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Happy Brother...with a twist of ChemD

Prof Sublime

Hard working pothead
You did a GREAT job with them Happy bros my man.. They look like some bombass weed man... Mad props. Karma +++


Active member
hell yeah man!
that post has me drooling as we continue to wait for sex (in veg) here. :D
ive topped em all a couple times, and they are growing very well.
they are only 2.3 weeks old ;)

rocking along man :) cant wait for the dry shot fo the HB man :D
hope you doing well.. take care.


ICMag Donor
HAHAHA.....been lurking...how about a link to that smoke report?

Great job T! This makes me excited about running the Happy Brother Bx1 seeds I have. I think she is a sleeper hit. I have 30 of these....gotta love those "fun-raiser" auctions...lol. I felt greedy at the time, but...


And how in the world are these still in stock at the Boo? I mean, do people not realize this was one of the top 3 in the indica category at the 420 cup...how are people sleeping on this for so long. Not to mention...there is a bit of Chem in there...WOW people. AND dare I even say that these seeds are being sold for only $90...LOL. I just don't understand how this strain is getting over looked.....And this grow report, along with a couple of others, really back up the quality of those seeds...

Glad I have mine.


Karma Genetics

Dank frank, that's because i dont hype, I want the people to find out themselfs, when i say this is the real dank the best fuck the OG kushed and the rest of the elites. This is the new girls on the block. It sound like i am only trying to sell these seeds. Time will prove the quality of my work, and i am a 100% believer in my own stuff.

Yeh those HB BX1 are gems waiting to pop. I am shure you will find some nice plants there dank frank.

Karma Genetics

Oh yeah you got me on the point of my seat T, show us some dry shots and a smoke report hi hi hi


its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
Happy Brother BX1 #8 smoke report.

Happy Brother BX1 #8 smoke report.





1st off let me say big ups to Karma on these.i really have to tell you all that out of my 4 females i didnt have 1 bad pheno,all this shit will get ur head right yo....

the bud looks great,them pics dont do it justice at all.its pretty dense,every pheno is the happy brother pheno being like a rock.
this here is the chem leaning pheno...it tastes really unique,i think it has a taste of how new electronics smell mixed with pledge...my lady says it tastes like lemon pledge/citrusy ,,,

it has a punch fasho,as i hit it,it and filled my lungs it makes you think you can relax then it expands and you know ur in for a ride...ive never had the pleasure of smokin any chem D but i can only assume this is where the choker comes in from as Karmas description of the happy brother doesnt say it rip at ur lungs like this :D
i smoked the J at around 9:00 am as soon as i woke up and was fresh..im still way buzzed and really my friends i can still feel it gettin stronger as i type this to you...i thought i had leveled off but it is gradualy raising and getting me higher still...its 10:14 now so yea its some strong heady weed yo because i have a BIG ass tolerance...i dont think it will slow ya down though because my lady is cleaning and doin laundry like crazy right now LMAO...me imma lazy mf i like to max out and veg hehehehe...

as far as bag appeal,shit you see it aint nobody gonna turn their head away from this and the smell is ridiculous.its so sweet/funky with a undertone that i cant place my finger on...when i was breaking up the J i smelled it for atleast a few minutes trying to place it,i cant.

would easily give this pheno a 8/10 all day long.im so glad i have another pack of these.i kept the Happy Brother leaning pheno but i dont think i will wait long to get this chik back in the stable right next to her sister.
i will tell you that the happy brother took the place of one of my mamas and i wont miss it one bit...the buzz is still getting stronger 10:35 now...great fuckin weed yo.

this plant gave me over 2 oz's dried in a 2 gallon bag,was a bit leafier at trim then the others but not bad at all.its just that the others had soooo much bud to leaf.out of all four plants i got over a half # in two gallon bags i think these will do great in bigger pots and in the big room under the 6k the buds will be monstrous...gonna pop the other pack soon LMAO..

i hope you like the report i know i suck at descriptions and shit but i try yo...if i missed anything or you have any questions just ask away im more then happy to answer all questions.
untill the next report...might be after the holiday,busy weekend ahead.


