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Hawaiian Sativa ~ Federation Seeds


Well-known member
No worries. If the F2's show any decent results, they will be sent in to the Bay or Boo prob for a charity auction or something similar.

Just a Opinion, that will open the door for the people who are looking for genetic to make money with. That line was circulating through the community behind the scene the last years, and happily no money was involved till now, also no one have send some to auctions. Wondering how long it will take till "The Landrace Team" is selling it after buying it from Bay or Boo. ;)

PS: You can't make Hawaiian Sativa F2's, cause it's a IBL, as long as it's not crossed to something else it will still be an IBL.

Grown from my own reproduction, very homogen, almost like Clones.


Active member
Be carefull with who you share Hawaiian Sativa or others rare Seeds guys. That guy xxxxxxx reminds me a lot of that riddly or riddle guy who is behind " The Landrace Team". Sadly it isn't allowed to share PM's openly, a while ago i got a PM from that Riddle guy from TLT, asking for rare old Mexican Seeds.

The Landrace Team is one of the most disgusting Seedbanks out there, a lot of the stuff they're selling was aquirred through shaddy tactics (multiple accounts etc) and nice words from collectors who never agreed that their stuff will land on the market for sale. There is no passion behind "The Landrace Team", it's all about money for them.

So don't let those people exploit rare genetics and let them make money with it. Choose the people you share with wisely. Sometimes the year long hunt for a rare treasure is actually more fun as holding the treasure in your hands finally. So maybe let some treasures out there for the treasure hunters, would be boring if everything would be freely available. ;)

Speaking about Federation Hawaiian Sativa.

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Very nice! I'll be looking for the more dense ones to work with.

Also going to be crossing TopDawg Sour Diesel BX3 male and Karma's Sowahh male to it as well to see how well she plays w Sour Diesel pollen...

I have some Haw Sat x Wedding Cake as well that should be fun to explore.


Active member
Just a Opinion, that will open the door for the people who are looking for genetic to make money with. That line was circulating through the community behind the scene the last years, and happily no money was involved till now, also no one have send some to auctions. Wondering how long it will take till "The Landrace Team" is selling it after buying it from Bay or Boo. ;)

PS: You can't make Hawaiian Sativa F2's, cause it's a IBL, as long as it's not crossed to something else it will still be an IBL.

Grown from my own reproduction, very homogen, almost like Clones.
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What people do with what I freely share is not my concern or business, it's nice to share so I do. I am not really responsible for other individuals consciences or what they grow or smoke or pollen chuck or choose to sell .... that would be similar to giving a gift but with behavioral prerequisites which really isn't how I roll. That sounds more like a controlling mother in law than it does a fan of a particular expression of nature or cultivar. But that's just me, each can choose to do what they want with what they have as long as it doesn't violate my personal rights.

And I understand it is an IBL, I just meant that I would be making F2's of the particular batch of beans I have of them.

:) Peace and love All!


Well-known member
What people do with what I freely share is not my concern or business, it's nice to share so I do. I am not really responsible for other individuals consciences or what they grow or smoke or pollen chuck or choose to sell .... that would be similar to giving a gift but with behavioral prerequisites which really isn't how I roll. That sounds more like a controlling mother in law than it does a fan of a particular expression of nature or cultivar. But that's just me, each can choose to do what they want with what they have as long as it doesn't violate my personal rights.

And I understand it is an IBL, I just meant that I would be making F2's of the particular batch of beans I have of them.

:) Peace and love All!

Yes you're right, im more of a controlling nature, and maybe ever will be. :D

Never was a big Seedsharer myself, as a longtime member i often saw what people are doing to get rare Seeds and what they're doing with it when they finally have what they wanted.

Some of the Seeds used for the Hawaiian Sativa repro RC_Colas made originally came from a friend of mine (Vermontman). He shared some of these with a guy called backwoods aka FLboy aka blue_tick, and pleased him to hold them for his own use, the guy agreed.

But soon after he received the Seeds he send the Seeds to RC_Colas without popping a single Seed on his own. He knew that RC_Colas has some rare stuff, and probably his intention was to get something nice back when he will give him the Seeds. So he broke the word he gave to someone, just to probably get something what he wanted.

Vermontman has reproduced and selected the Hawaiian Sativa over years, payed electricity and invested a lot of time.

