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Hazed starting over! Time to convert? Help!

Ichabod Crane

Well-known member
You need to take some fans off. At this point they are just preventing thew light from getting farther into your canopy. I had a plant that I thought had mold where I removed the fans on half. That side the buds got bigger and harder then the side I did not do it to. That to me proved what DHF was saying.

At this point they are just like a gas tank. They will hold onto the nutes and when you flush let the nutes go to the buds during the flush. They are also taking light and nutes from your buds. Your roots have to support them as well as the buds and they are slowly becoming users of more and more then they produce. If you look at the buds they are green and so are your stems. They will produce enough to grow the buds.

Just a couple more weeks.:woohoo:


Active member
So I been runnin an old magnetic ballast on the scrog, and a nice new digital ballast in the doughnut.
Would it be a bad idea to switch the two?
Reason I ask, the scrog looks like it could use a little more light , and the 4' dougnut is actually getting fans bleached pretty good.

I think I can tell that digital is throwin out more light just lookin at it with welding goggles (dont own a light meter).

Seems like a good idea to switch the two out in that case. I didn't need a light meter to know my first digital was putting out more light than a new magnetic i'd picked up at the time :biggrin:.


You need to take some fans off. At this point they are just preventing thew light from getting farther into your canopy. I had a plant that I thought had mold where I removed the fans on half. That side the buds got bigger and harder then the side I did not do it to. That to me proved what DHF was saying.

At this point they are just like a gas tank. They will hold onto the nutes and when you flush let the nutes go to the buds during the flush. They are also taking light and nutes from your buds. Your roots have to support them as well as the buds and they are slowly becoming users of more and more then they produce. If you look at the buds they are green and so are your stems. They will produce enough to grow the buds.

Just a couple more weeks.:woohoo:
Day late dollar short bro, lol (jk).
I pulled almost a full 5 gallon bucket of fans and larf outta the doughnut last night. Them diesels didnt stretch much and Im not sure if I should get aggressive and thin out some lateral limbs or not, they look almost like christmas trees what you think?
I can see where it would help light penetration, but maybe waste a lot of plant vigor healing them wounds I would be leaving on the main trunk of the plant?
Tempted to just trim em up like they're ready for the cure and call it good,lol.

Might finish the scrog tonight, man I couldn't hardly straighten up my back after last night, lol, another strike against flat grows!

Gonna be a long worrisome two weeks bro, this has been going to smoothly, gotta be some other obstacles before harvy... Thanks bro...

Seems like a good idea to switch the two out in that case. I didn't need a light meter to know my first digital was putting out more light than a new magnetic i'd picked up at the time :biggrin:.

Thanks Mister_D,
Yeah I couldn't believe how obvious it was. First time running both lights side by side though... Thanks brutha

I converted a showtime rotisserie into a hash tumbler and been slowly going through my trim. I dry sift what I can, make ISO outta whats left and combine the two and woohoo Im having a great weekend. Hope your all havin a good one too...Hazed

Ichabod Crane

Well-known member
Im not sure if I should get aggressive and thin out some lateral limbs or not, they look almost like christmas trees what you think?
I can see where it would help light penetration, but maybe waste a lot of plant vigor healing them wounds I would be leaving on the main trunk of the plant?
Tempted to just trim em up like they're ready for the cure and call it good,lol.

I Usually trim my fans off over a week to week and a half. If you take to many at one time you risk hermies.

Another thing that can happen is it stunts the plant. If you take to many at one time you will notice that they use less water for a few days. I try to prevent that from happening. I do this by just taken less leaves the first day then skipping a day and taking a few more. Gradually taking more and more each time till they are all gone.

I start with the big fans in front and move back threw the plant to the back. Once I have a area of my plant cleared I move my bud sites into the light. I try to get full use of the light if I can. At this point is there are more buds then light the smallest buds get removed.

I don't trim the leaves at the buds, just the fans at the bottom of the buds. I feel that the plant still needs these leaves to bring nutes up to the bud by releasing water threw the leaves. I have never removed these leaves till I trim the buds, so I can't say what that will do.


I Usually trim my fans off over a week to week and a half. If you take to many at one time you risk hermies.

Another thing that can happen is it stunts the plant. If you take to many at one time you will notice that they use less water for a few days. I try to prevent that from happening. I do this by just taken less leaves the first day then skipping a day and taking a few more. Gradually taking more and more each time till they are all gone.

I start with the big fans in front and move back threw the plant to the back. Once I have a area of my plant cleared I move my bud sites into the light. I try to get full use of the light if I can. At this point is there are more buds then light the smallest buds get removed.

