "It seems a little ridiculous to pick on this shop," Murphy said. "You could start going to all the hardware stores and lighting stores or just about any other place. We don't carry anything that they don't have." But Raymond McKinnon, agent in charge of the federal Drug Enforcement Administration in Seattle, defended the raids. "One of the things we were particularly aiming at were the business records," he said. "Some of these people should be concerned." After two days of raids, drug agents around the country had arrested 191 people by late today and seized 20,419 marijuana plants and 290 pounds of packaged marijuana, said a federal law enforcement source in the District of Columbia. They also confiscated 137 indoor marijuana groves and searched 36 stores believed to sell equipment used in indoor marijuana cultivation, seizing nine of them. The agents seized a total of $5.9 million in assets, primarily the stores and equipment and some cash, said the source, who spoke on condition of anonymity. Officials said store records would be used for further investigation. In the previous month, the investigation code-named Operation Green Merchant resulted in the arrests of 112 people on charges of cultivating marijuana at 94 indoor growing locations containing 17,000 plants, DEA spokesman Frank Shults said. "The idea of this operation was to reassert to the American public the idea of accountability," McKinnon said. "There is no area of drug trafficking that is immune to prosecution." The biggest drug seizure over the last two days was in Columbus, Ga., where agents discovered 3,400 marijuana plants in a barn on a farm, the federal source said. Georgia Bureau of Investigation agent John Pike said the marijuana had an estimated street value of $8 million. The farmer who is believed to have grown the marijuana was still at large, he said. Agents also seized 1,440 plants at a site in Wichita, Kan., and 600 plants grown by an equipment store owner in San Diego, the source said. Officials said Thursday they were targeting about 100 indoor marijuana groves in 46 states and 65 stores in 22 states. Raids will continue "for as long as it takes," the source said. In North Carolina, 76 people were charged with the possession or manufacturing of marijuana. Joseph Huberman of Raleigh, who was not arrested, said officers searched his house because he had ordered a light meter to help cultivate orchids from a mail-order company suspected by DEA. He said he allowed the agents into his home even though they did not have a warrant. "I feel like it's not good, eroding my civil rights for this drug program," Huberman said. "It must be a little inconvenient for them to have to pay attention to the Constitution all the time.

Fuck a lot of High Times _and_ Todd McCormick.
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Mr. J

Well-known member
For those ignorant of the realities of Operation Green Merchant, from the Washington Post - October 27, 1989 at 8:00 p.m.

And for others who are confused by my outright _disgust_ of Todd McCormick and Authentic????? Genetics, this is the reason. He is using Steve Murphy, the guy in _this_ article, to sell a bunch of phony fucking seeds, like they are some missing, holy relic from the past that is going to heal the sick and raise the dead. He glommed on to Sam, Ed, and NLSG's hard work and reputation, and pimped/whored a bunch of seeds to a bunch of old fuck nostalgic Boomers who are trying to recreate the magic of yesterday. Then he used various cannabis fora, as the nym OS Buds, to market/hype his bullshit with some phony history of Northern Lights post, with the only goal of making _money_, not some kind of bullshit historical preservation fairy tale. Look at his dual page, full color ads in the glossy, high dollar cannabis magazines that are available at Barnes & Noble. Those ads don't come cheap, so he most certainly to the fuck is _not_ some Boomer cannabis pioneer, who is not in it for the money but only for the love and historic preservation.

How pathetic.

Read this story, and think how much this Steve Murphy's life was totally and completely _fucked_ by Operation Green Merchant, The cooperation of High Times ownership/management.

Tom Forcade would puke his guts out knowing what the corporate entity High Times, that he created, ultimately did to this guy when they caved into the DEA.

In this day and time, seems hard to believe that the DEA could actually do this shit over _cannabis_, but they did. Read the article and find out exactly what in the fuck they did and what affect it had on _real_ people, who were doing nothing but cultivating cannabis.

Our own Gypsy Nirvana spent over two years in a fucking Philippine prison on bullshit charges via DEA charges and then nym dogzter did over 10 fucking years of hard _prison_time, just for cannabis. Now these two didn't have anything to do with OGM or High Times, it's just the fact that people in this form that I have communicated with, has spent fucking time in _prison_ for cannabis.

How can that not make ya'll angry? :thinking:

Here's the article, decide for yourself:

SEATTLE, OCT. 27 -- Targets of a federal crackdown on marijuana growers criticized the search-and-seizure tactics of drug agents today, but officials defended them as necessary to stem the flow of potent pot. "They made . . . a mess," said Steve Murphy, whose Indoor Sun Shoppe was one of five Seattle stores raided. He said agents took everything from his store except plants and baskets, including two computers containing store records such as invoices and payroll data. "It seems a little ridiculous to pick on this shop," Murphy said. "You could start going to all the hardware stores and lighting stores or just about any other place. We don't carry anything that they don't have." But Raymond McKinnon, agent in charge of the federal Drug Enforcement Administration in Seattle, defended the raids. "One of the things we were particularly aiming at were the business records," he said. "Some of these people should be concerned." After two days of raids, drug agents around the country had arrested 191 people by late today and seized 20,419 marijuana plants and 290 pounds of packaged marijuana, said a federal law enforcement source in the District of Columbia. They also confiscated 137 indoor marijuana groves and searched 36 stores believed to sell equipment used in indoor marijuana cultivation, seizing nine of them. The agents seized a total of $5.9 million in assets, primarily the stores and equipment and some cash, said the source, who spoke on condition of anonymity. Officials said store records would be used for further investigation. In the previous month, the investigation code-named Operation Green Merchant resulted in the arrests of 112 people on charges of cultivating marijuana at 94 indoor growing locations containing 17,000 plants, DEA spokesman Frank Shults said. "The idea of this operation was to reassert to the American public the idea of accountability," McKinnon said. "There is no area of drug trafficking that is immune to prosecution." The biggest drug seizure over the last two days was in Columbus, Ga., where agents discovered 3,400 marijuana plants in a barn on a farm, the federal source said. Georgia Bureau of Investigation agent John Pike said the marijuana had an estimated street value of $8 million. The farmer who is believed to have grown the marijuana was still at large, he said. Agents also seized 1,440 plants at a site in Wichita, Kan., and 600 plants grown by an equipment store owner in San Diego, the source said. Officials said Thursday they were targeting about 100 indoor marijuana groves in 46 states and 65 stores in 22 states. Raids will continue "for as long as it takes," the source said. In North Carolina, 76 people were charged with the possession or manufacturing of marijuana. Joseph Huberman of Raleigh, who was not arrested, said officers searched his house because he had ordered a light meter to help cultivate orchids from a mail-order company suspected by DEA. He said he allowed the agents into his home even though they did not have a warrant. "I feel like it's not good, eroding my civil rights for this drug program," Huberman said. "It must be a little inconvenient for them to have to pay attention to the Constitution all the time.

Fuck a lot of High Times _and_ Todd McCormick.
Here he goes again saying AG guy "glommed on to" NLSG and others, and is using their work and reputation to sell a bogus story and seeds, but he ignores the inconvenient fact that it was NLSG himself who supplied AG guy with the story and the seeds he's selling.

I came in here and genuinely asked a question in good faith and Charles responded with nothing but snark, implying that I'm an idiot because I can't "connect the dots maaaann!!!" and insisting that he doesn't have the time to back up his claims, even though the evidence suggests that he spends every waking hour on these forums cluttering up nearly every thread with his incessant ramblings.

He did the same thing in the Overgrow thread. Some guy started a thread hoping to find some of his old buddies from back in the day so they could shoot the shit and reminisce over old times and Charles came in with his conspiracy theories, accusing people of being informants without any evidence at all, and without being able to point to a single person who got busted because they posted on overgrow, while at the same time harping on about all the people who got busted because they posted on overgrow.

Totally killed the vibe of the thread.

You're drunk Charlie, go home.

G.O. Joe

Well-known member
Either you weren't around back in the '80s or you just don't understand.

I was and I do.

If you're familiar with the true origin story and history of High Times, you'll know that it's founder Tom Forcade, a pirate smuggler of cannabis, would turn over in his fucking _grave_ knowing that the corporate entity he was responsible for creating... puked up, narced out and turned over _names_ of people who had bought growing equipment via ads in High Times.

After all these years, still no stories about people getting busted through HT having their name or anything - because it didn't happen.

HT had nothing to do with their advertisers getting busted, or people who didn't advertise there getting busted.

Why do you not speak of Sinsemilla Tips? Were their advertisers not also busted?

TKF (not his real name) was crazy from the start and no one has ever idolized him really.

You talk a lot about your website here for some reason.

Here in Canada in the late 80's thru into the 2000's the cops would stake out all the hydroponic shops and take pics and license plates.

That's how it went down here as well.

I Care

Well-known member
Its all a part of a secret cabal led by Big Ganja and the cannabis illuminati.

For those ignorant of the realities of Operation Green Merchant, from the Washington Post - October 27, 1989 at 8:00 p.m.

And for others who are confused by my outright _disgust_ of Todd McCormick and Authentic????? Genetics, this is the reason. He is using Steve Murphy, the guy in _this_ article, to sell a bunch of phony fucking seeds, like they are some missing, holy relic from the past that is going to heal the sick and raise the dead. He glommed on to Sam, Mel, and NLSG's hard work and reputation, then pimped/whored a bunch of seeds to a bunch of old fuck nostalgic Boomers who are trying to recreate the magic of yesterday. Then he used various cannabis fora, as the nym OS Buds, to market/hype his bullshit with some phony history of Northern Lights post, with the only goal of making _money_, not some kind of bullshit historical preservation fairy tale. Look at his dual page, full color ads in the glossy, high dollar cannabis magazines that are available at Barnes & Noble. Those ads don't come cheap, so he most certainly to the fuck is _not_ some Boomer cannabis pioneer, who is not in it for the money but only for the love and historic preservation.

How pathetic.

Read this story, and think how much Steve Murphy's life was totally and completely _fucked_ by Operation Green Merchant, with the cooperation of High Times ownership/management. All he was doing was selling grow equipment and growing cannabis plants.

Tom Forcade would puke his guts out knowing what the corporate entity High Times, that he created, ultimately did to this guy when they caved into the DEA.

In this day and time, seems hard to believe that the DEA could actually do this shit over _cannabis_, but they did. Read the article and find out exactly what in the fuck they did and what affect it had on _real_ people, who were doing nothing but cultivating cannabis.

Our own Gypsy Nirvana spent over two years in a fucking Philippine prison on bullshit DEA charges for selling _seeds_ and then nym dogzter did over 10 fucking years of hard _prison_time, just for _cannabis_. Now these two didn't have anything to do with OGM or High Times, it's just the fact that people in this forum that I have communicated with, have spent fucking time in _prison_ for _cannabis_.

How can that not make ya'll angry? :thinking:

Here's the article, decide for yourself:

SEATTLE, OCT. 27 -- Targets of a federal crackdown on marijuana growers criticized the search-and-seizure tactics of drug agents today, but officials defended them as necessary to stem the flow of potent pot. "They made . . . a mess," said Steve Murphy, whose Indoor Sun Shoppe was one of five Seattle stores raided. He said agents took everything from his store except plants and baskets, including two computers containing store records such as invoices and payroll data. "It seems a little ridiculous to pick on this shop," Murphy said. "You could start going to all the hardware stores and lighting stores or just about any other place. We don't carry anything that they don't have." But Raymond McKinnon, agent in charge of the federal Drug Enforcement Administration in Seattle, defended the raids. "One of the things we were particularly aiming at were the business records," he said. "Some of these people should be concerned." After two days of raids, drug agents around the country had arrested 191 people by late today and seized 20,419 marijuana plants and 290 pounds of packaged marijuana, said a federal law enforcement source in the District of Columbia. They also confiscated 137 indoor marijuana groves and searched 36 stores believed to sell equipment used in indoor marijuana cultivation, seizing nine of them. The agents seized a total of $5.9 million in assets, primarily the stores and equipment and some cash, said the source, who spoke on condition of anonymity. Officials said store records would be used for further investigation. In the previous month, the investigation code-named Operation Green Merchant resulted in the arrests of 112 people on charges of cultivating marijuana at 94 indoor growing locations containing 17,000 plants, DEA spokesman Frank Shults said. "The idea of this operation was to reassert to the American public the idea of accountability," McKinnon said. "There is no area of drug trafficking that is immune to prosecution." The biggest drug seizure over the last two days was in Columbus, Ga., where agents discovered 3,400 marijuana plants in a barn on a farm, the federal source said. Georgia Bureau of Investigation agent John Pike said the marijuana had an estimated street value of $8 million. The farmer who is believed to have grown the marijuana was still at large, he said. Agents also seized 1,440 plants at a site in Wichita, Kan., and 600 plants grown by an equipment store owner in San Diego, the source said. Officials said Thursday they were targeting about 100 indoor marijuana groves in 46 states and 65 stores in 22 states. Raids will continue "for as long as it takes," the source said. In North Carolina, 76 people were charged with the possession or manufacturing of marijuana. Joseph Huberman of Raleigh, who was not arrested, said officers searched his house because he had ordered a light meter to help cultivate orchids from a mail-order company suspected by DEA. He said he allowed the agents into his home even though they did not have a warrant. "I feel like it's not good, eroding my civil rights for this drug program," Huberman said. "It must be a little inconvenient for them to have to pay attention to the Constitution all the time.

