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Hey guys, so ive been wondering. Will European Airports (Walk thru scanner) detect if you for example have 10 weed seeds in your pants or something?


Active member

Hey guys, so ive been wondering. Will European Airports (Walk thru scanner) detect if you for example have 10 weed seeds in your pants or something?​

I am talking about the scanner on the beginning of the airport where you just walk thru and if it beeps red then you stop and they do a quick check​

Absolutely biological material lights up very bright on screen, I would swallow them if I were you. The oldschool way 😂

I Care

Well-known member
I flew transatlantic with nuggets in my carry on scattered around throughout my clothing. Worked through TSA state side, through the UK and into Milano. My bag smelled as if there was kilos inside of it cause I didn’t use a bag. Im sure when they scanned my bag; even if they did see the few nugs scattered about, they probably were just like how the fuck does this guy smell like a backpack full of weed and it’s actually a backpack full of clothes.

edit/p.s. I smoked a joint in the Plaza of the Basillica of San Francesco in Assisi. Then I went inside the church. I was so high and Jesus was there waving and smiling at me like I’ve never seen jesus before. Plaza was a great place to smoke a spliff and the church was a great place to be high. It was kinda crazy with the military police there and everything but they were likely less concerned about some homeless looking guy smoking pot than I was.
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learning and laughing
Beans are legal within! Europe.

So travelling with them between European states is fine.
But it is illegal to import them from outside the EU. And illegal to export also.


Well-known member
Go to an asian grocery store buy some Japanese Sichimi spice seasoning.

It has seven ingredients one is hemp seed. Remove all hemp seed replace with your seeds and stick the seal back on.

Put in check in luggage.


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