There are a lot other collectors who changed their behavior over the Years, rarely share anymore, and if they share, they choose wisely with who they share to prevent they get into the wrong hands to someone who makes money with it.

Good, the Hawaiian Sativa was freely available/buyable Years ago. But most people it seems not invested time to reproduce these Seeds to have fresh stock, that why the almost got lost, Vermontman was one who always hold it alive and made fresh stock.

With the Hawaiian Sativa the cat is out of the bag anyway. But i still like the idea of searching for something what isn't available at every corner. Dive deep into the scene, make friends, showing that you are a trustable person who can hold his word, and in the End you maybe got a Treasure. :)

Still one of the most beautiful Plants i've grown until now.

Don't harvest too early, as there are phenos who can give you some serious heart racing when harvested too early. It starts like a cold rush over your back and your heart will pump like crazy, not for people with a sensible heart in my eyes. (when harvested too early)


Active member
Yeah I have been around the boards under several different handles since the days of Overgrow....I grew Haw Sat from 1999-2006ish. They were my first pack of bought beans from a place in Vancouver off East Hastings. She was always my favorite along w Sour Diesel. I've grown a LOT of crosses and others looking for her again, but was recently gifted her by a guy in Canada working on several preservation projects. I haven't popped these yet to see how close they are to the old school HS, but I will be at the start of Feb.

I understand your caution, I don't share my stash w just anybody. If they did get sent into the Bay or Boo it would have to be for something special like maybe helping out a family of a fallen or imprisoned canna naut, or something like helping Mrs BOG w funeral expenses for BOG (RIP)or something similar.

But, we shall see what these beans hold and go from there.. but as far as just randomly giving them away to anybody, that wont happen. If I don't know you, or don't know of you, you prob wont be gifted w them.
I was in an illegal state growing for 27 years, so I am very careful and dont just trust anyone that comes along wanting soemthing.
LOTN/Xray Kimono


Active member
Hey men!
I read your words and I seriously understand 'em. I' ve read a lot of threads here and at "Cannabis Café", I know we are in a corrupted World and that's the problem but it don't means that all the people are the same thing. How I said, I'm mexican, I don't speak english but I understand it, mainly because I love the cannabis so I would need to learn it due almost all of the info here, is in english language, at least what interests me that are the landrace sativas or some sativa hybrids like "SSSDH", "Kush Haze", and maybe others famous strains that hyped to me. I have been many years searching for real sativas, I shuffle the possibility of make a hippie trail to search pure mexican varieties, some people say I will risk my life but I don't care, I only knows I will make it and hope to find some pure sativas. Now I'm agree with both, there is a lot of people trying to still anything and then sell it, no matter the work behind. But if the world is like that now, we won't share seeds anymore?. Nevil was the best breeder in the whole world I think, many modern strains are based on his work, many seedbank have simply taken his job, then reproduce and sell, nevertheless if Nevil haven't share (I know he sold his strains) his strains, today's cannabis won't be the same, even if Sam the Skunkman would not have shared seeds with him, today no person could test the Jack Herer or a lot of famous holland cannabis varieties. My situation is stupid: I haven't germinated my "oaxacan" and "verde limón" seeds because there are a few seeds, and my intention is to make a big selection and then a open polinization to keep the lines, but that will be throughout the year because I don't have money or work now. Then, nobody trust on me because I'm newbie, I don't send PM for my number of posts, and now happen this episode where my honesty and value as person were put in doubt, now (with all my respect) my word is shit to side the Pinneapple Punch words that is an old member, surely older than me (23 years), and with more reputation than me, where are my words?, surely a lot of people that have read this episode think that I'm an oportunist or treasure thief so my future words maybe are condemned to be ignored...
I just wanted to get real sativa seeds to keep the line, to smoke belong the day because the indicas produce to me sleepiness and heaviness. I just arrived in this Hawaiian thread to find info about of Hawaiian sativas, but I noticed that strain is alive in hands of certain collectors, so I don't had another option, I would need to try get some seeds to exchange with some of those collectors would like to wait to exchange seeds or sell them sometime, when I have the resources to buy them, that was all. For that I've written that to Lord Of The Nugs.
Other thing is how I or somebody should make to join in the private circles, for that we need stay here many years, make a name for yourself, and then hope to be acepted. If I won't be acepted, never try this delights...
This is how the capitalist world; if you had the good luck to born in a great place, with the necessary resources, you'll live great things, if you don't, you'll be in my situatuion.
-Cheers bros and real great plants those Hawaiians