The Mad Monk
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Tonatiuh again

Nice report, Tona. You've def got me intrigued on the HB's, if I grow em half as good as you I'll be happier than a pig in shit. Nice work dude, lovely pics and the bud sounds dank as hell. Green thumb ftw. :joint:


Had a Happy ChemD awhile back, same thing?

anyways, good, very good. the smoke and the thread!

Love the pics, frosty, yet juicy, some pinky hairs, WOWOWOWOWOWOWOW


Viking Seeds aka Hybrids From Hell
love your pics and report tona bro, you are great! this pheno sounds like a keeper to me!

thx again my tollerant friend

Karma Genetics

Nice very nice. Thanks for this run bro, I know you found a nice mom. I would advice you to plant The Jack O Nesia and the Kushage x jack. they are both kicking in the nuts stuff....


very nice indeed i have beeen waiting for the conclsion to hear how they were,,,glad you liked them , wished i would have stopped by a lil sooner good show,,peace


wassup tonatiuh!!!! too nice tona!!!! from start to finish a stellar grow!!!! mad props to ya!!!! peace djxx


its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
thanks fellas :respect:
i just got in town today so i will get some more smoke reports and dried/cured shots up tonight or tomorrow.hope you all had a great weekend,peace-T-


The Hopeful Protagonist
thanks fellas :respect:
i just got in town today so i will get some more smoke reports and dried/cured shots up tonight or tomorrow.hope you all had a great weekend,peace-T-

Sweet, welcome back T....looking forward to dem updates bro :joint:


its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
:wave: wattup fine peeps back again with another smoke report:joint:
this is pheno #5,also not the keeper but easily could have been.this is all bomb smoke i didnt have 1 pheno that was bad,karma did an awesome job with these.i smoked like 1/2 a j and i feel so relaxed and calm right now...its this mello buzz that has me in a state where i could just roll with whatever for the rest of the day.



the taste is like some kinda black licorice/hashy/incense,it has a taste that will make you want to light another if you leave the room and come back in and smell the smell of it...the after taste will just keep you wanting ti hit it again lmao...not as hashy tasting as my beautiful keeper but it is there.the buds on this plant were kinda thinner then the others but in no way less sticky,they also werent fluff buds,they were dense but thinner.
it smells like melons and gas to me,has a ripe cantolope smell i think with like a gas smell to it,really distinct smell.
so ive smoked a few more hits and the buzz is even better,i think this could be weed for the creative minds because i feel like grabbin up the sketch pad and throwin down a piece.i love weed like this yo...although i think too much of this will make you lock onto the couch in a hurry if you go too crazy lol.its been like an hr since i lit up and the j is still around 1/4 with me,im buzzin like a chainsaw.this pheno isnt as choker as the others,real smoothe smoke compared to the other 2 phenos.out of my 4 plants i think i had 3 phenos because two were really that similar that i think they was the same pheno...close enough that i couldnt really see the difference in smoke or growth.i transplanted my mama into a bigger pot already,cant wait to get her filled out and get a run of these goin.
again any thing you want to ask that i missed just ask away,i know this report may be slackin a lil but man i am so stoned right now i think im forgetting something...yea definetly some headie smoke...i really think this happy brother is the best smoke ive had in a good long time.all around quality,looks/smell/taste/and buzz are all really way up there with all phenos.
i aint the type thats gonna give bad weed a good review so believe me when i tell you i recommend these seeds to anyone that wants to grow some bomb ass weed,you cant go wrong with any pheno you get...Hapyy Brother BX1 just might be the next "one"...


Patriot Father 2a Defender /Breeder
noooooice....brotha' tona...can't wait to see your HB dom pheno...:D..yeah melon's/gassy fuel/chem were constant in my pack...the "one" has a hashylemonymellon subtle chem,almost non existant but you know it's in there...and it's funny cause the pic's of karma's HB with the 3 kushy leave set's,,,is accually how my revegger' is looking like:Dthanks KarMa!...

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