Graphic by John McPartland
Cannabis sativa var 'sativa' formerly ruderalis refers to plants that are bred for fiber, minimal branching and are the foundation of modern hemp varietals. Although used as common parlance as such, 'sativa' is incorrectly used to describe drug varietals.
Cannabis sativa var 'indica' refers to plants of Indian origins, NLD or Narrow Leaf Drug, these ecotypes were the foundation for most western drug varieties from the 60's-70's cultivated in equatorial regions.
Cannabis sativa var 'afghanica' refers to the BLD/WLD broad leaf drug or wide leaf drug types of Afghani and Pakistani orgins. Iranians and Lebanese are probably subsets derived from these selections. These plants are typically of high Myrcene content which I have a good hunch is related to them being selected for resin content over generations by hash farmers. Myrcene is one of the major components that leads to a couchlock effect, just like heavily hop'd Cali-style IPAs and DIPAs.
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