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Haarlem coffee-shops Refuse to implement Weed Pass Program


Active member
I bet countries like The Netherlands, Colombia, Canada,
Mexico, Portugal, etc, really hate the way the US puts pressure on them to modify their laws, to carry the party line about drugs, that the US govt has adopted. I was in Amsterdam in the early 2000's, and was really happy to see such tolerance. I have to believe it is the far reaching hand of the US, that is influencing them to change laws and common practices. The marijuana business is very lucrative over there, so considering how bad the economy is, the pressure must be intense, on them, to change things. So sucky!!!!

lost in a sea

the dutch are good at fighting these sorts of things,, they stick together,, if they can get that government out and get the chance to vote the other way it could be the total opposite of what we are seeing and it could be the place that kick starts a big change for the better,, i have hope for holland..


ICMag Donor
thats some great news

hopefully amsterdam coffeshops will do the same



most of this is organised by Nol van Shaik,,he's currently running a competition for a free trip to his private cannaresort ,,to win all u have to do is befriend him on facebook ...


he's also organising a protest march in amsterdam on 420



Registered Non-Conformist
The Dutch STILL have ways of dealing with these sorts of disputes. It is called NEGOTIATION.

Quite Often - protests in The Netherlands lead to people sitting around a table, and figuring out the best compromise. Not perfect, but nothing is.

Negotiation is a lost art in the You Ess Ay, where one is either "For Us or Against Us."... No middle ground... Politicians hold fast to their beliefs, and are seen as "weak" if they meet-in-the-middle on anything... Young nation, Young ways...

We are on the road Here to complete Gov't control of our daily lives, why should Cannabis Policy be any different..? They want to keep us down...

Good on ya, Haarlem. Thanks to Nol et al...


Active member
Great news. I have a feeling that the Dutch know that if they get on with the weed pass program, 1) it doesn't really solve anything and 2) there are a few other EU countries that are willing to have the money that the pot tourists bring in... Czech republic, Spain, Portugal and maybe Denmark come in mind first.

keep fighting !!!

we can win this war on drugs and break their system at the same time.


True. What always cracks me up is quote this quote from Bill Hicks:

"I loved when Bush came out and said, "We are losing the war against drugs." You know what that implies? There's a war being fought, and the people on drugs are winning it." :D


Sorcerer's Apprentice
We need to elevate the consciousness of this ball of dust. We are the people we've been waiting for. Let's get to it.


Registered Non-Conformist
I spent a nice week in Haarlem a couple years ago, found myself in and witnessed an intense protest of High School Students, against more school days, I believe.

In the ensuing days, after there were Parallel Protests in Amsterdam and elsewhere - negotiations took place directly with the Students.. BRAVO.

Democracy I think that is called..?

Respect for the People, perhaps..?

In comparison, not only are School days DEcreasing in the poor USA, but the negotiations would NEVER had happened, not even with their Parents.. No one is taken seriously if they have a different point of view.

And you should hear the things the Ignorant Republicants say about EU countries..

Socialist..? What..? Sure, ok, and if so, then we are in a Totalitarian Military State here..
Because, such a Stand taken here would have the Gummint sending in the National Guard.. Tear Gas and who knows what else.!!

Complete Propaganda. It is painful for a person sometimes to see it..

So, will Haarlem, Nol v. Schaik, and the 16 Shops prove to be the Kabbastone of this Concept..>?

Wow.. That's what I call Cojones..

If I can ever afford yet another trip to my Favorite (tied with Espana) Country in Europe in this Hyperinflationary Period we are entering, I will be sure to spend more time in Haarlem than I have before. Just because.



Active member
It is important to remember how this works - while we are led to believe that governments are in control of their people, actually the opposite is true. People are, I hope, waking up on more issues than just legality of pot (and other drugs, no prohibition has ever worked, nor ever will). Turn on - open your mind, Tune in - see how everything in today's world is just a power game, a status struggle, obscured in a thick layer of frosting of 'civilization', Drop out - refuse to play the game.

Got a bit sidetracked on the subject, sorry :D Another thing that came to my mind while reading this thread again, was that maybe the momentum that the European legalization movement has gained has been (at least partly) because of the changing climate in the US? What do you guys think?


Its a bit depressing to see that the southern towns in holland have already applied the dutch only(+french/german) policy to their coffeshops..

I lived in the netherlands for around 2 years and I never saw anything wrong with the coffeshop system. It was quite civil especially outside the tourist cities it was almost 99.9% good vibes around there.

I guess its only a matter of time till they conform to the euro-ass-backwards way of doing things...


was that maybe the momentum that the European legalization movement has gained has been (at least partly) because of the changing climate in the US?

there is a fair amount of validity in that statement. The legalization movement has traditionally been strong in europe but the developments on the other side of the Atlantic over the recent past has upped the game and added a huge amount of momentum to the movemnt
The Dutch STILL have ways of dealing with these sorts of disputes. It is called NEGOTIATION.

Quite Often - protests in The Netherlands lead to people sitting around a table, and figuring out the best compromise. Not perfect, but nothing is.

Negotiation is a lost art in the You Ess Ay, where one is either "For Us or Against Us."... No middle ground... Politicians hold fast to their beliefs, and are seen as "weak" if they meet-in-the-middle on anything... Young nation, Young ways...

We are on the road Here to complete Gov't control of our daily lives, why should Cannabis Policy be any different..? They want to keep us down...

Good on ya, Haarlem. Thanks to Nol et al...
excellent post but you got it wrong, the country I have the misfortune of living in, it's called the You-Ass-Ay! ;) Stay free my friends!


Looks like I just might have to come to 4/20 this year.
It might be the last :/
Optimism aside, each year the dutch parliament/political system grows more and more hostile towards weed, and especially tourists. These guys have not factored in exactly how much money the tourists are bringing in. They are effectively shooting themselves in the foot.

Even if the coffeshops say no, they can send the police swooping and close their shops down, the perfect excuse they need. As far as I understand it they are not giving any more licenses to new coffeshops these days.


Registered Non-Conformist
You better Believe the "Good Fight" is being Intensely Staged EVERY single day in Northern California, and a few other Medical Marijuana States.. That I can say unequivocably.

I still find it surprising that The Netherlands, one of the most Economically Savvy nations on Earth (for better or worse), would turn down all that revenue.... And I do not believe this will go through except perhaps in the afore-mentioned Border towns, where there are heavy external pressures.

Admittedly, there are a few Koffeeshops that I have experienced that really could close, with no real loss. Some are seedy and nasty.. haha.. But, there are some winners, fo sho.

Again - thanks Nol v. Schaik and the other Haarlem C'shop Proprietors for not folding..

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