Here's some of mines precious seeds:wave:


Well-known member
Hey men!
I read your words and I seriously understand 'em. I' ve read a lot of threads here and at "Cannabis Café", I know we are in a corrupted World and that's the problem but it don't means that all the people are the same thing. How I said, I'm mexican, I don't speak english but I understand it, mainly because I love the cannabis so I would need to learn it due almost all of the info here, is in english language, at least what interests me that are the landrace sativas or some sativa hybrids like "SSSDH", "Kush Haze", and maybe others famous strains that hyped to me. I have been many years searching for real sativas, I shuffle the possibility of make a hippie trail to search pure mexican varieties, some people say I will risk my life but I don't care, I only knows I will make it and hope to find some pure sativas. Now I'm agree with both, there is a lot of people trying to still anything and then sell it, no matter the work behind. But if the world is like that now, we won't share seeds anymore?. Nevil was the best breeder in the whole world I think, many modern strains are based on his work, many seedbank have simply taken his job, then reproduce and sell, nevertheless if Nevil haven't share (I know he sold his strains) his strains, today's cannabis won't be the same, even if Sam the Skunkman would not have shared seeds with him, today no person could test the Jack Herer or a lot of famous holland cannabis varieties. My situation is stupid: I haven't germinated my "oaxacan" and "verde limón" seeds because there are a few seeds, and my intention is to make a big selection and then a open polinization to keep the lines, but that will be throughout the year because I don't have money or work now. Then, nobody trust on me because I'm newbie, I don't send PM for my number of posts, and now happen this episode where my honesty and value as person were put in doubt, now (with all my respect) my word is shit to side the Pinneapple Punch words that is an old member, surely older than me (23 years), and with more reputation than me, where are my words?, surely a lot of people that have read this episode think that I'm an oportunist or treasure thief so my future words maybe are condemned to be ignored...
I just wanted to get real sativa seeds to keep the line, to smoke belong the day because the indicas produce to me sleepiness and heaviness. I just arrived in this Hawaiian thread to find info about of Hawaiian sativas, but I noticed that strain is alive in hands of certain collectors, so I don't had another option, I would need to try get some seeds to exchange with some of those collectors would like to wait to exchange seeds or sell them sometime, when I have the resources to buy them, that was all. For that I've written that to Lord Of The Nugs.
Other thing is how I or somebody should make to join in the private circles, for that we need stay here many years, make a name for yourself, and then hope to be acepted. If I won't be acepted, never try this delights...
This is how the capitalist world; if you had the good luck to born in a great place, with the necessary resources, you'll live great things, if you don't, you'll be in my situatuion.
-Cheers bros and real great plants those Hawaiians

Here's some of mines precious seeds:wave:
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Well, i never said you're a Thief. You just reminded me to that Guy from "The Landrace Team". :)

Maybe to dive deeper into the Scene you first should reach 50 Posts, so you then can contact people over PM. Choose a Avatar, a unique one looks more serious and people maybe will better remind you. Showing pics of your grows, think people are sharing more when they know you are a real grower.

With the Oaxaca and Verde Limon Seeds you already have a base to trade for other genetics you are interested in, but not public, using PM. :)


