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help...out in the sticks.



SEED ORDER COMIN!! hahaha Thx Lou For the seeds man after the Clones gettin bustd at my friends house i was preety upset cause it was gonna be my new crop.. THEN TODAY THE SEEDS CAME IN ......G13XHAZE... and Oh am i happy to see theses babies it is such a relief to see them seriously.. Thx To LouGrew i appreciate alot man. i wont let u down. by the way lou when u comin back to the swamp man.? also man how many are here i haven't opend the package yet. probably wont till it's time.

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To bad for them clones......

You got SEEDS anyway,better for practice!
Just grow 2 times as much because half will be males..
Glad you got the seeds now its up to you,do me proud!
Great climate for growing in northern florida DAVE....
You should do well with the G13 x HAzes they get BIG and crystaly!!
what you think.

what you think.

hey whats up umm i just got done seeing the moms and DAMN they look DANK! umm Pic 1-2 are of the single 1 the rest of the pics are of the other mom not as much bud BUT dank!.



GOOD so far,but NOT nearly done!

THat spot is bud rot,and any browning leafs on buds
must by pulled off!!..stick your fingers in the bud and
kill the mold by rubbing it around and pulling the mushy
THose buds need a month to go boy..do not chop yet right folks!!
THere not over fed so give them a bit more an lots of water.....
Good job so far!!!! :rasta:
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we just checkd out the bud root spot didn't see it must have been the camera? idk it musta been a patch of hairs. umm otherwise looking real good checkd them
few more hairs turnd red. im Thinkin they got a solid 2 weeks left. im not to sure. :joint: :joint: Also I found a few potential spots for the G13 X HAZE.. Time to go get the SOIL and the Buckets 5 GALLON!!! 1 or 2 plants a bucket. might just be 1.. I WANT THEM BIG!

G Brazil

Hey BlayzieDave..
Thanks for checking my thread, Florida seems like a nice place to live and I can see you have been quite busy caring for those flowers... you are doing great!!! nice flowers!! thats the way to go! here in Brazil gets pretty hot, but only in the summer months... the rest of the yar we have cooler temps, lets say between 65F-80F. Im at 23 South... whats your latitude my friend?? we must have similar climates... I have been to Florida a few times, Miami , Ft. Lauderdale, Orlando.... I bet it gets pretty cold there in the winter... since its North Florida... you must get a few frosts.... but nothing that can harm your plants I bet... so keep checking my thread for future flowers.....
Keep it skunky
and stay safe!
jah bless!


Good job Dave!

You pulled it off.........
Anybody out there,my friend want to know
when to chop dont all post at ounce????
Make him feel loved here folks,dont wait for me!
i just spread some love dave's way last week wit seeds...


Dave's 1st grow!!!!!!!

Dave's 1st grow!!!!!!!

Hey there,
Lou is right Blazie, those plants have at least 3 wks to go IMO. Let the calyxes swell to the point of hardness.They'll look ready but they're not.
Kind depends on the strain but half your pistils , at least , should be dying before you consider the chop.Your yield can go up as much as 20% in the last 2 wks.Don't cut yourself out of that extra bud.Keep up the great effort and thread...BL

Lou...I believe you have planted a seed...you've definitely provided kindness and guidance to Blazie...K+....BL

Blazie...Here's a fresh bud showing her dying pistils.This was taken the day she was cut.She actually could have gone another 5 days but I harveted at 20% amber for a headier high.Has anyone told you about checking trichomes for ripeness?


Old School Cottonmouth
good to see some more outdoor gulf coasters. we're like albinos. rarest of the rare. and a guy with more than like ten plants such as lou is like an albino elephant.

anyway your plants look good I'm guessin 3 wks. but it'll never be one specific time.

when your plants are 75% red hairs one day you are going to notice they glisten brighter than before. and the next day they start glistening a lil more. thats about when I get them. 2-3 days into that glisten cycle.

You can't see it too well indoors under HID but outdoors its easier to see. I prefer the majority of my trichs to be right at the moment before they start going amber. the trichs start clear than go cloudy and cloudy and then they start going brown. At their most cloudy moment they reflect light very well. I call them mirror heads. and thats when I like them.

If you wait a couple days too long they start getting less shiny and more dull and that is when most of the trichs are amber and you waited too long.
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budluver - nah man never checkd trichomes for ripeness? whats that about?

umm the hairs are turnin to much really u think 3 weeks left? i was thinkin like another week... i wanted to chop before my birthday cause i wanted some good bud too smoke... cause im cuttin the habit of smoking till my birthday.. umm right now we are probably at like 15% hair change if i were to guess.
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HEY Dave,
To check your trichomes you will need a loupe or electricians lighted magnifying glass.Something that magnify's at least 15x its size.Trichomes are covering the surface of your buds.Especially the calyxes.They look like crystal lollipops.The round part of the trichome is filled with thc.When still young the round part will be clear.As your weed ripens the lollipop becomes cloudy and eventually amber at full ripeness.
Buds picked while the trics are clear are early and will produce a very up high.When the trics get cloudy more of a body high is prevelent.20% amber trics is RIPE.Pick your bud!!
P.S.Your bud looks great.A very successful first grow.The above varies depending on a growers preference.The longer you grow you'll develop your own philosophy. Happy Birthday and be sure to let us know how she smokes.Don't forget you'll need a wk to dry at minimum before smoking.BL
P.S.Harvesting and curing forum has a thread on checking trics.
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Old School Cottonmouth
dave don't underestimate that. its probably the most important thing to growing weed. You can do it perfect with great genes. harvest too early or too late and its crap. puts you to sleep or gives you a headache.
hahaha thx guys it raind yesterday preety good so imma go out there today and see what there doing.. check for mold and what not look for hair color change. :joint:


See DAVe told ya so.....more time!

Thanks friends for helping out my young student!
WAy back when i told you to feed and give them more
soil they would have gotten way bigger, but thats good!
You made it threw bud stage and your learning things....
Just keep the pics commin and we will help!


Oh FUK rains are BAD for BUD.

Hopefully no mold has raced threw the tops?
And a HARD rain can wash the trichomes right off..
Looked like a sprinkle or light rains and thats ok!!
SO next time the MORE SOIL the MORE WEED!!!!!!!!
Hahahaha its commin DAVE BIG JUICY G13 x HAZE BOMBS!


I hackd them i was on the phone with my friend over a land line discussin what was going down well i noticed my aunt go into my moms room i thought she was changin her clothes. i forgot my mom had a phone in her room same line.... my aunt was on the phone listin so i got scared and hackd them my aunt would go out there in her boots and try to find them shes a grower... BitchAZZZ

ill update with pics soon!.


Fukin trailer BITCH,figures.....

Come on DAVE tighten up bro,but at least
you have pics RIGHT?
WHat happened.....hope your doing MORE!!
Why not you got time till december........
Hope she dont rat on ya??