Fuck a lot of High Times _and_ Todd McCormick.
“..no area of drug trafficking that is immune to prosecution” The DEA were real fuckin morons. Just as it is with mushrooms now, it’s obvious that only an incredibly dumb cunt would classify either as a drug. Because what the fuck kinda drug is it that you use straight in its raw fuckin form?

There aren’t any drugs that are used raw unprocessed straight out of the fucking ground. These DEA cunts owe a lot of men and women and their kin a lot of fucking money for what they did to people with their false presumptuous bullshit definition that classifies marijuana as a drug. The only fucking thing that these scumbags had any right to take away was if they found medical equipment or processing equipment that proved that the intent was to actually manufacture from a fucking raw plant into a concentrate. Maybe like some of the these corporate medical cunts are using to manufacture cannabis into some kind concentrate to in fact make it a drug.

In the absence of chemical processing equipment, you couldn’t classify cannabis with anything beyond growing fucking basil, oregano thyme, or any other kind of dry fucking herb plant material.

These cunts owe a lot of good people a lot of time money and they ain’t gonna give it back cause they don’t have it. They fucking make their living bumming off of the public, they’re all bunch of fucking bums. The DEA was and is a big group of fucking bums and they’re still bummin off tax dollars just like anybody else who works in politics.

Energy Turtle

Well-known member
“..no area of drug trafficking that is immune to prosecution” The DEA were real fuckin morons. Just as it is with mushrooms now, it’s obvious that only an incredibly dumb cunt would classify either as a drug. Because what the fuck kinda drug is it that you use straight in its raw fuckin form?

There aren’t any drugs that are used raw unprocessed straight out of the fucking ground. These DEA cunts owe a lot of men and women and their kin a lot of fucking money for what they did to people with their false presumptuous bullshit definition that classifies marijuana as a drug. The only fucking thing that these scumbags had any right to take away was if they found medical equipment or processing equipment that proved that the intent was to actually manufacture from a fucking raw plant into a concentrate. Maybe like some of the these corporate medical cunts are using to manufacture cannabis into some kind concentrate to in fact make it a drug.

In the absence of chemical processing equipment, you couldn’t classify cannabis with anything beyond growing fucking basil, oregano thyme, or any other kind of dry fucking herb plant material.

These cunts owe a lot of good people a lot of time money and they ain’t gonna give it back cause they don’t have it. They fucking make their living bumming off of the public, they’re all bunch of fucking bums. The DEA was and is a big group of fucking bums and they’re still bummin off tax dollars just like anybody else who works in politics.
Agreed, of all the debating going on here the DEA are the real bad guys.
A lot of people have had their life ruined for doing what they believed in.
I agree with you and CharlesR Farley on that and I like to think we all here do also.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Ya - love ❤️ all around to everybody - basically we have made it thru the real bad times - that turned brother against brother and sister against sister - with the aim to lock us all up over a very beloved and valuable medicinal plant 🪴 - and many government alphabet agencies were paid tons of money 💰 to create this injustice and legal madness - 😠 - but as every day goes by - it looks more and more like we are finally winning - thru a change of attitudes via education - and the modern proliferation of cannabis growers has helped and is helping still to make all that occur - it's been an ongoing quest of mine for getting on for 3 decades now - and the last thing we should be doing - is falling apart as a growing force - over the details - because its always been US against THEM - and the powers that be have invested billions to fuck us all up - turn us against one another - then jail us for ridiculous amounts of time - so effectively screwing millions of lives up - mine included for at least 5 years -