Active member
Hey men!
I read your words and I seriously understand 'em. I' ve read a lot of threads here and at "Cannabis Café", I know we are in a corrupted World and that's the problem but it don't means that all the people are the same thing. How I said, I'm mexican, I don't speak english but I understand it, mainly because I love the cannabis so I would need to learn it due almost all of the info here, is in english language, at least what interests me that are the landrace sativas or some sativa hybrids like "SSSDH", "Kush Haze", and maybe others famous strains that hyped to me. I have been many years searching for real sativas, I shuffle the possibility of make a hippie trail to search pure mexican varieties, some people say I will risk my life but I don't care, I only knows I will make it and hope to find some pure sativas. Now I'm agree with both, there is a lot of people trying to still anything and then sell it, no matter the work behind. But if the world is like that now, we won't share seeds anymore?. Nevil was the best breeder in the whole world I think, many modern strains are based on his work, many seedbank have simply taken his job, then reproduce and sell, nevertheless if Nevil haven't share (I know he sold his strains) his strains, today's cannabis won't be the same, even if Sam the Skunkman would not have shared seeds with him, today no person could test the Jack Herer or a lot of famous holland cannabis varieties. My situation is stupid: I haven't germinated my "oaxacan" and "verde limón" seeds because there are a few seeds, and my intention is to make a big selection and then a open polinization to keep the lines, but that will be throughout the year because I don't have money or work now. Then, nobody trust on me because I'm newbie, I don't send PM for my number of posts, and now happen this episode where my honesty and value as person were put in doubt, now (with all my respect) my word is shit to side the Pinneapple Punch words that is an old member, surely older than me (23 years), and with more reputation than me, where are my words?, surely a lot of people that have read this episode think that I'm an oportunist or treasure thief so my future words maybe are condemned to be ignored...
I just wanted to get real sativa seeds to keep the line, to smoke belong the day because the indicas produce to me sleepiness and heaviness. I just arrived in this Hawaiian thread to find info about of Hawaiian sativas, but I noticed that strain is alive in hands of certain collectors, so I don't had another option, I would need to try get some seeds to exchange with some of those collectors would like to wait to exchange seeds or sell them sometime, when I have the resources to buy them, that was all. For that I've written that to Lord Of The Nugs.
Other thing is how I or somebody should make to join in the private circles, for that we need stay here many years, make a name for yourself, and then hope to be acepted. If I won't be acepted, never try this delights...
This is how the capitalist world; if you had the good luck to born in a great place, with the necessary resources, you'll live great things, if you don't, you'll be in my situatuion.
-Cheers bros and real great plants those Hawaiians

Here's some of mines precious seeds:wave:
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No worries at all. Your reputation is not harmed. It is also not strange to want to partake in the goodness of the herbs different flavors, and you are all good for speaking up and saying what you want.



Active member
Well, i never said you're a Thief. You just reminded me to that Guy from "The Landrace Team". :)

Maybe to dive deeper into the Scene you first should reach 50 Posts, so you then can contact people over PM. Choose a Avatar, a unique one looks more serious and people maybe will better remind you. Showing pics of your grows, think people are sharing more when they know you are a real grower.

With the Oaxaca and Verde Limon Seeds you already have a base to trade for other genetics you are interested in, but not public, using PM. :)

Hi Pineapple Punch, how your doing?
Yeah, I didn't say you called me a thief, it's just hard to try an approach sometimes, and more in this corrupted world.
I'm learning how to use the forum tools, I don't know how to do a lot of things on IC but I will learning how to use it. I'm a real grower definitively, maybe no so experienced than several growers here, but I love the cannabis plants and day by day I learn more and more, when I can to do the things better indoors I will do it, I want to preserve this lines and future that I can acquire, IC mag could be the "shoulders of giants" for me: I wanna be a "Svalbard" of cannabis, as an ark that save the landraces cannabis lines where we can go when "the cannabis apocalypse day" come; I know it's funny but it's tangible.
Good job with those hawaiians, I wonder about the effect and I wonder of wich part of america comes the hawaiian sativa, if its origins are in Mexico, maybe central america or south america. Those remind me the mexican sativa folliage structure, the same saws I've seen in several mexican sativas, and each time that I see sativas in Mexico have those saws, though there is another type of saws like these:

Thanks for your advices!

Hi LordOfTheNugZ7, how are you?

Thanks for your kindness, your way of thinking and see this things is really great in this current world, thanks for sharing your experience with Hawaiian sativa, I'll rest here to see how the thread evolves.

Greetings brothers, good week ! :wave:


Active member
Very nice!!! I LOVE those deep serrations on the 2nd and 3rd group of pics.

I just got a very nice care package of some Hawaiian Sativa seeds along w some Island Sweet Skunk Seeds from the man who made them originally!!!
I got 15 more Hawaiian Sativa beans to search through, and 13 Island Sweet Skunks... along w a bunch of other newer stuff too, but DANG I'm stoked to get both HS and ISS back in the stable after missing them for too many years...

Gonna be some old school BC buds in the house soon!!!!:artist::dance013: