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Hello there. As it says old lady over here.


New member
I have a thread in the say hello forum if you want to read it folks. Any ways i was in chat talking to a few people and they were nice enough to offer me seeds and some people said that others here might help as well.

So im not one to ever ask for help, but im sick and tired of my medications and i need to start growing because smoking helps me do things around the house and it helps prevent me from being so sick all the time.

I have tried to get a few doctors here in Canada to help me out, but they just think it's stupid and they make me feel like a criminal, (although i swear i might have smoked with a few of them in the 70's.)

My son and daughter in law set up a growing light in my spare bedroom so i just need to get started.

If any one wishes to chat with me please pm me. that chat room thing goes way to fast for me :eek:

thanks folks


resident slackass
just a suggestion on the chat, if you use the float feature and maximize the window its a bit easier to keep up.


Welcome Welcome.... always happy to have another lady on the boards.. :wave: and yes, there are plently of knowledgable people here, willing to help anytime... so you came to the right place Lady...
Does your son and daughter inlaw grow or smoke? Or is this strictly for you? (just curious)


aka Buzz'dBob
Welcome OLG!!! {Initials, 'cause I am too lazy to type 'OldLadyGrower' -- :wink:}

Always happy to see more of "myGen"! A couple things I suspect you will learn very quickly... 1) There are many, many growers out there, and each and every one of them do things a little differently. So don't get discouraged by all the variability! 2) There are many of us here abouts that, literally, stumble over each other to help. So, be sure to hang around, and ask lottsa questions!

An excellent way to get the input you will desire is to start a Grow Thread. Don't be shy and think the Grow Threads are for experts only, with only the best photog equipment, writing skills, etc. This is not the case... By running a Grow Thread, you will get lottsa input, from many peeps, on an ongoing basis; from germanation through harvest!

Worked great for me here at ICMag, and I am certain it will work for you too!

Once again, welcome to ICMag! The Friendliest Cannabis Site on the Web! {imho}



aka Buzz'dBob
Oh! 'n a couple o' tips on the Chat Room, even though I don't go in there too much...

Try using the buttons to make your font larger... That helps my tired old eyes a lot. Use the colored fonts. If you are chatting with one or two peeps, watch for their colors. More or less ignore the rest...

Finally, if you want to have an in-depth conversation with one person, take it to a Private Chat... If there are several peeps, and you all want to discuss a particular topic, perhaps create/use a sub-room, though I do not believe that is done very often {if at all}...

Just more Food for Thought!



Welcome OldLadyGrower,

Be careful who you give your addy too. Stick with the established posters here and you won't have any problem.
Don't mean to be a downer, but you can never be too careful.
Once again, welcome.



A Big welcome OLG!
A Canadian girl and a grower?
You will get all the help you might need here!
Enjoy your stay!


Bubblegum Specialist
OLG, your Lifesaver seeds have been sent and you don't have to worry about my having your addy because I don't. :) When I get an addy I address an envelope and then tell the messege sender to delete the message immediately as do I. This way even if I were busted there is no record and my memory is crap so this is my version of security. It's called dementia. ;)

Hope they make it ok and do well for you. Do use common sense here as anywhere and have good internet protection. You need a subscription service to be safe from possible hackers but most people have little to worry about. Seeds aren't a big risk as they are legal in Canada.

Welcome to our little world... BOG
hmmmmmmmmm BOG is correct about the computer security.My professional field is as a large platform telecom programmer........just because you have a firewall and virus protection doesn't mean you can not be hacked..............and if you keep any confidential info on there you and your pals can be hurt pretty bad..................i use a programe called necrofile what it does is actually delete stuff for real and forever from your hard drive.............in other words just becasue you delete something doesn't mean it's gone from your hard drive.............windiws is notorious for that..............necro file lets you find your "deleted file" on the hard drive and then at your command it wipes that sector of your hard drive and at that point it is in fact deleted for real............the other thing i'd suggest for those with security issues..........i also use a programe called 3d trace router what it does is trace back a hack attack to the origonator so i know if the fool that just pinging or tried to high jack my pc is just a hacker or something more dangerous like the police the fbi or dea those are all people that do launch computer attacks against suspects.............it also tells me if it's johnny blue coller just hacking around......depending on the attackers software and brain power 3d tracerouter will more times then not give you an actual address of the individual or the isp the attack is being launched from...............if any of you guys ever need help with your pc security give the one eyed jack a shout.I'll trade messages with most people but nothing more......................grow well..grow safe.

One eyed Jack Reckem


Welcome to you OldLadyGrower
even if I came late
Do you have a strain in mind
I have just started some bigfreeze, mango and
some indicas
since I just register I havent made a pic galerie yet
but will do soon
too stone for that now



ahhhhh you can feel the love here, very nice. :smile: I am a newbie olg here as well. Good to see such a nice community here.


whats up

whats up

hey guys .. can i come and hang out a lil here im a lil young but hell ... i been around older than me ppl all my life ... i find i learn alot ....plus the young guys are a lil ... i don't know ....ummmm not like me ...... i just like older ppl better .... kids these days are to unpredictable... yea thats a good word to use ..lol


Basement Garden Gnome
Too late Marley
She was chased off by S**t Head.
One last newbie to screw with before he
was booted.

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