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Hail Hydro 2.0: New Beginnings


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ICMag Donor
hello brother,

i think i spent the whole morning reading this thread (no joke); with proper companion ofc :rasta:. Years of work indeed are in these electronic pages.:thank you:
i hope everything will go well this time for you,

FWIW, Bobby and RR have made comments and advice, which are easily worth a few million pesos ( :) ) by trying to really help you.

i'm a soil grower myself but if i ever try hydro i will read this thread again for their posts mainly.

Best regards,
:smoke out:

IF you read through it all THEN you are well aware that I did a lot of experimenting to improve on what's been done in the past. Alas, too often I went backwards, but that was/is my choice. IF I was a commercial grower I could not afford to do so

And it appears that the biggest thing I consistently did wrong was keeping the water level too high, which kept the roots at the top of the plant too wet (especially when I was using coco pellets) which caused the root rot

As much as they tried to help, (both ridiculed various mechanical things I tried) neither of them figured that out, which would be near impossible to do from pictures


Well-known member
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]FROM: PetFlora : And it appears that the biggest thing I consistently did wrong was keeping the water level too high, which kept the roots at the top of the plant too wet (especially when I was using coco pellets) which caused the root rot [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]

We all learned from that , and now starting to compile the best system for ease of use ..
I think Bio is the way to go now.
I am glad I found ICMAG and all the good people who experiment and grow together for info sharing.

I too kept plants I didn't really need .. they were just part of an experiment , and a success in cloning.
They turned out to be all from a male that never got checked.
So now I put it out side and its maturing up and I will get pollen to make seeds with for the future.

This is all good , hats off to ya mate :tiphat:



Well-known member
With the Bio Buckets the Air Stones MUST be checked occasionally to ensure
that more air is introduced to the buckets environment.
Without them , you will need a fall in each bucket too.

I have just ordered 8 more 4" stones for this 6 bucket system , for back-ups.
You can never have enough back-ups ready.



Well-known member
ICMag Donor
I sent this to NPK this morning:

This morning I noticed the plant in question was fading. I checked the res and the air stone was completely covered in a dark brown gooey substance. The roots were hardened with multiple dark brown crusty-like areas, so I washed them off, and soaked in H2O2. I also completely cleaned the res and stone in bleach, then made fresh NPK Bloom but instead of NPK Bloom Microbes, I used NPK Enzymes

I had a similar experience with NPK in hydro over a year a go, so I stopped using it. I wonder whether there is something amiss with my bag of NPK Bloom


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ICMag Donor
Had to dump the fresh nutes. Must have gone too heavy with the microbes as the res was full of thick bubbles throughout the rez. This lifted small root mass out of the nutes. Used those nutes in tomato plants and one BBCC X outdoors in coco

The 4 babies looking good. The bigger plant is also doing well, fattening up. Once LOL is finished Im thinking to move the big BBCC x G13 to the separate rez so she (no evidence yet) can start getting bloom nutes


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ICMag Donor

I was going to order the new commercial Zone, but was told the original formula was better, so that's on its way, but, since anaerobic bacteria is not supposed to grow in an oxygen rich environment (proven in YT videos where commercial sized micro-bubblers have restored near dead bodies of water) I should not need it at all. See below

I can't locate when I pollinated LOL, but it's been roughly one month, calyxes are swelling and pistils mostly red. I moved her back into the veg bubbler and moved the BBCC x G13 into the bloom bubbler since she is getting fat and is overdue for bloom nutes. Still can't tell but all indications are it's a She.

I found out my O2 Grow 2020 was not plugged in fully. This allowed the led to come on (false sense of working) but the wall wart input plug was not in far enough to provide power to the emitters. I have no idea how long that has been an issue, but likely throughout this current grow. But wait, there's more...

and now the biggie:

Several growers (that I have ignored) have said you don't need bubblers if you drain back (F & D) which I am not using at this stage, BUT, since the O2G produces micro bubbles, running 3 air stones 24/7 is probably dissipating them. DOH

The O2G is supposed to run 30 minutes on and 4 hours off. I think I simply need to grow a pair and eliminate the air stones so the O2G can do its' thing. Unfortunately, Ive never been able to locate anyone using O2G, so Im a bit chicken to completely pull the plug on the air pump, but did remove 2/3 stones. I am waiting to hear back from O2G but will likely eliminate that one too

Stay tuned


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Wish me luck

I decided to go all in with my O2G 2020: ZERO airstones

Here's a picture of the roots. LOL's roots not looking good, might be bennies, but then no new roots, so...

