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Have you looked at the North Pole lately?

Crusader Rabbit

Active member
Our analyses indicate that anomalous dry periods of the Indian monsoon are mostly coincident with negative TSI derivative.


So does a "negative TSI derivative" mean that solar irradiance has lessened? That would make sense since the summer monsoon is driven by heating of interior land surfaces. So the recent record breaking heat measurements and melting of Arctic sea ice have taken place during a period of reduced solar irradiance? Wow. Guess the effects of atmospheric CO2 must be pretty significant.

Crusader Rabbit

Active member
looking right now at a peer-reviewed paper that states climate change is caused by penis'.

not making this up!

The paper this refers to was written as a sting operation, a prank. The authors intentionally wrote it as a farce, and double checked to make sure that nothing in it made sense. It was submitted to an on line "pay to play" "journal", where it was reviewed by two sociologists before being accepted for posting. The whole affair is hilarious, but in no way reflects negatively on research by legitimate climatologists.


Active member
And gee I thought the Islamic religion was probably the biggest cause of rape in the world.Yea it's not at all about being hung up on the "elites",but jesus Christ if you're going to make an issue about other people's behavior at least try and hide what the fuck you're doing!I think they don't give the average person enough credit to notice how the hell they live as they preach!Gotta go and purchase some more carbon credits now and sacrifice some more,because I am one of the worlds biggest dumbasses lol.


Well-known member
Then where are all these dead birds? I got a couple hundred windmills and the birds are happily cherpin in my backyard. I don't own them but they are there and I haven't seen any bird carcasses. If you don't believe me I'll go to nearest windmill and take pics. No dead birds. And windmills are a great energy resource. Stop buying the cool aid


Well-known member
Call me unsympathetic, but 58 eagles in at least 3 states is not enough to stop the windmills. My local economy relies on the mills. Even though they sell the electricity out of state. So 58 eagles dead means we should stop? There will always be sacrifices. Sad but true. Actually had a guy fall to death working on one a couple years ago. What can you do? That's just the way she goes


The Doctor is OUT and has moved on...
Don't know where you got 58 eagles in 3 states data...but when something hits a spinning blade at 180 miles an hour, the term "vaporization" comes to mind. How far from the point of impact does the flying carcass (what's left) land?

Think baseball--5 ounce ball, 100 mile pitch, batter swings, crack...400 feet and it sails over the fence. Golden Eagle (12 pounds), glides at 120 MPH and dives at 190 MPH, smacks head on to a spinning blade--pow, flies what? 400 feet in the air and lands how far from the point of impact.

Said differently, you really think a bird that is sliced/diced by a wind turbine will fall directly at the point of impact...or flutter a few hundred feet away?

And what about the other birds, as in bats and their insect dinners? How many millions of birds and bats should die...just to make a few people happy? Ask any bird lover what they think of wind turbines, and you will receive an ear full, promise.


Well-known member
I got that data from the link. So you think its better to destroy whole environments for fossil fuels which destroy whole habitation as opposed to a few birds? Like I said I'll take pics when it stops raining. I live in AG country. I think I know what im talking about. You guys are talking goofy.


Active member
The real question here isn't about energy at all.Anyone would be an idiot not to want to cleanest,safest least expensive energy available.I don't think there are any idiots here although I have heard someone say that they believe people that don't share their view are on the side of a polluted,nasty dirty world,and that's too bad.The question is simply about sacrifice.How much are people willing to sacrifice now for a potentially better environment in the future.What are you willing to sacrifice today?Should you feel guilty if you don't buy carbon credits to offset your footprint.Does having a footprint in itself make you a bad person?It's about the current solutions and those people espousing them.The pope rides a bus to work and lives in a one bedroom apartment.When I see Algore or Obama begin to make some sacrifices I swear I would take this more seriously.Until then the "solutions" to the problem peddled by the people most responsible for the problem fall on deaf ears on my butt fugly head


