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H3ad goes Coco


Well-known member
Gotta a few questions for u h3ad, how many times do u reuse your coco? or is it like every 10-12 months u start over?

If you do reuse the coco, whats your method? Would you refresh all your coco if you had pests ?

thank u and thanks for the read.



Active member
just a quick question h3ad,
Do I use your 6/9 ratio if I want to veg for lets say 2 months? maybe they require more nitrogen, what do you think?


Active member
also, do you think products like florakleen can solve the harshness if I use it in the last 2 weeks of flower when I used 6/9 throughout the entire first 6 weeks of flower?


New member
H3ad I can't understand why anyone would want to waste their time and money with all these extra additives out there, when you have clearly proven that less is more and balance is king. Seems to me that they just get suckered into all the marketing of these additive products and trick themselves into thinking it grows better bud to justify the ridiculous amounts of money they wasted. Even worse is they perpetuate the silly claims these companies make to others. Its laughable!


New member
I have searched everywhere and I can't seem to find a definitive answer on water/feeding schedule. Do you water with plain water one day and with nutrient solution the next, etc.? I'm seeing in other threads that people feed everyday, but I want to emulate your method and results H3ad and I'd like to know exactly what YOU recommend.


Great thread H3AD:)

I just want to make sure, that my calculations for the "H3AD formula" in Liters are correct.

6 ml Micro pr. Gallon = (6/3.78541) 1.6 ml Micro pr. Liter
9 ml Bloom pr. Gallon = (9/3.78541) 2.4 ml Bloom pr. Liter

Can this be confirmed by anyone?


TheBEAK said:
Great thread H3AD:)

I just want to make sure, that my calculations for the "H3AD formula" in Liters are correct.

6 ml Micro pr. Gallon = (6/3.78541) 1.6 ml Micro pr. Liter
9 ml Bloom pr. Gallon = (9/3.78541) 2.4 ml Bloom pr. Liter

Can this be confirmed by anyone?
YES, it is right


Just found this thread.....Want to confirm the actual formula if anyone can help....I read about 15 pages and there seem to be some variations.

What is the ACTUAL usage of the formula in its current usage?

6 ml Micro/gal
9 ml Bloom/gal

From start to finish? I read that he is NOT using epsom salts anymore is this right? Should the formula be suited for different stages of growth?

I am just curious if h3ad has an actual "step by step" usage of this particular formula or if I can go 0-6-9 the whole grow or alternate with plain water, etc... Anyone know?


New member
I've been trying to find this out myself but have not gotten a response. Its a simple question, do we feed every watering or alternate, etc?


Active member
Try reading first

Try reading first

Instead of firing off a bunch of posts demanding answers to questions which have already been answered multiple times within this very thread (as well as elsewhere), please try reading the thread first. People actually went through the trouble typing out the answers to these questions with detail for a reason.

I know, I know... it's a lot of work, and you deserve to have us grow your plants for you, but hey, life's tough. :rolleyes: (FYI - the reason is NOT so that they'll have to copy & paste for you again because you're too lazy. Hint, hint, ever wonder why you got no responses?)
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New member
Actually clowntown I have scoured this thread from beginning to end several times and not a single post clearly states whether H3ad feeds with every watering or alternating. But thanks anyway for being so helpful smart guy.
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The Voice of Reason
One could assume from my wording that I feed every watering, especially considering no alternating is ever mentioned.


The Voice of Reason
Grat3fulh3ad said:
Originally Posted by Grat3fulh3ad
I use 6ml/gallon GH flora micro and
9ml/gallon GH flora Bloom

1/2 strength for seedlings and freshly rooted clones

Full strength from the beginning of Veg until they begin bud formation

9ml/gallon GH flora bloom up until 2 weeks prior to harvest

Then plain water to finish.
The only mention of plain water is during flush, and alternating with plain water is never really ever even alluded to. If alternating had been part of my regimen, surely there would have been clear mention. If I don't mention something, I meant to leave it out, generally.


New member
Grat3fulh3ad said:
One could assume from my wording that I feed every watering, especially considering no alternating is ever mentioned.

Thank you for clearing that up H3ad, I will also note that for future reference. I apologize if it seemed like I was getting an attitude. Generally I do not like to just assume things (just as clowntown automatically assumed I did not read your thread), especially when it could be detrimental to my crop.


Hey H3ad
excellent thread here! Lots of good info!
Im between my personal grows and am looking into various methods I might use for the next setup ( always looking to improve ) and theBeak recommended this thread to get up to speed on growing in CoCo.

good growing all


maxi nutes

maxi nutes

This is my first coco grow and I ran into a problem my first week, the plant were all very light green. I read this thread and changed my soilish ways, the plants are darkening up and look very healthy. The only problem I have is that I only have the small bottles of flora nutes that came with my unused waterfarm. I do have full tubs of maxi gro and bloom, I used the excel sheet linked from the lucas formula post. This is what I got by using 3/4 tsp of maxibloom and 1/2 tsp micro.

This is my first time trying to figure something like this out, if you or anyone that has had practice has the time could you tell me if I am right? I would love to only have to replace the micro since this tub can go for alot of grows.
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Grat3fulh3ad.. This thread is awesome! It has gotten me through my first grow so far and pretty nicely as far as I can tell so for that you are awesome!! Thank you for makin it so easy, though I am using koolbloom after I read Rez's recipe your thread got me started with the GH. That was a few months ago and now I am just a little confused as to when I can drop the micro. If you could help me out that too would be awesome!!

I am trying to follow your guidelines as best as I can. I am outdoors, plus I have never flowered these strains before so I have no idea how many weeks they need. I have some pictures that I took today but I lost my connection to the computer so I can't upload them until tomorrow.

I'm thinking right now is a good time to stop because it seems as if the calyxes are all formed and now getting fatter turning into buds. I have four total and two of them are a little behind was wondering if I would be hurting them a lot if I dropped the micro with them too.

Anyways, I will get pics up in a day or so and hopefully give you a good idea of what would be best.



The Voice of Reason
You can drop the micro when stretch has completely stopped, and calyx production seems at it's peak... roughly 1/2 way through flowering depending on strain...