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Hello everyone! Newbie here.


New member
Hello all, as the title says.. Newbie cannabis grower from Maryland. Excited to be here on this new journey to share with you all as things are becoming recreational and legal. I come from the land of aquatic plants in fish tanks and thoroughly enjoyed collecting and growing different kinds, seeing progress in growth and sometimes different colors develop with age. I was on forums for that which became an extremely valuable resource for information, diagnosis, and "pick me ups" when needed as well as sharing my unique experiences with others in an effort to help where I was once new. While there are a lot of similarities I am finding that aquatic plants are more forgiving, at least for me so far. I began this as a hobby to see how it relates to what I already know and see how well I could grow a plant, not for the harvest or the quantity/quality of it, just simply to see what the process was like and, frankly, how well I could "wing it". Not without doing research of course.. but there are many variables and many different issues per person and plant.

I also quite enjoy cars having also been on forums for an old Mitsubishi line of cars in the 90s referred to as DMS's. As with anything I did a lot of learning and sharing on that forum and have fortunately met a large amount of great people through that hobby, both local and states away. Part of that learning and sharing curve came from working on my own vehicles wherever possible, asking questions and learning in the moment. Within the last 2-3 years I was fortunate enough to purchase 2 of my dream cars. One being a 2003 Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution 8 which is a very peppy daily and the other being a project drift build 1989 Nissan 240SX. I am hoping to hit the track this summer and get more seat time then shop time.

I am very much looking forward to being here and learning how to make this new hobby flourish as my others have. I have high hopes that this forum will be as friendly and helpful as most others have been. Thank you for reading.


New member
Welcome to ICMAG! You will find some wonderful people here that are willing to share and help.

Enjoy your journey
Peace farmerlion
Thank you! Me and a handful of friends all started grows at the same time. Mine is the oldest so I am looking forward to being able to share and compare with them. So far I'm the only one with a seedling but they are close behind. Should see our next one in the group sprout this week!


New member
Welcome to the forum!!
I'm a newbie myself, so I'm pretty much like you and your friends, doing my first grow!

I'm also a little bit into cars and damn, Evo 8 and 240 sx... Love them!!
Awesome! Glad to see I'm not alone on the cars.. lol Funny enough we all have an Evo of the same body style (3 of us). They have 06s which are the 9s but mine has the front end swapped to a 9 so you couldn't tell. Gonna be a fun summer. :D