Well-known member
In order to create you have to destroy. Its simple physics. If I had it my way nothing would die. In order to live something has to die. Be it plants or animals. Pick one cause one of thems going. I think some people have lived in the city too long and don't understand how energy works. Im telling you, out here not even one bird a day dies out here. Id love to hear anyone else's alternatives. Maybe hydrogen? That technology is way too expensive and not efficient yet. Every so called smart person I know says nuclear. Yeah, when, not if the reactor overheats its doomsday. Physics not even once


Well-known member
... Every so called smart person I know says nuclear. Yeah, when not if the reactor overheats its doomsday. Physics not even once

shame about nuclear, and not faulting you at all
nuclear's fail is from version 1.0 nuke, light water reactors
and they were shown to have insufficient safety margins as they were engineered
there could have been version 2, night and day difference between those technologies and the older ones
however, going to take a loong time to forget Chernobyl and Fukushima
RIP nuclear, we really needed you


Well-known member
There was a book written by 2 nuclear physicists. It was a hypothetical novel about what happens when reactors overheat. I think it was called The Prometheus project. Fantastic book. I was blown away. Everyone should read it. Real deal shit reality of the situation. Einstein and Oppenheimer opened Pandoras shit box and now humanity has doomed itself until the extinction of humans and all life except the cockroaches or whatever else can live through fallout. Its not if. But when. Fact


Well-known member
It boggles my mind when nuclear reactors could overheat at anytime and people are worried about a few thousand birds a year. Don't worry, you might still see nuclear fallout in your lifetime. And guess what? The government will quarantine your whole family and shoot them for being radiated. Its a fact. There's already a protocol. Think about when your so worried about birds. Sorry if im being harsh. Reality sucks


Interesting changes happening in polar bear's diet regarding birds. Because the bears can't get out on the ice, as it now melts earlier and freezes later, some have changed their diets from seal pups to a range of other animals, including Snow Geese, of which they can take up to 90% of a population. Gives them bad diarrhea, but it keeps them alive. Another eco system cascading out of control.

No doubt we are in the midst of another mass extinction, this time caused by humans.

''''The Holocene extinction, otherwise referred to as the Sixth extinction or Anthropocene extinction, is the ongoing extinction event of species during the present Holocene epoch, mainly due to human activity. The large number of extinctions spans numerous families of plants and animals, including mammals, birds, amphibians, reptiles and arthropods. With widespread degradation of highly biodiverse habitats such as coral reefs and rainforest, as well as other areas, the vast majority of these extinctions is thought to be undocumented. According to the species-area theory, and based on upper-bound estimating, the present rate of extinction may be up to 140,000 species per year, making it the greatest loss of biodiversity since the Cretaceous–Paleogene extinction event. '''''''
And still the deniers advocate “steady as she goes”.

Imo, no amount of science will convince the deniers. They're a friggen force of nature, much like the ice in the last mass extinction. I'm starting to wonder if these ongoing mass extinctions are but rhythms of life. They came and they go. I'm guessing that most humans will die along with the other species, but some will probably survive and the whole circle will repeat.
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Well-known member
Interesting changes happening in polar bear's diet regarding birds. Because the bears can't get out on the ice, as it now melts earlier and freezes later, some have changed their diets from seal pups to a range of other animals, including Snow Geese, of which they can take up to 90% of a population. Gives them bad diarrhea, but it keeps them alive. Another eco system cascading out of control.

polar bears are welcome to all of the snow geese they can eat. they are so over-populated & destructive to the areas they nest & summer in that the US fish & wildlife folks are allowing them to be hunted on both southern & northern migrations. also legal for snows are unplugged (over 3 rounds) shotguns & electronic callers. they had, at one time, been thinking of aerial spraying of them while molting so they would die en masse of exposure when the spray dissolved the oils in their feathers.


The Doctor is OUT and has moved on...
IMO, it is about "intolerant behavioral change".

Climate changers want the rest of the world to change their behavior so they can reduce the temperature 2 degrees Celsius. Don't do this, don't eat that, must eat this instead, do this--even if it costs you more money, and since it is "settled science"--shut the fuck up!

Fossil fuel haters want the rest of the world to change their behavior and use "alternative energy" sources (thermal, wind, solar, nuclear, etc) before it is technically feasible. Even though, it is impossible to produce the power the world needs without including "fossil fuel"--they want all "fossil fuel" outlawed (but don't take away their smart phones or their internet).

