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Headbanger !!... Revival


Well-known member
I think first Headbanger seeds where made 2011, first cup won was 2013.

As for biker v1. Only was around 2 months then busted. Since 2012 only biker v2. Seeds been sold.
Karma .. just curious about the Sour Power OG, when it's release date was. As I still hold two cuts from the original release. Just curious how old these cuts are been trying to figure that out. They are still going strong after all these years, how ever many years that is?. 🤷

Again so excited and grateful for these Headbanger seeds and a chance to bring her back potentially better than the cut I have 10 years ago.🤞
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Well-known member
I am thinking it was just afther, proberly 2013. Hortilab gave me his Sour Power cup winning cut for that, i gave him a biker breedihg male he used on Starbud.
Karma.. Thank you for answering!
I'm getting old I'm loosing track of time

I'm still holding 2 cuts of Sour Power OG
I love the terps on my cut and it's pretty trouble free and hardy.
I plan to rejuvenate them outdoors next spring .

Are there any plans to remake/Release Sour Power OG? Just curious.

Thanks Again Karma!! Much appreciated !!


New member
7 years ago I lost a cut of Headbanger from a pack I grew from 2010.

Been waiting a long time to bring her Back. I finally was able to get my hands on a few packs !!!
Woo hoo 🎉!! 🙏🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
A good friend of mine is also growing out a pack or two so we're doing pheno hunt and hoping to make F2 's beyond excited for this.
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Much love to Karma!! !!👊
Lets Goooooo!!! The Banger is back!!!


Well-known member
Sorry for not updating ... Life
Plus my flower room full of Sowahh has been keeping busy in what little spare time I've had.

They all are in 5 gal fabric pots .under T5 6500k, with some indirect CMH/MH side lighting. Getting fed Bio Vega + Bio Rhizotonic,Mammoth Si, and a lil liquid bonemeal.

I had to top them all as they were packed close and got taller then I wanted. but I've secured cuts of all the females and I'm taking more.
They've recovered from topping and are spaced out and are revegging nicely vigourous new nodes,/ shoots. Can't wait to see what these ladies got to show me😍

Ive sexed them all right now it appears that I had five females in seven males in the pack that I just popped I did not keep any males I discarded them all I still have another pack that I will probably keep a male out of I've just got too much going on with too many different strains and cuts right now to take on a F2 project at the moment..
I'm planning to flower them in a month. Can't wait 🔥

*** My lense on my camera is damaged sorry for lack of photos
Working on replacing phone now 🤦.
So pics coming soon..

Mtn. Nectar

Well-known member
got back some yrs… few left…made nice hybs with male from:
Idiits Bouclou kush

few tended BLR hyb outdoors IMG_9336.jpeg with good results