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Have you looked at the North Pole lately?


Well-known member
For about the 10th time

Has anyone got a "peer" reviewed scientific paper that proves "man made" Co2 causes global warming/climate change or whatever its called this year, and non man made Co2 does not


Well-known member
More discredited garbage from you as usual. Maybe just once you should look into where the rubbish you post to backup the other rubbish you post comes from!! 🤣
View attachment 18989245
I'm a bit busy trimming ATM to really give a fuck about the "man made" warming scam/bullshit. (never read it)

But I thought you might of sooked that he wasn't a "climate" scientist or was funded by big OIL,. instead you went down the wikipedo is the bastion of truth rubbish.

Put some more effort in next time Porky
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Well-known member
For about the 10th time

Has anyone got a "peer" reviewed scientific paper that proves "man made" Co2 causes global warming/climate change or whatever its called this year, and non man made Co2 does not
This one sites many!! 🤪


Well-known member
I'm a bit busy trimming ATM to really give a fuck about the "man made" warming scam/bullshit. (never read it)

But I thought you might of sooked that he wasn't a "climate" scientist or was funded by big OIL,. instead you went down the wikipedo is the bastion of truth rubbish.

Put some more effort in next time Porky
If I lived in a wet cold shit hole like you I'd probably like some warmer temperatures too!! 🤣


Well-known member
This one sites many!! 🤪
No proof there, just more propaganda

"It’s important to remember that scientists always focus on the evidence, not on opinions."

"extremely likely due to human activities".

^^sounds like an opinion not scientific proof to me

"Earth’s average surface temperature in 2023 was the warmest on record since recordkeeping began in 1880"

Not enough temp stations to form a accurate "opinion" or some facts about what the global temp was in 1880 or 1920, more rubbish from Nasa they should stick to blowing up space shuttles and not doing weather reports



Well-known member
"The following page contains information on what federal agencies are doing to adapt to climate change.
Technically, a “consensus” is a general agreement of opinion, but the scientific method steers us away from this to an objective framework. In science, facts or observations are explained by a hypothesis (a statement of a possible explanation for some natural phenomenon), which can then be tested and retested until it is refuted (or disproved).
As scientists gather more observations, they will build off one explanation and add details to complete the picture. Eventually, a group of hypotheses might be integrated and generalized into a scientific theory, a scientifically acceptable general principle or body of principles offered to explain phenomena."

No evidence or proof needed by the looks of it, its a scam :ROFLMAO:

Brother Nature

Well-known member
I stood up on my second story roof last night, cause I wanted to check the weather for the week. I could see the North Pole, the elves were working hard as always, nothing seemed out of the ordinary. Nothing to see there...

I Care

Well-known member
I really do know nothing. The only thing that really mattered to me at one point was the health of the bay I grew up fishin in which has been wrecked from run off, solid waste, coastal destruction and pollution. Bunch of ppl want their stupid green lawns and cut down the natural habitat for birds cause they don’t want a tree falling on their house. Fuck the poles, grow up in Florida and look at what an unaware population does to natural habitat and you’ll kinda stop worrying about what is going on in another ocean or continent.

The opposition is to great and if you can’t beat em, flee the area so you don’t have to watch any more of it. I rememeber the water tasting liek salt when I would bring up my net. Now the water tastes like sewage and rotted lawn cuttings.

I know I’m taking it off topic now.
Love and apologies for not caring anymore.

I Care

Well-known member
Doesn’t matte what kinda efforts we make toward controlling the climate is ignoring much more important things that are still going to matter wether or not there’s any ice on the earth.

This is an amazing discussion especially between @arsekick and @Porky82. There’s enough here to really improve anyone's outlook on an ongoing global crisis. The older I get the more I just lean on “life is too short” for my thought processes.


Well-known member
No of course not. They are both the same molecule, they both cause a greenhouse effect. The idea is that we shouldn't be adding more. Not much we can do if a volcano blows but we can adjust our own behavior.
For about the 10th time

Has anyone got a "peer" reviewed scientific paper that proves "man made" Co2 causes global warming/climate change or whatever its called this year, and non man made Co2 does not

I Care

Well-known member
It’s a lot of work driving a classic car that gets 34mpg. It’s not very profitable to take the jobs close to home. Then it’s not safe to be on a bicycle and busses. It’s also very exhausting to be a vegetarian. After you’ve done it all trying to save everyone, you will eventually start thinking that there’s no reason to sacrifice yourself and risk your life when the population you’re trying to save just didn’t turn out to be anything worth throwing your life away for.

I’m sure there are more like me that wished they never fell for the bullshit.


Well-known member
It’s a lot of work driving a classic car that gets 34mpg. It’s not very profitable to take the jobs close to home. Then it’s not safe to be on a bicycle and busses. It’s also very exhausting to be a vegetarian. After you’ve done it all trying to save everyone, you will eventually start thinking that there’s no reason to sacrifice yourself and risk your life when the population you’re trying to save just didn’t turn out to be anything worth throwing your life away for.

I’m sure there are more like me that wished they never fell for the bullshit.
you've got a few reasonable points in there
but then shouldn't your user name be I Care Not?


Well-known member
It’s a lot of work driving a classic car that gets 34mpg. It’s not very profitable to take the jobs close to home. Then it’s not safe to be on a bicycle and busses. It’s also very exhausting to be a vegetarian. After you’ve done it all trying to save everyone, you will eventually start thinking that there’s no reason to sacrifice yourself and risk your life when the population you’re trying to save just didn’t turn out to be anything worth throwing your life away for.