High Times was always scammy - I figured that out when asked to pay to place C99 in one of their Cannabis Cups back in the early 2000's - so I doubt that there would be any moral fibre at their head office 🏬 - when the feds showed up to nick any details (facts and figures).- they might have on file - on any cannabis business advertising with them - that could amount to some sorta valuable info - for a dea or any agency bust coming down the line -

I Care

Well-known member
I have witnessed many, friend or foe, deteriorate in their ethic and moral after the law stripped them of their freedom to consume cannabis. People often turning to synthetics like opiates, amphetamines, spice, coke, or alcohol among other things. So it really has mad it’s impact on probably 10s or 100s of millions of people worldwide, infringing on their basic human and god given right to grow and consume plants as they wish.

Super appreciative of all the painstaking work that has been put in, and actually for the heady politicians who aren’t complete bums. The ones that do their jobs protecting the public from persecution for victimless “crimes”. Also for the law enforcement officers in which I have encountered that were already ahead of the law in terms of tolerance for cannabis.

I may sound like categorically ignorant, but I know that there is a vast population of people in politics and law enforcement that are exceptionally forward thinkers. Hard working individuals honoring human rights above their obligations to governmental law. I am actually a little pissed at myself for not being more lawless, knowing I was doing the right thing for my friends, family and the community.

Tons of love for everybody who has been lawless all these years, it really shows today and I’m just a baby by compared to the gentlemen who faced the fear with honor and did the time though you did no crime.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
I had this epiphany in 1985 whilst locked up naked in a 'strip-cell' - psycho-solitary area of Norwich Jail - after having a nervous breakdown over the injustice of getting jailed for a little bit of Malawi Hashish -

How do I fight these bastards 😤 - that have taken my dignity and freedom away from me - along with my clothes and good hashish? - How can I beat them and win 🏆 for everyone that wants or needs or just loves ❤️ cannabis?

Do I go all paramilitary - and use guns 🔫 and bombs 💣?

No 👎 - that's not my way - my way was to put the seeds of possibility's into the hands of the troopers in the trenches - and teach them how to grow them well 😀 - so enriching their lives - as cannabis growers - who would never have to buy cannabis again - if they could only have the wherewithal and knowledge - how to grow it - its been what I think is an honorable quest - and its damn well worked!
- Growing Growers - Breeding Breeders -
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Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Thanks Gypsy! Uniting friends and colleagues of cannabis into your own army. General G. Nirvana 🫡
Yes - it's been an every growing army - of growers - ever since I started that first Seedsdirect website - around 1997 - then soon followed by Seedbay - Seedboutique - and ICMAG - in the first few years of the 2000's - so today we have regiments of growers and breeders in the trenches - in the greenhouses - in the basements - in the lofts - in the bunkers and empty supermarkets - the old unused cinemas - and so many tents ⛺️ out there - I lost count long ago 😀 - and just about everywhere else you could possibly grow cannabis plants - all over the planet - 🪴. - we are a force to liberate - and to be reckoned with -


Well-known member
I live in France where it is still totally illegal to smoke or grow cannabis, there was a little hope in my country with the CBD legalization but the government forces the growers to use only 4 strains of industrial hemp to be legal.
Now they're targeting customers or small growers like me because they are too coward to go after the mafias who import tons of haschich.
I'd like to expand my grow op but I don't want to spend time in jail so I limit myself to a small grow who in case of a bust would land a few months of house arrest but it's terribly frustrating.


Well-known member
I live in France where it is still totally illegal to smoke or grow cannabis, there was a little hope in my country with the CBD legalization but the government forces the growers to use only 4 strains of industrial hemp to be legal.
Now they're targeting customers or small growers like me because they are too coward to go after the mafias who import tons of haschich.
I'd like to expand my grow op but I don't want to spend time in jail so I limit myself to a small grow who in case of a bust would land a few months of house arrest but it's terribly frustrating.
They won’t go after the big boys , they just stopping you from eating into their % it’s all tied up …