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Hazeolope on the Horizon



Last girl down at day 87

Last girl down at day 87

Thanks Hughesy:biggrin:


Well, the last hazeolope came down today, closing in on 12.5 weeks:biggrin: This girl will b thrown in to reveg along with the other girl thats already in the veg tent, to wait pending final testing.







I will try an post the rest of my pre-cure smoke reports by the end of this week, and the one on this girl sometime next week. In addition, I will update in about a month for a cured and final smoke report. Other than that, the show is pretty much done:biggrin: Thanks a lot ojd, and to everyone who stayed along for the ride, take care all and good karma:biggrin::smokeit:


Couple dry shots of the last girl to come down, plus a a test shot of some hash I made from hazeolope and f13 trim. She was extremely stinky while trimming, damn near a security risk. If this cut wins out in the smoke test over the other girl that is being revegged, then she will have to be trimmed inside the tent to contain the smell.:biggrin:




Here is the hash shot, I couldn't time it right with my old camera, to get it when it domed out, gotta keep practicing:biggrin:



Thanks a lot arctic:biggrin: The beso should be a blast:biggrin: Now I got to start working on getting the final smoke reports done:smokeit:


Seis mainh awesome update . havent been here in some days but holy crap they sticky , DRY SHOTS are outstanding .....im gonna steal a puff on that salad pipe puuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuf :D


Thanks a lot Kall, good to see you by bro. Bowl is all yours bro, I think you are going to like stealing a puff for sure:biggrin:


thank u m8
Just passing by to give my main man some goodwibes and a happy weekend wish , well what left of it :)

Retardo Motabon

ICMag Donor
Well hello, I am very excited to be looking at 5 samples of the fine Hazeolope herbs grown in this thread by Seismic. Its afternoon so I'm not fresh but real excited to begin sampling this stuff and gathering thoughts on it.
Samples 1-3 have a very similar scent amongst them, very hazey and strong scented. #4 smells kind of earthy or lacking, just not enjoyable. #5..no haze but sniff sniff mmmmh! I swear I smell a soft sweet note like in opium. Also the smallest sample it seems Lol!
So without even taking them out thats what I have noticed so far.
I took oput sample #1 and found a large dense nugget. Its density seems more due to its resinous nature. Its a wet stickieness and kind of slippery oily as I rub my fingers. Smaller calyxes. I'm sparking a 1/3 of a gram joint, maybe a tad less. Un momento.
OK, just smoked it down to an inch pretty quick. Smooth, non expansive. Tasted hazy at first but began to take on a different note a ways in. Slightly sweet but different. As I got down toward the end I noticed hints that did remind me a bit of unsweetened cocoa. I still feel in a hurry like I did as I smoked it down as I am trying to get out for a hike yet but I feel more centered, wait I'm definitely hazed out a bit spacy but still right with it. Yeah very enjoyable so far. Back later.:thank you:
Sample #1:

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"I swear I smell a soft sweet note like in opium. Also the smallest sample it seems Lol!"
LMAO Seis keepin tha good shit 4 a solo fatty :)
Stay safe n high


Whew! This site and the dialup I am on finally let me load up the pics and it was sure worth the wait.

I am really impressed with the buds. They are super nice and frosty.

I thought all of the ones I am growing would smell hazy, but one is finally starting to reek of chocolate bars. I am tickled to death.

That hash sure does look tasty. I wish I was there to help you smoke it up.

good job! 12 weeks huh? Durn, I still got about 8 weeks to go then. that is a long time.

I sure do wish I had not got that PM and mites, and could have kept my grow up with yours.

At least I have got to see it through, although I am hampered by dialup and can't post in threads with pics very easy. Sorry not to have participated more.

How much did you get average per plant? and how is it tasting? :)


Retardo Motabon- I am glad to are enjoying them bro. Lol on the #5 though, that girl was the first hazeolope that came down, a few weeks ahead of the rest. Couple that with the fact that I was digging the buzz, and she unfortunately went quick, but I tried to save a good nug for ya to test. Take care n talk soon bro, enjoy the haze:tiphat:

Nellak- Lol, nah im just a fiend for good herb, shit goes to quick in my possession, I am surprised the #5 pheno even lasted as long as it did, since I was out of smoke when she got the chop. Take care bro, good to see ya.

Lola- sucks about the problems, but I am glad you were able to check it out. Thanks for the kind words, I will be sure to keep ppopping in to your thread, take care and good luck with those girls.

Retardo Motabon

ICMag Donor
Allright, here are some more thoughts.
#1 seemed to lose its effect somnehwat rapidly, lets say 20-30 minutes. This is just fine for a smoker like me who wants to puff that often but might not be herb that I roll just one spliff to take on a 2 hour hike.
#4 sample does not smell like I described it. It has the same scent as samples 1-3 but stronger. THere's a odor to it thats similar to cat piss or spray.
It turned me off though a friend who stopped by just remarked that it was a stronger smell, they liked it.
I sampled #2, #3 and #5 yesterday as well.