I’m sure there are more like me that wished they never fell for the bullshit.
It's not hard at all to be a vegetarian. Unless you're out stalking wild beans for weeks on end during their annual migration.

Tynehead Tom

Well-known member
well, I'll stick to what I believe as I stoke the fire in the woodstove and laugh at ya'all. Mght hurt your feelings to know I drive a 1989 cherokee 4x4 with no catalytic converter too :D
the climate crisis is a hoax , just like every other climate emergency that has been proclaimed over my life time.


Well-known member
well, I'll stick to what I believe as I stoke the fire in the woodstove and laugh at ya'all. Mght hurt your feelings to know I drive a 1989 cherokee 4x4 with no catalytic converter too :D
the climate crisis is a hoax , just like every other climate emergency that has been proclaimed over my life time.
I too stoke the fire in my woodstove, turned off my oil heat a decade ago
and no cat on the vehicle doesn't change the climate effect, just nox and monoxide which affects air quality in urban areas
and that's more of a city thing
you're far more climate friendly than most


Well-known member
well, I'll stick to what I believe as I stoke the fire in the woodstove and laugh at ya'all. Mght hurt your feelings to know I drive a 1989 cherokee 4x4 with no catalytic converter too :D
the climate crisis is a hoax , just like every other climate emergency that has been proclaimed over my life time.
I hope so. Do you have anything to, like, elevate that idea? Or is it just the nicest thing to believe? Because for sure I don't want to believe in a disaster scenario, but outside of the 'developed' world we are already seeing record-breaking weather events nearly every year now. Record-breaking events do not happen so often in a stable system. Dubai just got a year's worth of rain in one day. Remember Hurricane Sandy? The deadly winter in Central Europe a few years back? I could go on but I don't feel like googling, anyone can though. This information is easily available.

Nobody is mad at you for driving a Jeep. Old Jeeps are cool af. That is a narrative used by the elite to keep us fighting each other. Global shipping and petroleum use in general is responsible for a huuuge amount of greenhouse gas emissions, (not to mention microplastics accumulating in the environment and our bodies) but that makes enormous profits for the wealthy, so they'd rather have us calling each other weenies for being vegan and fighting over windmills and electric cars.

I want you to be right, but I need data. Whenever someone posts a view like yours, the most I can seem to get is: "I've lived through more than a few 'disasters' put forth by the media, this will be the same.". But will it? Why do you say that? Is it just intuition that we are supposed to hedge our planet on? And more to the point, why on Earth can't we, on a website devoted to the love of a plant that our fragile species plucked out of the wild green nature, just agree that yeah, we should preserve nature in as close to it's natural form as we can. Why is that controversial? If you went to a doctor and he said: "Well sir/mam, all things considered you are in decent health, but I must stress the importance of not smoking or getting too much sun." would your first thought be "Yeah right, I've lived long enough to know what's good for me, I'm gonna light up on the beach as soon as I walk out of here." or would you say: "That was good advice, I've had a nice life and I want to preserve my health as long as I can.".

Why is it a controversial idea? I thought we all loved nature and out mother earth.


Well-known member
well, I'll stick to what I believe as I stoke the fire in the woodstove and laugh at ya'all. Mght hurt your feelings to know I drive a 1989 cherokee 4x4 with no catalytic converter too :D
the climate crisis is a hoax , just like every other climate emergency that has been proclaimed over my life time.
I'll assume that's because your to poor to afford electronic heating and even a half decent car!


Well-known member
I hope so. Do you have anything to, like, elevate that idea? Or is it just the nicest thing to believe? Because for sure I don't want to believe in a disaster scenario, but outside of the 'developed' world we are already seeing record-breaking weather events nearly every year now. Record-breaking events do not happen so often in a stable system. Dubai just got a year's worth of rain in one day. Remember Hurricane Sandy? The deadly winter in Central Europe a few years back? I could go on but I don't feel like googling, anyone can though. This information is easily available.

Nobody is mad at you for driving a Jeep. Old Jeeps are cool af. That is a narrative used by the elite to keep us fighting each other. Global shipping and petroleum use in general is responsible for a huuuge amount of greenhouse gas emissions, (not to mention microplastics accumulating in the environment and our bodies) but that makes enormous profits for the wealthy, so they'd rather have us calling each other weenies for being vegan and fighting over windmills and electric cars.

I want you to be right, but I need data. Whenever someone posts a view like yours, the most I can seem to get is: "I've lived through more than a few 'disasters' put forth by the media, this will be the same.". But will it? Why do you say that? Is it just intuition that we are supposed to hedge our planet on? And more to the point, why on Earth can't we, on a website devoted to the love of a plant that our fragile species plucked out of the wild green nature, just agree that yeah, we should preserve nature in as close to it's natural form as we can. Why is that controversial? If you went to a doctor and he said: "Well sir/mam, all things considered you are in decent health, but I must stress the importance of not smoking or getting too much sun." would your first thought be "Yeah right, I've lived long enough to know what's good for me, I'm gonna light up on the beach as soon as I walk out of here." or would you say: "That was good advice, I've had a nice life and I want to preserve my health as long as I can.".

Why is it a controversial idea? I thought we all loved nature and out mother earth.
Because they are fucking ignorant poorly educated idiots that's why. Fuck half of em can't even string a coherent sentence together let alone understand that human activity is destroying the entire planet!

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