nice lookin thread bro...I mean nice girls...Im gonna pull up a seat next to Sir, NZ & YwI...Just gonna roll with the crowd here...looks good man, laters...Peace
For shitz n giggles newly acuired arrivals much thanks too u!...."UK"Cheese,AgentO,Jillybean,NorCalDaddy'sGirl,KKSC,McFly,Giesel,and LAsTLeY.......FFA.........accually downsizing my room,flowering empty minus SdIbL,and some orange bagseed............the rest of the chem family will be arriving shortly,anlong w/others,white,91chem,etc....stay tuned.................Mm
dayum yo sounds like a selection outta this fargin world yo.
just readin the list has me salivatin mf LOL.nice lookin pics pimpin,those are some deep ass hues bro you most definetly put the gorilla pimp hand down on them hoes.glad these pics are back workin again yo,peace-Y-
Hehe keep that in mind JustinCase,oh yeah she's the real deal too..she looks silly in veg....don't think Ive seen pic's of her flowered.....oh yeah search.........gotta upload pics...................later...fellas........Mm
heya Raist....was just about to stop bye and say hello......Y hell's yeah so far gonna keep moms of
O's BlueB
Grapefruit Giesha
my mom's early 80's Kush"from seed"
and then gonna mom all the new atributes minus maby one or two..who know's?
but I can't wait to flower out the 80's seed gotta upload later...she's kushey as sheit.......smells fruit at all....really excited about this 1.....................Mm
this first pic is a comparison shot w/sr-71 purple kush"left" and my majik bean"right"....
next is somewhat a plant shot just to show I'm not shittin'.....
gonna upload more soon also taking cut's Vetty I know she's a lady....It's time to stunt this beiotch.............................................take a look at the krinkle...ah she smells of citrus once so ever....F.U.C.K.I.N.G. stoked.............
ah tha new stuff..................