Climate Change deniers want more facts (remember, NOAA is withholding data and methodology about world's temperature and the alleged "warming trend") but are told to shut up and sit down, and either "change" or "be changed".

Problem is--we are all different, and your idea is not "more important" than someone else's idea...just as my ideas are not "more important" than yours. IMO, "tolerance" is absent from these debates. Tolerance of different points of views--tolerance to other's "priorities".

So...animals that are harvested for their food and/or fur is "bad" and must not ever happen....but birds and bats that are chopped and sliced by "alternative energy" wind turbines is "good" and must be tolerated by the world population.

Who decided that the "alternative energy" industry must protect polar bears and seals--but sacrifice millions of birds and bats...all for the "better good". Whose "better good" are we talking about? Yours? Mine?

Hmmm, sorry but it has ALWAYS been about the "fucking elites". You know, the gang with weekly carbon footprint that is equal to what the rest of us have for a whole year. Yep, there "1 week" equals our "1 year"....think about it.

Explain this one Lucy--

HOUSE # 1:
A 20-room mansion (not including 8 bathrooms) heated by natural gas. Add on a pool (and a pool house) and a separate guest house all heated by gas. In ONE MONTH ALONE this mansion consumes more energy than the average American household in an ENTIRE YEAR. The average bill for electricity and natural gas runs over $2,400.00 per month. In natural gas alone (which last time we checked was a fossil fuel), this property consumes more than 20 times the national average for an American home. This house is not in a northern or Midwestern “snow belt,” either. It’s in the South.

HOUSE # 2:
Designed by an architecture professor at a leading national university, this house incorporates every “green” feature current home construction can provide. The house contains only 4,000 square feet (4 bedrooms) and is nestled on arid high prairie in the American southwest. A central closet in the house holds geothermal heat pumps drawing ground water through pipes sunk 300 feet into the ground. The water (usually 67 degrees F.) heats the house in winter and cools it in summer. The system uses no fossil fuels such as oil or natural gas, and it consumes 25% of the electricity required for a conventional heating/cooling system. Rainwater
from the roof is collected and funneled into a 25,000 gallon underground cistern. Wastewater from showers, sinks and toilets goes into underground purifying tanks and then into the cistern. The collected water then irrigates the land surrounding the house. Flowers and shrubs native to the area blend the property into the surrounding rural landscape.

HOUSE # 1 (20 room energy guzzling mansion) is outside of Nashville, Tennessee. It is the abode of that renowned environmentalist (and filmmaker) Al Gore.

HOUSE # 2 (model eco-friendly house) is on a ranch near Crawford, Texas. Also known as “the Texas White House,” it is the private residence of the President of the United States, George W. Bush.

This was published 10 years ago--and is still true today. Fucking elites!

Genghis Kush

Active member
it appears that you have an inferiority complex focused on a perceived oppression by something you refer to as "elites".

do you consider scientists "elites"?


Well-known member
It all boils down to its the lesser of evils. I had a talk with my dad and other locals about this"Genocide"of birds and bats and they all laughed. I don't know any millionaires here. So the people, the"elites"are in your California backyard. Which is ironic cause they are the protesting and bitching about shit they don't know about. Look at what coal mines did to the environment as opposed to the"Windmills of Death". I don't know why this is so hard to understand. I raise llamas, horses, bees. My neighbor has fucking peacocks. Who else is more qualified to make an observation? Someone with the fucking mills in their backyard or internet SJWs? Most birds here don't even fly low enough to even touch the blades


The Doctor is OUT and has moved on...
it appears that you have an inferiority complex focused on a perceived oppression by something you refer to as "elites".

do you consider scientists "elites"?

Definition of elite: a group of persons exercising the major share of authority or influence within a larger group.

BTW, elites are seldom correct--but you know that, as you and your psycho babble bullshit have been more "wrong" than "right". And how is that Anthropology Degree working for you now? LOL...I would still ask for a refund, as you obviously did not learn much.