I don't trim the leaves at the buds, just the fans at the bottom of the buds. I feel that the plant still needs these leaves to bring nutes up to the bud by releasing water threw the leaves. I have never removed these leaves till I trim the buds, so I can't say what that will do.

They drink 10- 12 gallons a day, and that hasnt changed much except for the time I forgot to plug the heater in, lol, and then they went back to normal about a 24 hrs later.
This will be my 3rd trip through trimming off fans and spindly sht (probably 4th time on the scrog), I started out light, and now close to 70% of the fans I am removing are light bleached or have had the N sucked outta them.
The NYD are very compact (didnt stretch much, so moving budsites into light is not an option) Im concerned the buds will not get the light they need, so will be removing or trimming some leaves I guess. I think chopping limbs this late in bloom would not be good. Gotta do something,lol.

Hey if my veg doesnt get a killing frost before I can afford to build a room for them, I will do a mono crop next round, and then we can get all scientific about this. ;) I want to go Aero/vert so fuckin bad I can taste it!

Yeah harvest in 2 weeks, but then cured in min 3-4 weeks, lol. Thanks man...Hazed

ETA: few pics,
#1 is a NYD I want to trim back a few leaves to expose some of the inside buds.
#2 is a THCB, Love having the chunky buds rather than the fat cola.
#3 Hindu Kush done trimming. (see not too radical huh)



Not hitting them to hard I dont think. They were hungry today, in fact I can see where this hand feeding BS is going to cost me some weight.
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7 weeks

7 weeks

Hey guys, and gal, things are lookin pretty good!
Got laid off for a week which will be hard on the paycheck but will give me a chance to get some rooms built.

Snapped this shot of the doughnut just as the lights were coming on. I will get a pic of the scrog tomorrow.

Diesel Bud Macro,

The HK is close to ready now, THCB is right behind it, and Diesel way behind it,lol.
Take care...Hazed


I see tip burn and they look too green for 7 weeks Bro......but....

Swellage looks good , so cut all N and flush with 1/2 strength nutes with dripclean and see if they start yellowin off more ....

Good luck....Freds .......:ying:......


I see tip burn and they look too green for 7 weeks Bro......but....

Swellage looks good , so cut all N and flush with 1/2 strength nutes with dripclean and see if they start yellowin off more ....

Good luck....Freds .......:ying:......

Yeah if the pic was better you could also see that plant with the bad tip burn is seeded (HKxTHCB). :) Snuck that one in on ya guys.
I was watering everyone else then dumping the dehuey into what was left for that plant, but got rushed a few days and fkd up.

I will flush everything tonight! This grow is drillin into my head how great it would be to mono crop.lol.
Thanks buddy I was wondering about a flush but encountered a short between the keyboard and mouse last night, and forgot to type!..Hazed

P.S. Im thinkin most of em could go another 2.5-3 weeks so should see some hungry bitches by then.
They all look like they a week ahead of normal, and I never used straight coco before so please keep an eye on this greenhorn!


Active member
Hazed just dropping in to see how they are doing!

Looking good so far, other than the obvious tip burn. I disagree with the green/yellow thing. If it yellows great! But if it keeps chugging along with green leaves I don't see any foul, I've smoked some killer stuff than was fully green(not a deep green though...) leaved until day of chop.

Yeah your gals look def to be another couple weeks til chop but they look splendid. I agree with you on the mono crop lol, unless you're growing tree/bush style, monocrop is 100x times easier.


Hazed just dropping in to see how they are doing!

Looking good so far, other than the obvious tip burn. I disagree with the green/yellow thing. If it yellows great! But if it keeps chugging along with green leaves I don't see any foul, I've smoked some killer stuff than was fully green(not a deep green though...) leaved until day of chop.

Yeah your gals look def to be another couple weeks til chop but they look splendid. I agree with you on the mono crop lol, unless you're growing tree/bush style, monocrop is 100x times easier.

Heya gh0st good to see ya! I agree, an old buddy of mine used to really over do it with the N, and his weed was always really good!
Appreciate the kind words. Im gonna have a pheno hunt and a mono crop runnin within the next week if all goes well.

BTW, I see you are trying out some new strains. How about a thread bro? I would really enjoy seeing your grow and learning about some new strains!
I may begin bugging you relentlessly about this! ;)
Be safe out there...Hazed

P.S. DHF knows what hes doing, and is just trying to teach this dumbass hillbilly how to grow perfect weed!


Poppin some seeds!

Poppin some seeds!

