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Help with Brownies (with cannabutter??)


Active member
^^So I'm stuck between making butter or oil.. I'll either follow the cannabutter recipe and use 21grams to make 1.5 cups of butter (maybe just 28g/2cups of butter) and use 2/3cup of that for my brownies; or I'll simmer my first CUP of canna-oil into 14grams of bud (saw this ratio on another thread) and use 2/3 of that for my recipe..

And I'm worried about what the outcome will be if I don't strain the weed out of my butter/oil after cooking it in, since I don't have cheesecloth; and that the recommended 350°F I'm suppose to bake my brownies at will degrade the THC?? Thanks again!! :)




^^So I'm stuck between making butter or oil.. I'll either follow the cannabutter recipe and use 21grams to make 1.5 cups of butter (maybe just 28g/2cups of butter) and use 2/3cup of that for my brownies; or I'll simmer my first CUP of canna-oil into 14grams of bud (saw this ratio on another thread) and use 2/3 of that for my recipe..

And I'm worried about what the outcome will be if I don't strain the weed out of my butter/oil after cooking it in, since I don't have cheesecloth; and that the recommended 350°F I'm suppose to bake my brownies at will degrade the THC?? Thanks again!! :)

dude, (i hope) youve got 1200+ posts on here so youve have seen this type of thing before. at any given time people come onto a thread, start throwing their opinions around and the pissing contests start.

why are you letting what those guys are talking about affect what YOU want to do, and as youve said it before youve used cannabutter and have made edibles before so why are you now "worried" about things "being too hot" and whether or not its better to use butter as opposed to oil.

you are literally becoming your own worst enemy right now with all the worrying and questioning, especially about something you know about and have done before.

just go and make the damned butter and call it a day, and fuck them (respectively). they can talk shit about adding different plant matter, and whats soluble in oil or fat or whatever the fuck they were getting at, it makes no difference.

taste: butter beats oil hands down, how do i know, because im a fat ass and i love brownies, i cook all the time, so just substitute the damned butter for the oil, its not going to kill you to do it, trust me you'll be alive tomorrow.

bud material/quality: fuck them, if the shit has trichomes on it, put it the fuck in there!!! not only is it what you want but its what you'll need! right or wrong? no cheese clothe? use something else, a t-shirt or something like that, something thats clean (obviously) but you dont really care about and wont miss if it gets messed up.

ratios: bruh, if it aint broke dont fix it!!!!
**1/2oz bud : 1/2lb butter
**1oz bud : 1lb butter

your taking this whole thing farther than you need to and grossly over-thinking it all. damn all that "oil, purge, hexan/butane/fuckery dibble-dee-doo" horse shit! for what you want/need you dont "need" to do all that. the butter is right there, use it!! all that other shit is just more steps to an already 2 step process.

***reason i say use butter is you can use butter for pretty much every and anything besides the baking. now although were talking about ratios and butter, ultimately we ARE talking about food.

EDIT: and dont worry about how much you have so much. an oz is 29gr (28.8 if you wanna be a dick about it), youve got close enough to an oz as it is, just use what you have!! youve got 21gr so your missing 8gr? (7.8 if you wanna be a dick about it) that 21 is close enough to an oz.

headband 707

Plant whisperer
Soluble in fat and soluble in oil means it dissloves in those. People that think thc binds to oil are mistaken. Fat is another way of saying oil. The only real difference is "fat" is generally solid at room temp and "oil" is usually liquid at room temp.

LOL bra it's not binding it's fusing and where are you getting these ideas? Have you ever had any oil bases cannabis mixtures? Bra try not to get mad about this it's just not worth getting mad about .. If I have cooked more products then you doesn't mean I think I'm better or I know more lol..I'm always willing to learn shit aren't you? Yes all oils can be fused with cannabis and they are VERY EFFECTIVE lol.
As far as adding oil to his brownies, I try not to change recipies on boxes when I get them.I might use less of a product but I don't exclude things because I think they are greasy ... Brownies are not my fav because they are pretty greasy.
Again one of the more effective tools is coconut oil it's expensive but worth it. If you fuse the cannabis with the coconut oil you would get a double wammy ,Somtimes I take one batch and add it to another batch and it's pretty crazy. I would keep it in the fridge

Oh yeah BTW not only does it fuse with the cannabis but if you make it and put it in the fridge it will cure in the fridge,, headband 707

headband 707

Plant whisperer
dude, (i hope) youve got 1200+ posts on here so youve have seen this type of thing before. at any given time people come onto a thread, start throwing their opinions around and the pissing contests start.

