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Hail Hydro 2.0: New Beginnings


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ICMag Donor
Late yesterday and this morning were spent cleaning the Igloo rez and the tote/rocks that grew the harvested plant. Will probably put Big Girl (BG) under the SE 250, although the tent that the SPYDR 600 is in is much bigger, and I have a feeling I will need to get around BGs already long branches

Also the SPYDR has a much bigger footprint which should help


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ICMag Donor
Time to move Big Girl

She's now in her new home under the SPYDR 600

Made a few changes to the Igloo Rez. When I first drilled holes in it for the power cords and feeder/drain tube, I put them on the wrong side, meaning the lid opened backwards, which was a PITA to clean and change nutes.

Also since BG is slightly over 30 days old, time to flip to Bloom nutes

Took a bunch of pictures of the set up, with BG just before moving her, and then in her new home. Also took pic of two plants in the floom rez under the P3

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ICMag Donor
After the mess of my last 2 grows (using NPK RAW Microbes) Harley Smith said to use their enzymes instead, as that is what the microbes break down to become.

My NPK Enzyme order showed up, so added 1/4 tsp to each rez


Active member
Looking greatly improved!

So how about getting that pump out of the res? Heats up solution.

Use and air stone?

Water at 80F has half the O2 of water at 60F


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Looking greatly improved!

So how about getting that pump out of the res? Heats up solution.

Use and air stone?

Water at 80F has half the O2 of water at 60F

I run the flooming pump 2 minutes every 10-20 minutes, plus use blue ice paks to keep it cool


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ICMag Donor
A bit earlier I transferred one of the plants from her flooming DWC. I have never seen DWC roots look this happy, healthy, and loaded with root hairs

Since the plant in the bubbler tote under the Amare SE 220 looks so damn happy, i am torn about moving her upstairs, next to the other one under the Amare P3

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ICMag Donor
Nice I bet that works out well in the cooler!

Not so much in the summer, unless I rotate blue ice paks every 2 hours; 24/7. Even if I am fairly diligent during my waking hours, over night the rez can reach high 70s- low 80s

In a different tent I have a low height 24 can igloo cooler that I put that rez in. When needed, I partially fill with ice water then rotate ice paks in it instead of the rez

At most I grow 5 plants in 3 different tents, investing in a chiller is no bueno: I would need 3.

It's a lot more work, but it affords me the opportunity to keep an eye on the room


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ICMag Donor
My clones have not rooted. I had to cut off an inch of stem as it was mooshey. Likely cause 400+ ppm was too hot for baby roots

so I just made a separate bubbler out of a large plastic ketchup jug, taking one air stone from the dwc rez. It only has one plant to pump air into so one stone should be plenty...

I simply added Sea 90 sea minerals for the clone jug @ ~ 200ppm and 5.8pH

Let'r rip tater chip


Active member
Ok couple things for you today brother.

You cannot let the reservoir get to 80!!

Sleeping or not that can't happen. Please buy a cheap air pump online and switch to an air stone.

And do you trust me? I got skills right?

OK if you trust me add 5cc of bleach per gallon in your bubbler/cloner. it will NOT harm plants. It kills fusarium and pythium. You likely have pythium in there(mush). If it's 80F you will get mush often.

Clean the bubbler really good. Bleach it big time ok? Then add 5cc bleach per gallon. You will never look back.

I add 5cc per gallon and then 2.5cc every other day. This keeps chlorine at around 5ppm.

Or don't trust me and let them mush!!

It is you grow after all. Advice is just advice.


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ICMag Donor

Merry Chritsmas to you as well

Yes, you have earned my trust!

I do not see anything mushy (I have seen plenty of it!): it was a combination of shadow and brown stain from the NPK dark nutes that do not get up that high to be washed away with teach flood. Still...

What about H2O2 instead?

I have air pumps/stones, but how is that any better than using a flooming/venturi pump, which runs 2/10; 24/7?