Hey guys, gal,
I would appreciate any input I can get from ya!
Not much of a selection, and cant afford to buy more right now,

Already got a few Chemdog IBL's almost ready for bloom, the Zamal will be for me some day, just wanted input on those also,so included them.
Bought the Critical Mass seeds about a year ago, and have since been reading varying reports as to the stone quality (mostly not great).

Please let me know which ones you think I should try next and what good/bad qualities they have...Hazed


It`s cool Ghost.......I just tryta help folks get the best possible end product able to be had by end of cycle , and what I`ve learned over the yrs about adjusting ppm`s from end of stretch to harvey.......

This is another debate and heated discussion on all the invite only medsites I help out at about depleting nitrogen after swellage is in full force , cuz all my old head growbro`s are set in their ways from many yrs of doin this shit for a living with dialed and consistent results......but.....

Here`s the thing......and for the record..... Breeder suggestions on finish times mean absolutely dick as to when if left alone to cannibalize itself and use all stored nitrogen in the fanleaves for max swellage till dyin on the vine , the fanleaves will yellow and fall off the plant on the ground as the plant fully finishes.......and....

How do I know this ?........I grew outside for 15 yrs and lived with my bitches daily and never knew from seed vendors tellin yas when to pull a plant , cuz .....

As the plant fully finishes it changes from green to autumn colors , and then if left through the first frosts of the winter season comin on , the chlorophyll will be leached out of the plants and turn purple and wine colored from the inherent anthocyanin inside each and every dope cultivar........

Long story short....Indoor growers on the left coast HAVE to flush their shit to be taken to market and be tested for every single iota of residuals in said nugs before the dispensaries will pay top wholesale dollar so they can rape and pillage the retail market consumers with all their sales hype bullshit......

I never flushed a plant in my life , but from the understanding of doin this shit and what hormonal changes go on with pot after stretch till end of cycle , I adjusted ppms accordingly with less N and micro with more potassium and phosphorous for increased swellage till the plants started eatin the stored N in the leaves to keep swelling till death......and then.......

When I started growin smaller plants with increased numbers , once stretch was completely over I started removing the fanleves with a stem till the only leaf left was comin out of the actual colas themselves and results increased and improved by not having to waste vital plant energy on nuthin ass leaves that were gonna yellow off and fall on the floor eventually anyways.....

Never more than 750 ppm`s with N and micro adjusted down after end of stretch , and addin back more bloom formula to keep ppm`s consistent till chop rules the day guaranteed.......

My ppm`s ended up in the 200`s by end of cycle by reducing and cuttin mixes in half with no actual flushing involved and proper dry and cure took care of the rest for smooth white ash burnin nuggage every run for many yrs........

Got folks that swear by the keepin nitrogen in the mix works for them , but for me.......The best product with optimum flavor and smell came from droppin N and mico and uppin the bloom and droppin ppm`s to negligible levels toward the end ftw.......

Ya`ll take care....DHF.....:ying:......
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My tap water is 50-60 ppm, and all total with mag added, I have not went over 525ppm the entire grow!
After stretch I fed them at 375-400 ppm's.
2 weeks ago I noticed lower leaves yellowing and and gave them a higher ppm feeding once which was at 460ppm. I didnt think it was a good idea to have them starving in theyre 5th week.

Now we see nute burns? Never did see them get real dark green like they normally do with to much N.
Im so fuckin confused now, Im thinking about dumping the damned coco, and multiple watering bs.
Pro mix for next hot assed summer!

First time I had mites in a sealed room, was the first time I ran coco!


Active member
Heya gh0st good to see ya! I agree, an old buddy of mine used to really over do it with the N, and his weed was always really good!
Appreciate the kind words. Im gonna have a pheno hunt and a mono crop runnin within the next week if all goes well.

BTW, I see you are trying out some new strains. How about a thread bro? I would really enjoy seeing your grow and learning about some new strains!
I may begin bugging you relentlessly about this! ;)
Be safe out there...Hazed

P.S. DHF knows what hes doing, and is just trying to teach this dumbass hillbilly how to grow perfect weed!

Yeah I personally don't flush but I grow according to plants not labels just like our friend DHF so mine tend to yellow/purple up but have friend that have never had a problem in 15+ years of growing it their way.

I would start a thread friend but alas my old canon from 2002 finally crapped out on me and I can't decide if I want a new camera or not, I would only use it for ICMAG:)

But definitely check out Hazeman, really vigorous stuff with keeper phenos everywhere.


I meant no offense, and knowing your handle I can tell you know all about growing the goods no doubt:).

I'm the same way, I grow according to the plants and not the labels, the reason why I don't have a ec/tds meter, although I probably should. My plants usually tend to fade in colors as well because I usually let it go a week to 3 longer then stated and it naturally just finishes like that.