why are you letting what those guys are talking about affect what YOU want to do, and as youve said it before youve used cannabutter and have made edibles before so why are you now "worried" about things "being too hot" and whether or not its better to use butter as opposed to oil.

you are literally becoming your own worst enemy right now with all the worrying and questioning, especially about something you know about and have done before.

just go and make the damned butter and call it a day, and fuck them (respectively). they can talk shit about adding different plant matter, and whats soluble in oil or fat or whatever the fuck they were getting at, it makes no difference.

taste: butter beats oil hands down, how do i know, because im a fat ass and i love brownies, i cook all the time, so just substitute the damned butter for the oil, its not going to kill you to do it, trust me you'll be alive tomorrow.

bud material/quality: fuck them, if the shit has trichomes on it, put it the fuck in there!!! not only is it what you want but its what you'll need! right or wrong? no cheese clothe? use something else, a t-shirt or something like that, something thats clean (obviously) but you dont really care about and wont miss if it gets messed up.

ratios: bruh, if it aint broke dont fix it!!!!
**1/2oz bud : 1/2lb butter
**1oz bud : 1lb butter

your taking this whole thing farther than you need to and grossly over-thinking it all. damn all that "oil, purge, hexan/butane/fuckery dibble-dee-doo" horse shit! for what you want/need you dont "need" to do all that. the butter is right there, use it!! all that other shit is just more steps to an already 2 step process.

***reason i say use butter is you can use butter for pretty much every and anything besides the baking. now although were talking about ratios and butter, ultimately we ARE talking about food.

EDIT: and dont worry about how much you have so much. an oz is 29gr (28.8 if you wanna be a dick about it), youve got close enough to an oz as it is, just use what you have!! youve got 21gr so your missing 8gr? (7.8 if you wanna be a dick about it) that 21 is close enough to an oz.

LOL 1/2 oz of bud eh lol lol lol you do like to get fucked up headband 707


Active member
Okay, I'd say I'm about done with this thread.. I know I'm being a bit anal but so are some of you, lol, and I don't think there's anything wrong with precision. Thanks for the help everybody! :)

Oh, and btw, not to be a "dick", but an ounce is 28.3495 grams lol.. The cannabutter recipe calls for an ounce of weed per pound of butter (2 cups), so I was going to use my 21 grams for 1.5 cups of butter.. lol, I know a gram or 2 off wouldn't make a difference
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Just make the butter first and worry about the brownies later. When you simmer all that butter for 3 hours you'll have dissipation, so figuring out the grams per teaspoons of butter right now will be a waste of time. In fact, go ahead and put the 21 grams in 3/4 of a lb of butter if you're worried about potency. that'll knock you on your ass.


When it's time to make the brownies i just melt the butter in a saucepan until you have the liquid equivalent to the amount of oil needed. This usually ends up being half the batch of butter. don't worry about throwing more butter in, you're using buds which is a lot better than trim, which is what most people use.
Plus if you add too much butter your brownies will taste fucking terrible.
I find that half the batch is plenty.

and don't worry what people say, the butter substitute for oil is bomb, and can be applied to every other facet of cooking. trust me, my girlfriend bakes pastries and cakes for a living :D
and you should add a tsp of cinnamon, nutmeg, or ginger to the mix(but dont mix it in too well. kinda swirl it in). as well as some dark chocolate chips. this stuff makes the brownies taste awesome and helps hide that "weed-butter taste"

headband 707

Plant whisperer
yeah just do it it all works out in the end lol.. As far as the exact amount of bud well that would depend on how good your bud was and everytime you cook cannabis you change it. For example if you cook it for 1/2hr at 325 degrees on your oven and you also cook your butter then you will always change your reciepe. I can change the batch by changing the time and temp. Bud is obviouly more fun but I have made some amazing oil with leaf. Which is why I don't over cook cannabis. The beauty of cannabis is you can always change your reciepes and highs through cooking.I agree it can really be stronge for some ppl perhaps too stronge lol headband 707


I still think you are going to regret using butter in a oil recipe. If you do it for your own sake do not do more than 1 batch before trying.

headband 707

Plant whisperer
I still think you are going to regret using butter in a oil recipe. If you do it for your own sake do not do more than 1 batch before trying.

If this was me... I don't change reciepes or they just don't come out right.
I would fuse the cannabis with the oil and see if I could find a reciepe that used butter and fuse the cannabis with the butter and then bake the whole thing .. The good thing about butter is you can use it on anything toast, crackers, whatever,,LOL headband 707:dance013::woohoo:


Caregiver Extraordinaire
ICMag Donor
my 2 c
i use whatever fatty infused yumminess i have on hand for any recipe i am making. thats just me. everything comes out yummy n strong.
i prefer butter in everything, tho.


