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Happy birthday Gypsy!



happy birthday gypsie your doing great things and i appreciate your work overgrow the world!!!!!


:D HAPPY BIRTHDAY, GYPSY!!!:cool: Thanx for the seeds! I'll have to take a few bong rips dedicated to ya.

Keep up the good work! :D


Active member
IMHO your a facilitator of freedom of institution a sort of modern day CHE GUEVARA! god bless!
and hook a brotha up
I'm smokeagain from OG
peace and im about to light up in your name


"You know you are getting old when the candles cost more than the cake." - Bob Hope

Happy B-Day!


Happy Birthday Gypsy!!

Thanks for the seeds.

Hey i might just call the shop and wish you a Happy Birthday.

Its like 9:22am over in Amsterdam right now.The shop shoould be open....LOL

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
I Am Officially An Old Duffer!

I Am Officially An Old Duffer!

....yes....well....I'm 44 years old today at tea time, so I guess I am what you might call middle-aged....I've got my fingers crossed that I make it another 44 years but somehow I doubt it....

...so dutchgrown and me, my Mum and her boyfriend Barry who is no boy at 61 years old....lol....will be going to take luncheon at a restaurant in the centre of London called Tamarind. I have just paid my £5 congestion charge and now I can drive up there without getting an £80 fine like I did last time!

...many thanks to all for your well wishes and your best wishes and your nice wishes and any wishes that you might wish to wish on me...

...Apparently the chef at the restaurant is a Michelin man, does that mean he's a roly poly or are those the sort of tires he wears on his car? .....sounds posh eh?

...as you can probably tell, I am nicely toasted on some fine sensimilla at the moment, it's so good I can't even remember what it's bloody well called....could be the amnesia haze, but oh...I forget...we will come back to this thread if I make it back from Mayfair alive....

...don't be the victim of a victimless crime.....grow to change.


Hapy Happy and Many,Many More!


**A Michelin chef?
That means it's gonna' cost ya, BIGtime! :D

(And it SHOULD be damn good!)


Bubblegum Specialist
Coupon for Gypsy! Happy Fukin' B'Day!

Coupon for Gypsy! Happy Fukin' B'Day!

This is good for one free horse-back ride in the mountains. ;) BOG



Active member
Cheated the reaper out of another year I see :).

Happy Birthday Gypsy !!!



hey happy bday man ,, hope its a great day , take it easy and get real stoney eyed , im sure youve earned it ,,.. may there be many more ... cheers mate ...

Ted Roach


Happy B'day for the other day btw...only a few days late ;).

So what was the "Tamarind" like? Any good?
Indian restaurants with Michelin stars eh? Sounds good.

It's just about my favourite cuisine..

I took my good lady wife, on her once a year outing ;), to "Quilon" in Buckingham Gate... for her birthday :D. Nice. South Indian food....quality fish dishes.

Only cost me £90 for a good meal (has to be said) and a bouteille du vin!

Anyway, hope you got there and back in one piece...avoiding any tickets, mopeds, drive-bys on Park Lane etc.!! :D


WOW-What a place!

WOW-What a place!

Ah yes....what a great time was had! The 'Tamarind' is an exceptional dining experience! Hmmm, those Michelin stars do mean something, or else the waiters (about 6 of them) were busy as bees for some other reason...lol...think there was a waiter for every task....one just to place the napkin in your lap, one in charge of every aspect of the dining experience. Would highly recommend it to anyone visiting London and seeking the ultimate in service and Indian cuisine.,....awesome!

Hey Rez, how RIGHT you are!