I joined this site after growing for only 5 years, 3 of those a long time ago just fucking around with clones/seeds gifted by my longtime grower friends, and seeds that I just based on packaging. And 2 of those spent seriously with those clones and purchased proven genetics, as you can tell with my sign up date.

Now my friends are all a tight knit group with little to no interaction with internet sites due to fear of being popped, I live in one of the most draconian states towards mj. So thus most of knowledge comes from them, and I joined to broaden and deepen my knowledge of growing and growing techniques.

So although I might have different experience previously and vocalize that, note I'm still a newbie compared to you, and I always will defer myself to your knowledge and experience and I have nothing but the utmost respect for those who try to teach those who are coming up such as myself and with a plethora of knowledge. I mean we all know you don't HAVE to post and help us fools:tiphat:


My tap water is 50-60 ppm, and all total with mag added, I have not went over 525ppm the entire grow!
After stretch I fed them at 375-400 ppm's.
2 weeks ago I noticed lower leaves yellowing and and gave them a higher ppm feeding once which was at 460ppm. I didnt think it was a good idea to have them starving in theyre 5th week.

Now we see nute burns? Never did see them get real dark green like they normally do with to much N.
Im so fuckin confused now, Im thinking about dumping the damned coco, and multiple watering bs.
Pro mix for next hot assed summer!

First time I had mites in a sealed room, was the first time I ran coco!
Coco`s a fickle bitch my buddy and to be dealt with before gettin under control.....if.....

Yas don`t use pre-washed/pre-charged with cal/mag expensive as fuck hydrated and mixed bagged shit........so.....that said....

Coco`s CEC/cation exchange capacity causes it to hold onto cal/mag in veg thru stretch , and then potassium during bloomage , so adding feed in the 5th week caused the tip burn , but rootzone core ppms were and are prolly way higher than what you think they are bro......regardless ....

Told Farmhousecat today bout stayin in the comfort zone and usin what yas`re used to and have good results with , so if it`s promix that works for yas then hang with it and dial that shit.....but.....

Mites can proliferate in any medium , so don`t blame it on the coco , and.....more sativa leaning hybrids are waaaay more sensitive to excess ppms than indica dom hybrids , but 50/50 sat/ind plants are the best of the best IME.....Chem D clone only comes to mind as a keeper.....anyways....

All things come to those with runs under yer belt and seein first hand what it takes to not fuck up the same way next run till it`s all......simple....babyshit......



Active member
Hazed as freds said already coco is fickle bitch, but once dialed it will spank the shit outta promix all day long. Try adding 2-5ml gal. cal/mag during veg.

Ichabod Crane

Well-known member
I add 15 tablespoons of lime when I rehydrate a block of coco. Then I add potassium silicate with every feeding. Seems to take care of the issues DHF is talking about. The lime cost me like $10 for a 50 pound bag. Much cheaper then the cal/mag solution and is going to last me forever.


In all my yrs of growin inside , I`ve never used anything but GH 3 part , SM-90 , and silcablast/potassium silicate for stemwall strength on bigger plants until I went with coco chunks , pith/stringy fibers , and chunky perlite.....and then.....

Hadta implement Botanicare`s Cal/mag plus @ 5 ml per gal even with my 50/50 tapwater/r/o blend to dial that shit..... and......

Once I got hold of clone only Chem D , that bitch needed at least 7.5 ml per gal and closer to 10 if my mix was`nt up to snuff.....regardless.....

Hazed don`t give up on coco Bro.....Dial that shit....you`re better than this and you know it.....

Hunker down and overcome....Promix can`t hold a candle to dialed coco......bet on it....but....if yas need the comfort zone of promix then do it and do it well......all in whatchas know and get comfortable with......

Holler if I can help....Freds.....:ying:.....


Active member
I add 15 tablespoons of lime when I rehydrate a block of coco. Then I add potassium silicate with every feeding. Seems to take care of the issues DHF is talking about. The lime cost me like $10 for a 50 pound bag. Much cheaper then the cal/mag solution and is going to last me forever.

Cool stuff ich. I've often wondered if that wouldn't work. I have about 30lbs left over from outdoor projects.

Ichabod Crane

Well-known member
Cool stuff ich. I've often wondered if that wouldn't work. I have about 30lbs left over from outdoor projects.

Make sure it is dolomite lime. It has somewhere around 28% calcium and 18% magnesium. this varies with the mine it is from. Get the powder not the pellets.

I also use my tap water which is sky high in calcium when I hydrate the coco.