Active member
Ok guys I finally just made the CannaBUTTER!! 21 grams of good outdoor for 3 sticks of butter, simmered for 3.5 hours.. The wate/butter/weed got pretty hot and got up to a SLOW boil a few times, will this degrade or ruin my product??

I tried to keep it at a simmer but didn't want to cook it too lightly, now I'm afraid I might've went too hot and burned it!?? Guess I'll find out tomorrow..


Active member
.. and the butter looks like a real dark-Green color, instead of golden or brown. This inspection is all just after I strained the weed out, I'm still waiting for the butter to harden in the fridge.

I'll try a teaspoon sample on toast in a few hours, before I make the brownies. I'll let you all know how it ended up.. Hopefully it's great and I didn't waste any green!! :eek:


Active member
So I ate a little over a Tablespoon of the butter straight up about 70 minutes ago, feeling no effects really. I even let the butter sit under my tongue and melt before swallowing it.. Did I do something wrong when I made the cannabutter? Or maybe my body just doesn't process edibles correctly?

... The tablespoon I ate over an hour ago should have over a Gram's worth of good-quality THC, I'm confused and disappointed eating it doesn't WRECK me like it should, like it does everyone else. I even mad brownies and cookies with this butter when I first made it, nothing.. Maybe I don't feel it because I'm so used to snapping 0.25gram in 1 bong-hit, and I need the huge instant rush of THC to really feel it?

Haven't smoked in hours either but I'm about to in a minute if I still don't feel anything.. This is so disappointing!! :(


Active member
Just thought I'd post an Update on how my Cannabutter turned out..

Just thought I'd post an Update on how my Cannabutter turned out..

Just thought I'd post an Update on how my Cannabutter turned out..

The last time, about a week ago, I mixed in about 2 Teaspoons with my hot chocolate, and was smoking throughout so couldn't really give an accurate description of the edible-high, it felt slightly "hallucinogenic" though if I remember.

But last night, I really wanted to see how stoned I could get from eating the cannabutter straight-up, without smoking, and went with a higher dose.
... I hadn't smoked or eaten anything in hours, and ate a little over a Tablespoon on an empty stomach. I measured out about 3 separate teaspoons, and let each sit and melt under my tongue for about 5min before swallowing (maybe sublingual would make a difference?).. After eating all 3 teaspoons, I washed it down with a swig of orange juice.

Didn't feel anything after about 90 minutes. So I took a bong-hit around 100min after eating the cannabutter. I was definitely super stoned than, maybe more high than I would be from taking the bong hit alone, but nothing extravagant.

Maybe next time I'll kick it up to 5 teaspoons and see if that fucks me up? I don't know if I did something wrong, or if I'm just too used to the huge, instant rush of THC that a 1-hitter in a bong gives me.. :eek:
Maybe next time I'll make my butter stronger or use even higher-quality weed?

By the way, the brownies tasted delicious, even though I used cannabutter instead of the oil that was recommended haha. The cookies were good too, just not strong enough for me


I thought I might give out my white chocolate brownie recipe, it'll make you see things ;-)

200 White chocolate
200g butter (with 2 grams bud)
3 eggs
200g caster golden/demerara sugar
100g plain flour

Melt butter in bowl glass on top of a pan of boiling water "Bain-Marie" style
seperate out ghee for nicest results,
add finely ground weed, simmer for 20 minutes,
add chocolate in broken pieces to bowl, stirring together,
once even consistency add sugar slowly (sieve) and beat until smooth,
add eggs one at a time then flower in the same way the sugar was added.
Bake at 180 degrees C until resembles sponge cake (usually ~30 minutes but may be longer) test using fork/knife, when it comes out clean it's done.


I thought I might give out my white chocolate brownie recipe, it'll make you see things ;-)

200 White chocolate
200g butter (with 2 grams bud)
3 eggs
200g caster golden/demerara sugar
100g plain flour

Melt butter in bowl glass on top of a pan of boiling water "Bain-Marie" style
seperate out ghee for nicest results,
add finely ground weed, simmer for 20 minutes,
add chocolate in broken pieces to bowl, stirring together,
once even consistency add sugar slowly (sieve) and beat until smooth,
add eggs one at a time then flower in the same way the sugar was added.
Bake at 180 degrees C until resembles sponge cake (usually ~30 minutes but may be longer) test using fork/knife, when it comes out clean it's done.
Q: are you straining out the 2gr of weed from the butter OR adding it in just like that after the simmer?(doesnt matter to me either way, just looking for clarification)

sounds interesting and want to give this a try