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Help Passing Drug Test


Well-known member
Does anyone have any experience with "Sure Jell" (or whatever) to pass a drug test?

That's in my budget lmao

personal experience no
however, have seen some posts to the positive on it
one in particular i recall posted pics of the home test being dirty at the start
and changed to negative, and they passed
and don't make the problem worse
they may not be even be looking for weed, just the other things
personal experience no
however, have seen some posts to the positive on it
one in particular i recall posted pics of the home test being dirty at the start
and changed to negative, and they passed
and don't make the problem worse
they may not be even be looking for weed, just the other things

Thank you. If I could give you 10 thumbs up for your reply, I would!!

Yes, I'm trying not to make the problem worse. I haven't been smoked since Wednesday & doing everything I can to cleanse my system *on a budget lol*

That's also what I'm telling myself--that are tons of other narcotics they are testing for...so hopefully a little THC (which I'm trying to hide) won't ruin this for me.

:Angelshug: thanks again

I just got some liquid "Certo"...it's crazy because it actually tastes kinda good? I decided to mix a Powerade bottle a day early to make sure it dissolves...then I got curious about the taste.

I was going to start drinking it tomorrow, but since it tastes so good, I might buy an extra pack and start drinking it now.

Hopefully that'll ensure the THC binds to my excrement instead of my urine.

If anyone has any other advice, lemme know!! I'll be sure to let y'all know if I pass the drug test.

I wanna smoke so bad right now, it's depressing. My head is killing me.



ICMag Donor
It's probably a 12 Panel Drug Test
Urine Test for Cocaine / Marijuana / Opiates / Amphetamines (Adderall) / Methamphetamines / Phencyclidine / Benzodiazepines / Barbiturates / Methadone / Oxycodone (OxyContin/Vicodin) / Ecstasy / Propoxyphene, and THC can be masked, but depends on the sensitivity of the test.

Drink lots of water, esp before the test, take a vitamin B for urine color. Citrus water helps to dilute, so I've heard.
the sure gel thing is a myth. it works sometimes because of the large amounts of water you are supposed to drink with it.

unless its an instant read test they will test for creatinine levels and know its dilute. my urine is almost always dilute. have failed many drug tests because of it.

even if im clean i usually cheat for that reason. just get someone to pee in a cup for you. put it in a condom and put it inside you an hr before the test. when you get there, just prick the condom with a bobby pin and put it in the cup (the urine not the condom lol). also make sure the person who is giving you the pee is clean this includes perscription meds.


Weed is a gateway to gardening
ICMag Donor
The joys of being old enough not to give a fuck.

The last time I took a pee test - "You came back positive for THC."

Me - "So what?"


Well-known member
the sure gel thing is a myth. it works sometimes because of the large amounts of water you are supposed to drink with it.

unless its an instant read test they will test for creatinine levels and know its dilute. my urine is almost always dilute. have failed many drug tests because of it.


i'm on the fence on this one
hoping the OP gets a good result
as i understand it, it's got gelatin in it, which does have a good amount of protein
which could help with the dilution issue

edit: whoops, mistake on the gelatin, not gelatin it's pectin, so prior thought doesn't add up
but does have its fans and testimonials
Hello, everyone!! Just took the test. They said "no news is good news" so if I don't hear anything in 48hrs then I passed.

My sample *felt* clean but who knows. If this works then I spent less than $25 to pass.

I will keep y'all posted. Much love, ICMag Fam!!!


Well a bit late, but synthetic works. I used the quick fix brand from a licensed distributor (head shop).

Good luck to you!


here is how I do it, get someone else's pee that is clean. Get a cheap $3 knee brace, buy a 30ml to 60l bottle that seals well and squirts(bigger sized clear eyes bottle). Put the pee in the cleaned out and dried bottle. Get in your car and tape the bottle of pee to dashboard where defrost vent is, drive to piss test facility with defrost on 2 or 3(med to med-high, scale to 4). untape the bottle and put it in knee brace in back, if it burns skin behind knee, wait 2-3 minutes to let it cool then put it in knee brace under your pants, walk into facility with no limp, they will have you empty your pockets give you a cup and send you into a restroom, pull bottle out and squirt into cup...voila. I've passed 3 employment drug tests in 2018 with this method. be cool, they are trained to find pee smugglers

girls, get a bottle/container that fits in your hoohaw, my wife used a cigar tube a few years ago.

it's all about temperature with smuggling in piss


Take a step back and think about this.. You want a job the employer says they (or their partners)need to play with your pee Hello, WTF ?/Red Flag.. So they want to do a warrantless search of your most personal thing/yourself your urine and they are sick and twisted enough to pay someone to collect your pee and play with it.

Ok you are a "crazy bitch" and want to play those games. Toss your rights in the trash and let people molest you. Drink lots of water and juice, THC has a half life of like 24-36(something like that) in 3 days you will pass. Eat some vitamins and asparagus before the test so your pee will be yellow and smelly.

I begin training for work tomorrow, so I passed. For posterity, here is a little more information on what I did:
-Day one: lots of water
-Day two: lots of Powerade & water
-Day three: lots of water, Powerade+SureJell before bed
-Day four: lots of water, Aloe Vera drink, Powerade+SureJell before bed
-Day five: Woke up to Powerade+SureJell, Drank Creatine & Aloe Vera, drank Powerade + SureJell an hour before the test.

*I chose Powerade instead of the recommended Gatorade because Powerade has more vitamins*

This is the main website that guided me, though there were many: https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.marijuanabreak.com/detox/certo-drug-test-full-review/amp

Hopefully this helps someone in the future. Keep in mind that just because this worked for me, doesn't mean it will work for you.
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New member
Not sure how they are testing at work these days?
Last time i used "urineluck.com"
Passed two work piss tests & the clincher for me was getting my driving licence back.
Wasnt to sure about using it as it would have been a lab test so i got a test kit & after 3,4&5 weeks i was still testing poitive so took the urineluck tub with me which has temp guage on it but the heat pad that you get with it isnt upto much so upgraded to a name brand.
The only thing the doc said was i taking a lot of vitamins?
Just said i drank loads of health juice with vitamins in it due to the slight off colouring.
Anyway it passed the lab test for dvla.
Only country that has to watch with it is Canada i believe so and it reguarly gets updated as its the calibration fluid for the test machines.
There is most likley other substitutes and other inovative ways by now to keep up.


New member
The only sure way to take a drug test is to not take drugs. (c) :smoke:
But seriously, there are various ways and methods that can help you:
- You can use a large amount of water to try to reduce the concentration of THC metabolites in the urine below the level that can be detected;
- use Detox kits, but for this you have to spend some money, as they say: "you like to ride, love and sleigh to carry";
- You can also try to replace your urine with another one (but due to the current strict rules it is very difficult to crank it, but as an option it can be);
- naturally, drink plenty of water, eat a lot of leafy greens, eat lemon juice, do not eat fast foods and red meat (yes, you have to endure), do various physical exercises, because good exercise can save your body from toxins, it is preferable to perform cardiovascular exercises.
If you use the method of natural detoxification, then you can not only rid the body of toxins, but also throw off a few pounds, double benefit. :good:
I used this method myself, for three days of active training and proper nutrition, it allowed me to take the test.
As a reminder, I use this blog / site: https://thcdetox.biz/story_5.html (not advertising), keep it for yourself, I think more than once it will help you. I did not find more complete information on methods anywhere when it was urgently needed.

Good luck, man. I think you will succeed!

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