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Halloween...too bad

El Timbo

Well-known member
Yea so count me out of this horseshit tradition, which it's not even a tradition here. Few years ago some damn parents saw this crap on a US sitcom or Instagram or some fucking shit like that and thought it would be a cute thing to do with their kids. So now some mofos do it and expect everyone to participate.

The Scottish tradition was for the kids to get dressed and go round people's houses but they had to sing a song or tell a joke or something to earn the sweets or money. Guising we used to call it. Sadly people have adopted the new US of and A style halloween there as well now.

Veggia farmer

Well-known member
Yep, Nov 1st is All Hallows´ Day here in Northern Europe. Christian religion thing to celebrate/remember martyrs, saints and dead people. Most folks confuse it with Halloween these days, which originates from Celtic people (Ireland, Scotland, England).. But is heavily Americanised with costumes and going around asking for candy, pumpkin carving and thing.

Which I don't much care for. Someone comes to my door uninvited, for whatever reason, but especially trick or treating.. Might have another thing coming 'cause fuck off from my door and buy your own god damn candy, you fat scumbags!

Trick or treat are apparently my options, because obviously if I don't have candy to give to a stranger, there's a price to pay.

But nope. I didn't sign up for this crap or ask for it, or stock up on candy just so I don't have to be at the mercy of strangers.
So someone comes Trick or Treating over here, I got two options for them: Fuck off in a orderly fashion or Shotgun.

Obviously I won't shoot a kid for being a kid. Their parents tho..

And you might think that's mean, and sure, walking away empty handed prolly sucks for the kids.
However, walking away with a blackmailed bag of candy is not that nice either.
But walking away with your life, that's PRICELESS!

Yea so count me out of this horseshit tradition, which it's not even a tradition here. Few years ago some damn parents saw this crap on a US sitcom or Instagram or some fucking shit like that and thought it would be a cute thing to do with their kids. So now some mofos do it and expect everyone to participate.

Makes it hard to maintain the Status Quo of not caring about other ppls kids, but not hating em either.

Oh yea, they got Halloween candy in stores these days over here, too. Saw some the other day, next to some Christmas stuff..

..It's not even god damn November yet and there's Xmas shit in stores already.. Piece of shit.. Not even a whole shit, yet, that comes in December.. It's all just shit.

So yea, happy Halloween everyone! JUST FUCK OFF FROM MA FACE WITH THAT SHIT! :tiphat:


Maybe it was you that I went too when I was a kid? Kids gotta learn to hussle there way in life ;)

I dont care soo much myself, but if somekids wanna dress up and have a litte party fine by me. I may not have candy for you, but I sure as hell wont be a partypopper. I live waaaay up the mountain and got dogs ouside. Its quiet anyway:)


Well it began with the Church. Hallowed e'en = holy evening.

Where would we be with out the church? Good old church. Good old mother church ... and papa. good old mumma and papa. suck thumb. still sucking adult thumb.

The tradition of Halloween began in Europe of course.


You cheeky young whippersnapper! By god! If I could get outa this chair and off the porch I 'd give you a whuppin' by god!

Watch your words old man! ;)


Its a tradtion they celebrate a lot in eastern europe. Atleast in Poland. I actually think its they most holy day for them. To celebrate the dead. But they also celebrate it on First of November. So I have heard...


Need some halloween mood here.

We will celebrate it anyway. Lifes relax here. One son will go at a halloween party at his friends house.. I will "work"... Trim.. Maybe put on some Black Sabbath and party with the plants.. Or maybe motorhead.. Born to raise hell!


Comfortably numb!
No sure what is the issue. Everybody wear a mask and gloves.

Watch your words old man!

Its a tradtion they celebrate a lot in eastern europe. Atleast in Poland. I actually think its they most holy day for them. To celebrate the dead. But they also celebrate it on First of November. So I have heard...

Need some halloween mood here.

We will celebrate it anyway. Lifes relax here. One son will go at a halloween party at his friends house.. I will "work"... Trim.. Maybe put on some Black Sabbath and party with the plants.. Or maybe motorhead.. Born to raise hell!
^^ that there ^^

Veggia farmer

Well-known member
Teddy: much love to you aswell! I needed a whuppin a looong time ago, now I might enjoi it;)

El timbo: the church took almost all of them.

Switcher: can you feed me with a teaspoon? Then I for sure can give an direct answear too?

Veggia farmer

Well-known member
Ok, then I will anwears of how I think about it. English not first language but I will do my best;) So I will do the spoon feeding then..

The things is that this party is with his classmates. That he meet everyday. Are in the same enviroment for a good timeframe during the week. And so on.. Why shouldnt they have a party together too?

Because you are scared, right? From a perspective of keeping a distant, not touching each other... That perspective is gone mate. Its kids. We dont live in fascism here.. We have different enviroments everyone of us. Its not the same in London, NYC or Kuala Lumper.

But that doesnt mean ignorance is bliss.

We all have to take pre cautions from our own perspective. Peace mate


Well-known member
Always suspected halloween was a plot between the candy makers and dentists.
An easy exchange for me to swap it out for "Day of the Dead".


I agree with your idea and that's what we do. We think we're so clever and classless and free but our thinking/behaviour is generational. I mean like computers: Yeah they get better with each generation but they're the same basics inside.

Another way to look at 'generational' is to think 'cultural'. There is a sense where, altho we are a new generation, we are programmed with mostly the same info as our forebearers were.

Remember the bible quote. Exodus: "There's nothing new under the sun".

And recently the Turks have returned the museum known as Haga Sophia once more into a mosque.

So it's like Neil Young sang: "Round and round and round we spin, to weave a wall to hem us in ..."

(PS: A kind member has pointed out the bible quote is from Ecclesiastes.)

Stolen from the Celtic new year celebration - as they did with many other pre Christian traditions.
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Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
- each new generation always has to learn - that fire burns - before they can fear it -

- and if you let a fox into the henhouse - what do you expect?


Well-known member
- and if you let a fox into the henhouse - what do you expect?





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Veggia farmer

Well-known member
- and if you let a fox into the henhouse - what do you expect?

I expect the dogs to do their work! Havent seen so many foxes lately here, so my chickens, hens and roster go free range... The dogs make a lot noise sometimes I have noticed and there back in a few minutes:biggrin:

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