The 2 older seedlings are developing more leafs but still require support to stay up. The small one in the front is the first seed to crack and placed into thee coco pouches.
Under the humid dome: one of the seeds has popped through, should see cotyledons by days end
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Wow ive never seen someone use a humidity dome for seeds. Its been recognized for 20+ years they kill more seeds than they start. Interesting. How do you manage to get them to sprout in that thing?
If you dont like rapid rooters you could germ seeds in rockwool seed starters or croutons. The croutons would make more sense than coco into a hydro system.
You mentioned in the op having difficulty with seedlings noodling. Try throwing a little t5 over them about 4" away. They wont do that. If you are growing little noodles the light is too far away.
Those amare lights look interesting. Kind of gimicky though in my opinion. Ive peeled though their site, they are far from something i would spend money on. Interesting but you could build the same thing so much cheaper. I wonder how many pannels could you build for the price of buying 1 from those guys.
You've NEVER seen people use humidity dome for seedlings? Mind Blown. Common practice. And what is noodling? NEVER MIND ANSWERING FYI: Rockwool requires disposal by hazardous waste, and it's dangerous to inhale, or get into your body.
The coco pellets are in a bag, which is dropped into coco net cups, and surrounded with ornamental stones, which are easily removed from the roots after harvest and 100% reusable
You've only 'peeled' through amare's site, but never used them, neither do you have any grows or degrees to support your 'opinion'. Does anyone smell a troll? It seems like you are only looking for an excuse to bash Amare