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Help w/ FUCKED UP fingernail (w/pics)


Active member
right now im dealing with a crack . Seem to get them every year... the cold weather and alot of times it seems when i work with certain material ... right now its Hardy siding... seems to dry the fingers right out and then they start to crack. Beleive it or not I have another one starting on the other thumb in the exact same place. Just some of the stuph you have to deal with when you work outside in weather.

You need to keep the skin moist...


it doesnt always grow back! i lost a toenail when i was a kid,looks very similiar to the pix you posted. that was over 20 years ago and it never grew back! their is growth where my toenail used to be but its not nail, its more of a thick,callus skin growth. went to a dr. when it first happened he assured me that it would come back but he was wrong!my wife doesnt even know i have a missing toenail haha always hid it on her! my kids know but wifey doesnt its going to shock her and piss her off the day she finds out


omg! i can fell her .. did she hit her nail with a hammer or what ?!


Active member
just an update that her finger is doing better....nail is still attatched, but the pain is lots less.

thanks for all the replies ppl :wave:
Shit will grow back, like must suggest don't rip it off let the finger make the choice when it's time to shed it.
I worked at lumberyard few years back and I was wheeling a metal roof sheet cutter and the thing came open and slammed my big toe. The nail did fall off despite trying to keep it on. A new grew back.

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