Did you get some of those hho like emitters that you were talkin about last year?
What if you put some kinda mini driver in the res and hit it with the same cymatic frequency of the earths vibrations, wonder if the roots can sense the patterns.
I suppose that already happens to some extent, but what if you could tune the vibrations in the water itself, and alter the way oxygen and nutrients are taken up. Or trick the plant into thinking its in the ground, etc..
I like watching cymatic bubble pattern vids, and the guy that adds copper dust into the solutions over his homemade sub woofer drivers.. i keep wondering how that could affect roots in a DWC environment.
I am not happy with the new batch of coco pods. Seems they changed something, which I assume is the quality of the coco
Just yesterday (5 days from dropping into coco AFTER they cracked!!!), the 2 new Triple B seedlings broke ground.
Also, the first 2 seedlings from the newest batch of triple B have yet to root properly, which has not been a problem in past use of the pods
This means a lot more nursing and coaxing to get this new grow started
Anybody have a better solution to start seeds?
I'm sure you'll disregard the advice but, you have root rot issues. Don't matter what you feed it won't help till you kill that off.
If you're having heat issues then switch to a normal flood and drain with 3X/day flood, where the media can dry out between floods.
Either way I would run some peroxide to sterilize and kill that off.