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Have you looked at the North Pole lately?


The Doctor is OUT and has moved on...
China has embarked on a major restructuring of its energy production to disengage from coal and emphasize renewables. Leaving the Paris Accords will hasten the transition to China's upcoming role as world leader. Other nations are realizing that the US is becoming irrelevant to their futures and they need to get on board with the reshuffling of international relations. Things will only change faster now.

Crusader--you know China is ranked #25 in World Intellectual Property Organization's 2016 Global Innovation Index. For them to move to #1 will require some doing.


Source: http://www.wipo.int/publications/en/details.jsp?id=4064
IMO, don't underestimate the innovation of the good ol USA.


Well-known member
Lol at anyone thinking they can drastically control climate.unless they have some kinda Tesla like machine anything we do is futile.stop thinking you can control the universe.manipulate maybe.but control?NO! What a waste of money being spent.actually it's probably going to black projects.keep drinking cool aid.it's good for you

Genghis Kush

Active member
Shithawk no one is trying to control the universe.(literally)

the goal is to reduce the effects humans have on the rate of change that is being observed

in the Earths climate.

the only people against this are the ones who profit off of industrial pollution.

all you will get is a dirty sky.


Well-known member
I agree with you G.Kush.but there's nothing we can do now.Pandora's shit Box is already open. You think we can tell billionaires to stop what there doing because of reason alone?Reality:we are all selfish POS and that's not gonna change.everyone has a bone to pick.you guys don like windMills cause of the birds.you don't like this or that.WTF is the answer then!? The answer is that there is no answer cause everyone has an agenda.I say let it all crash and burn cause it's inevitable anyway.why prolong the suffering?


Well-known member
at the moment, we seem to be seeing what was in the pliocene era
more dramatic warming in the arctic/antarctic regions
animals were living just fine in that era, and plants too, if we go back there i'm down for it
now some places will probably change for the worse, c'est la vie i guess
but warmer will cut down on heating requirements, less co2 emissions, every little bit helps
gator ranching in NY? got to be flexible


Well-known member
Say what?your talking like that will happen anytime soon.we are stuck with what we got for now.nothing is gonna change for at least 50 years minimum.might as well get used to it.I'm not saying you have to like it but it is what it is.I don't like it but I accept it.don't wast ENERGY on things you can't control.resistance is futile.

Oh sorry.but I had to address this.no one is trying to control the universe?are you fucking kidding me!?that's exactly what people are trying to do!what kinda rock you been sleeping in G.Kush? Humans have tried to do it for thousands of years!I'm not gonna hijack this thread but that was pretty ignorant.this is redundant


Well-known member
Say what?your talking like that will happen anytime soon.we are stuck with what we got for now.nothing is gonna change for at least 50 years minimum

could be, this is the fun part(dark sense of humor here)
we do know some things, one of which is the velocity of change can be very dramatic, they've been seen in the climate record
there have been times when the earth's climate has flipped FAST
is this going happen now? that's beyond my humble abilities to know
but it could, the ferocity of it could literally be beyond belief
or not, the dice are fickle


Well-known member
Yeah,it "could"happen.but does that mean we drop everything we've spent billions and billions on for something that "could" happen?we know that won't happen. And if that's the case there's nothing we can do about it anyway.I'm a little lost here.what is this "great plan"that you guys propose to do to stop this?because you cant


Well-known member
Yeah,it "could"happen.but does that mean we drop everything we've spent billions and billions on for something that "could" happen?we know that won't happen. And if that's the case there's nothing we can do about it anyway.I'm a little lost here.what is this "great plan"that you guys propose to do to stop this?because you cant

what you say is what i'm resigned to
there isn't going to be a dramatic enough change until conditions scare the hell out of people
in which case the ability to make a change is much tougher
the 'plan' which doesn't exist exactly, but does kind of
a stratotanker fleet with sulfur dioxide payloads will be delivered in the arctic/antarctic regions
there is some understanding how that would work, effectively synthetic volcanoes
unexpected side effects will be a given of course
i don't have access to the 'plan', but you can pick up on it from the various conversations out there


Well-known member
That's my point.when we get to the point where the majority are scared shitless it's already too late.does anyone here even understand how climates and weather work?it's all cycles.it gets hot it gets cold.it all depends on wich cycle we are in.


Well-known member
Well my point is the earth goes through cycles depending on how far it is from the sun.every 20 or whatever thousand years it gets close or farther from the sun.even slight distances can cause ice ages or deserts.it's just the way she goes boys.the fucking way she goes.


Well-known member
That's my point.when we get to the point where the majority are scared shitless it's already too late.does anyone here even understand how climates and weather work?it's all cycles.it gets hot it gets cold.it all depends on wich cycle we are in.

we know a lot, but how much more we don't know? no answer
but we won't be going down without a fight
money for planning global warming contingencies is well provided for in the us military budget
so i really don't have answers for you other than what i've already said


Well-known member
Sorry.didn't mean to to sound like a dick but according to that logic we should all prepare for black holes cause they can happen at anytime anyplace even though you can't do anything to stop it.that's real quantum physics right there

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