I thought to soak them in h2o2, but decided to leave them as is (but monitor) and see how they respond to micro-bubbles

The babies have nice lateral root hairs, but some are brown, again, could be bennies, or not

View attachment 497919 View attachment 497920


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Just heard back from O2G. Seems my intuition was spot on. They revised their 30 min on and 4 hour off instructions as follows:

The O2Grow oxygenator separates the water molecule creating
Nano Bubbles of 100% pure oxygen. These Nano Bubbles are
easily absorbed back into the water effectively raising the level
of dissolved oxygen, therefore if you run a “Bubbler” with the
O2Grow emitter you will experience no increase in dissolved
oxygen. The larger bubbles introduced by the bubbler simply rise
to the top and can remove the increased dissolved oxygen that
you have just created. However, if you are using Bubblers to help
mix your nutrients or to keep debris off of the roots, then we
recommend running your O2Grow emitters for 1 hour on and 1 hour
off during your plants “light cycle.” Now run your Bubblers during the “dark cycle” to mix nutrient and splash the roots. The “light cycle” is when the plants are absorbing the nutrient and storing energy


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Now this is how to help me. Thanks to HydroRed who wrote:

That clear, jelly type substance along with the browning on your roots is Pythium (root rot). You need to get it in check quick as it will spread to everything in that res.

I'd suggest stopping with all the "miracle solvents" and just run a sterile res...at least until it is in check and you figure out why you are getting it in the first place (high water temps/introduction from other plants in res/etc).

To combat it, Id suggest using 3% H2o2 from the drugstore at 30ml per gallon of water. Let the plants stay in that for 12 hrs. Your water will look bubbly and frothy from the reaction of the H2o2 killing off the bacteria.

Change out the res and rinse the roots real well, then refill res with 3% H2o2 added at 15 ml per gallon of water, let that go another 24 hrs, rinse off the roots real good,then change everything out again but with your normal feed and 10-15 ml of H2o2 per gallon of water there after every 3 days. Your root rot issues should be history and your roots will be a clean white color in appearance.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
HRs post was yesterday.

OK, I followed HRs recommendation. Now 12 hours later, I washed the roots off and dunked in ~ 15% H2O2, rinsed again and put back in rezes. Hoping to hear from HR about dumping current nutes and using water only + 15% H2O2/G

Thought I'd post some pics showing dunking in small containers this morning as well as now ~ 48 hours using the O2G the plants have not wilted. I mIGHT actually be onto something with the O2G :eek: :cool:

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View attachment 498064
somthing sad,you try alltime find new and fix fansy.even you basic is lost,plants suffering and look really bad,are you using silica and how mutch?mayby if you buy elite seeds and throve everything trash,start basic drip feed 100% hydroton and take reso out you tent
practice that and chance this thread name:i fuck up hydro 10 years


Active member
HRs post was yesterday.

OK, I followed HRs recommendation. Now 12 hours later, I washed the roots off and dunked in ~ 15% H2O2, rinsed again and put back in rezes. Hoping to hear from HR about dumping current nutes and using water only + 15% H2O2/G

Thought I'd post some pics showing dunking in small containers this morning as well as now ~ 48 hours using the O2G the plants have not wilted. I mIGHT actually be onto something with the O2G :eek: :cool:

View attachment 498060 View attachment 498061

View attachment 498062 View attachment 498063

View attachment 498064



Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Im quite excited as the leafs on 2/3 newest plants are recovering, albeit slowly, with the 3rd looking better than yesterday, AND, the elderly BBCC x G13 never did droop even though she had a real bad case of RR

Doing another individual H2O2 dunking, and will change out nutes one more time.

Still seeing new root hairs. Once the plants are looking strong and growing again, I will close this thread and start a new one based on the O2G

FYI I just tried to check pH, but it is jumping all over the place. Why? The O2G is on and all those microbubbles are confusing the pH pens probe


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
somthing sad,you try alltime find new and fix fansy.even you basic is lost,plants suffering and look really bad,are you using silica and how mutch?mayby if you buy elite seeds and throve everything trash,start basic drip feed 100% hydroton and take reso out you tent
practice that and chance this thread name:i fuck up hydro 10 years

Yes, my results have been worse than sad, especially when my time is factored in and the heartache of seeing yet another grow go south, but, my goal all along was to see whether I could replace HPA with O2Grow. HPA is amazing but is extremely sensitive to root chamber temps. Where I live it's 90*+ in that grow room 6-8 months a year and quickly kills the delicate HPA root hairs

Like all determined experimenters, there are typically a lot of fails before success. I am finally beginning to see daylight. Should these plants make a strong comeback now, I will close this thread after posting pictures

While my rez temps are often < 75* I have to swap out liter bottles of blue ice throughout the day. I am going to simplify keeping them below that by dropping the 3G starter tote into a igloo cooler where I can slide more blue ice packs along the sides thereby keeping temps well within range a lot longer


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
OK, totes drained, cleaned with fresh nutes. Dunked all 6 plants individually in H2O2 for 10+ minutes, then rinsed. Most of the plants roots have lost 95%+ of the brown stain.

LOL (the seeded female) roots are still dark tan, so she's in a separate rez. Seeds not ready, likely due to stress and minimal healthy roots feeding the cribs, though there is some crystals all over them as well as on some of the small leafs nearest the "colas", pathetic though they are, my goal with LOL is seeds to bank for next time I want to pop TripleBerry