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H3ad goes Coco



I'd try to answer ya man but I don't know what EA/EN is. If they're nutes, as long as they're made for coco, I wouldn't see the problem. If they're just additives, I don't know what they are and I wouldn't know why you'd want to add em to coco. Haven't seen the need to add anything to coco yet other than A+B, Zym, 13/14, and Rhizo. Maybe everybody's just better at this than I am and they're seeing the need for something else. I'm happy with the basics so far. Easy to please and all that shit, ya know. So far, the worst I've grown is better than I ever got in the "world."



The Voice of Reason
Not really sure about the additives, Sacko... I try to keep it as simple as possible... But I'm sure someone in the coco forum could give some Idea...

Here are some More photos...
First up one of the breeder moms from my G13 project...



That OE is looking just Awesome. That's going to be one nice haul off of that girl. Seems to me, that your doing better every harvest. Good luck and cant wait to see more. Nice cross with the Casey Jones. Congrat's on placing with her. Well deserved.
Take care,
Your pics are looking FROOOOSTY H3ad! The plants are so healthy and dialed in. I've been inspired to dial in a few of mine a little bit more.:D



amazing looking pics Head! They're all top notch but that OE is siiiick! How tall is she overall? There is so much plant there for a 2 gallon pot, amazing! I got my G33's the other day, can't wait to get them into the coco soon, have a good one :wave:


The Voice of Reason
From the top of the dirt, they're all around 3 1/2 feet, but the OE is probably 4 feet... I'll measure her when the lights come on...
Gonna take some pics of the C99 and Sugaree then as well...


Voluptuous Trichomes
No Casey Jones??? Definitely looking forward to the next "pic-update"!

Lookin' good :wave:


Voluptuous Trichomes
Ok...her momma will do just fine for now

Ok...her momma will do just fine for now

Grat3fulh3ad said:

Don't get me wrong....'cause CJ's momma is lookin' real good :D....that is dank and frosty....I'm not complaining!!
Great show :wave:


Nice looking plants, h3ad. Like VT said, FROSTY! How long these been flowering, dude and are you using CO2? I'm thinking about not looking at your plants any more cause I feel really bad bout mine when I do, lmfao.

Got some SD IBL seeds in the mail this week. Nice job on the win REZDOG! Told the little woman you won and I had some champion seeds so she'd get off my fucking back about spending the money! :woohoo:

Peace folks


Very nice C99 you got there. Always wanted to try a C99. Looks like a good veg on this one also. What's the normal harvest time on this pheno? You've got to love Bro Grimm's gear. I love his Green Giant and think it's one of the best commerical strains out there. Take care Head and thanks for sharing your garden with us.


Hey h3ad....dam nice looking specimens around the board by you man,,,truley. I just started hopping on the coco bandwagon, and i gotta admit, i havent been so joyed and intrigued by one thing since aluminum tape=) fine work, im learning something in this one for sure=) lime