I have been suspicious that BGirl might be BGuy. Peaked under the top leafs, sure enough coconuts. And I took 3 clones :cry:

I replaced it with the downstairs plant and moved the male outside to finish. Probably want some seeds

I grabbed a couple clones from the others, both of which are showing pistils

I moved the downstairs plant into a bucket with h2o2 and air stone directly underneath the roots for ~ 10 minutes while i removed the male and prepared for the female


Active member

Merry Chritsmas to you as well

Yes, you have earned my trust!

What about H2O2 instead?

I have air umps/stones, but how is that any better than using a flooming/venturi pump, which runs 2/10; 24/7?

I have been suspicious that BGirl might be BGuy. Peaked under the top leafs and sure enough coconuts. And I took 3 clones :cry:

Will grab a couple clones from the others, both of which are showing pistils

I will replace it with the downstairs plant

H2O2 works. But nowhere near as good.

There is a product called clear rez. Hypochlorus acid. It contains chlorine. Its like $60 per gallon. Bleach is $4. Same mode of action...

Your reservoir is small. Any submersible pump adds heat. And if you hit 78-80F it's too warm for roots. A bigger reservoir would help too.

But the airstone use will get the temp down for sure.

99% of hydro problems are pH and water temp related.

So you fixed the pH issue. Calibrate often.

Now you need you work on reservoir temps. Can you put res outside the grow? It is in there at the moment right?


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ICMag Donor
Big Girl turned out to be a Big Boy :moon:, Not the first time a male was disguised as a female, so I moved him outside. Hope to pollinate the 2 females. I also took clones

Today I wrapped the kitty litter rez tub with insulating foil to help maintain cool temp over longer time. This morning both rezes were ~ 75*s

Now upper 60s after blue ice change[

I just squirted both rezes with bleach/SIZE]

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Active member
Bleach forms NaOH in water. So I wouldn't use it in your main reservoir. I have done so but can't recommend it as there is a toxicity potential from prolonged use.

The bleach is for the cloner/bubbler OK. We are trying to stop the "mush". The plants are only in there 2 wks so NaOH is not an issue.

You will love how fast they root. 0.5cc-1cc per gallon is my normal dose. Up to 5cc/G if there is mush around.

But lets not add it to your veg/flower reservoir again please.

I got a good bleach story for you. My prize winning male clone was rooting. Then one day it just flopped over. I pulled it out of the RW block. It was mushy.
So I cut the mush off. Dipped it it 10% bleach to sterilize. Dipped into hormone...it rooted!!

Good thing to because he is so special.

I got this whole idea from tissue culture. They dip explants in straight bleach?! And the tissue survives.

Chlorine is not as harmful to plant tissue as you think. It's the NaOH that will bite you if you over use.


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ICMag Donor
FYI the 80* morning rez temp was during hot summer. This morning both rezes barely 70*s

To make up for my lack of reading comprehension, where I mistook adding bleach in clone rez only, I left the lids open all night to let the gases escape, and this morning I added more Enzymes as they probably bit the bullet

The plant I put under the SPYDR 600 is responding well to its new home. Primary leafs now reaching toward the light :woohoo:


Active member
FYI the 80* morning rez temp was during hot summer. This morning both rezes barely 70*s

To make up for my lack of reading comprehension, where I mistook adding bleach in clone rez only, I left the lids open all night to let the gases escape, and this morning I added more Enzymes as they probably bit the bullet

The plant I put under the SPYDR 600 is responding well to its new home. Primary leafs now reaching toward the light :woohoo:

70F is good!

I guess I wasn't clear. But no love lost. Just the bubbler next time.
I bet the 600 puts out some light!


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ICMag Donor
SPYDR actual is ~ 360w, very similar to the Amare Pro 3. The SPYDR provides better coverage over 1.5-4ft

I only added a few drops of bleach to the cloner as it is < 2 quarts water. Lots of bubbles. Are they OK, cause they're around the stems?


Active member
Yes that's fine. Lots of bubbles is good. I like to keep the water just below the stems. The bubbles pop and splash the stem. To check just hold your finger there above the water. It should feel like a little mist. They root better if they are not underwater.

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