Hi, is it possible to predict the probability to find those CBD: THC ratio, for example i your supe rich strain with an assign range 20:1 30:1?All of these type III chemotypes can be found at Oregon Elite Seeds.
Super Rich
Mother: SuzyQ (50:1)
Father: Richness (Pure CBD)
Typical CBD:THC ratio: 20:1-30:1
Average flowering time: 60-65 days
Richness F2
Mother: Richness (18:1) - (ValentineX x Rainmaker)
Father: Richness (Pure CBD)
Typical CBD:THC ratio: 20:1-25:1
Average flowering time: 63-70 days
Mother: Tocitonic (20:1) - (Cannatonic x Toci)
Father: Richness (Pure CBD)
Typical CBD:THC ratio: 15:1-30:1
Average flowering time: 63-70 days
Fresh Start
Mother: Valentine-X (20:1)
Father Tabula Rasa (10:1) *(Harlequin x Toci)
Typical CBD:THC ratio: 15:1-25:1
Average flowering time: 63-70 days
Suzy Too (SuzyQ bc1)
Mother: SuzyQ (50:1)
Father: Super Rich(22:1)
Typical CBD:THC ratio: 20:1-30:1
Average flowering time: 60-65 days
Mother: Charlottes Web (20:1)
Father: Rainmaker (10:1) - (ACDC x Apothecary/Prohibition OG)
Typical CBD:THC ratio: 15:1-25:1
Average flowering time: 60-65 days
Continuum – feminized
Mother: SuzyQ (50:1)
Father: Tocitonic (20:1) - reversed
Typical CBD:THC ratio: 17:1-27:1
Average flowering time: 60-65 days
I want not to be rude or unfriendly, english do not help me, qnd i know yoi're a great breeder and your cbd strain amazing but what are advantage of yours VS susyQ or charlotte that have higher CBD values?
I am interested in buying seeds, what strains do you recommend for cbd production in vermont?No problem. The advantage my gear has over those cuts is total active cannabinoids. Almost all my type III's varieties will give TAC rates in the mid 20's%. Suzy Q while a very fine cut averages 13-15% and Charolette's Web just a few points higher.