#2 seemed a similar high as #1;upbeat, head high, slight clouding of mind but very functional yet. #2 seemed like it had more staying power, better duration then #1.

#3 I smoked at the end of the night. I found myself yawning shortly after smoking it and my eyes got red and heavier. Could have been the time of night.

At any rate, today is a busy day so I am goingto spark a 1/4 gram joint of #2 for this mornings first smoke.

sample #2:


Here we go!
#2 seemed to have a little less of the flavor the herb smelled of while being smoked. Very smooth, non expansive. The high seems to be in the head and in the chest kind of like the herb is gripping your heart and squeezing it a bit so there is a touch of intensity in that respect. Not a body high otherwise. Motor skills are intact as with sample #1, very functional physically but my brain seems to be a little dumbed down and typing mistakes have increased lol!
Minutes later I am still sitting here rereading this. It has me kind of zoned. This may be a good thing for me. Normally I am very adhd and trying to focus on 5 things at once! Intensity has held constant so far.
Back to the #2. ITs an hour later and I am ready to smoke again. No comedown at all on #2. No coffee needed before the next joint!
#2 worked like I hoped. THe intensity held well for almost an hour. I was able to focus on one task at a time and got more than I expected accomplished in that time. I like the effects of #2 medicinally alot.
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Retardo Motabon

ICMag Donor
Seismic, glad to hear from you!
I was just sparking humor about #5! I cant tell you how grateful I am to be doing this sampling.:thank you:
THat being said, #5 has a totally different scent, very sweet with little hazed scent at all. By nose alone, that is the plant I would want to keep. I had my friend smell each one repeatedly and they were drawn to #5 as well. Seems it finished earlier too. I'm looking forward to testing that one but I am going by the numbers from hereout. I gotta say this though:
Jars dont lie. That jar that empties fastest and suddenly gets rationed until much later on there is still at least a puff of it left to savor once more...thats the good stuff!:bump:
We'll see when we get there.
thanks again buddy!
Nice work Seismic!
Don't know much about Hazelope from experience, but it's looks like you did the genetics justice.
I am going to be using tents here soon, so it's nice to see what you turned up in yours.
Keep up the great work man!

Smoke Dream

Retardo Motabon

ICMag Donor
I just added a little more info on sample #2 at the bottom of that post but will start sample #3 in this post. Last night this herb made my eyes red and heavy but it was also lat ein the evening. Now that I have some stuff done around here I am going to go ahead and give #3 another shot.


Yup. I already yawned twice. My eyelids feel heavy and I feel a relaxing of my muscles. This one makes me want to take catnap or just lie back. I guess I will have a cup of coffee! Hmm...seems to be triggering hunger too!

So a bit later I havent gotten up to make that coffee and I feel very relaxed and noticeably pleasant. Laying down with a sunny window to warm mw up still sounds nice but I didnt get couchlocked. THis one is quite enjoyable chilling herb. I should put some tunes on!
Once this one settled in I came back arouund and had no trouble going about the day and getting things done. THis one worked well with my adhd scatterbrainedness too. I did find myself wanting something stronger to chip ice too after about an hour, but thats normal. Suxch a crappy job, a person has to be ripped for it!
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Retardo Motabon

ICMag Donor
Allright, first smoke of the day, this spliff has been in my mouth too long without being lit! I need my mind set right ya know!


OK lets spark #4! sorry about the half ass pics but I'm out of practice!
This mornings smoke was a bit larger but who's to care, its saturday. So as with the others I smoked it to the end. Same buzz as the others, in the head and chest. I feel a sort of driving or constant energy at my pineal gland and I totally forgot about getting back to the report after I finished the smoke. I went right into doing things around the house!
Now, I dislikesd the scent of this stuff in the bag but found none of the ammonia like sharpness in the smoke. It was still very smooth and nonexpansive. Now I feel using the term hazy as a scent descriptor is a little weak but I have not been around near enpough haze in my life. THe scent of 4/5 samples is sharp like ammonia or cat spray and has a citrus smell like lime or lemon.
THere is another base scent that makes up the body of the smell but I dont know how to expain it. Maybe I should have stuck with "hazy"!
THis #4 is definitely more energetic than the #3. SO far I think I like this and #2 the best. Back to the day I guess. I'm lookiong forward to trying #5 today. IT really stood out when I first smelled it. I'll add some parting comments on thius sample after its wore off a lil later.
Yup this and #2 have had the best duration of high so far.
duration was about an hour again. Easy to focus on mundane tasks such as sorting and putting away 8 loads of laundry, uggh!
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