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Gypsy lives the life! Application inside



Just sittin' here tokin :joint: readin some of Gypsys stories, wow! Sometimes things are down, usually times are fun, but there is always adventure! an for such a great cause!

So its not very official but this is my job application! :sasmokin:

Gypsy hire me! I will work for cheap* cheap* cheap*!

:woohoo: And I dont think I will have to have a drug screen for this job! :woohoo:

*a lot :)

edit: this is no joke! :) :joint:


Active member
he already has hired us, we are the ones who give info on his site and help improve this site's knowledge, and that in turn will bring more people here. Hence more seed sales.

But yeah sounds like he does lead a good life.


The Tri Guy
How long till our island got invaded and a puppet dictator installed who would outlaw the use of cannabis?
We all already work for Gypsy, albeit free of charge, by filling up this site with info, although we do get the perk of great company and a vitual home free of charge.


Are any of you guys familiar with fela kuti he was this african singer that started his own country that seceded from liberia. He married 27 women all in one ceremony. Eventually they raided his country and shut him down. When he died a millione people came to his funeral but his music still kicks ass.


I have saved up enough money to buy some land in ghana and I have some ghanaian family friends who are going to help me with the deal. Hopefully I will be able to save up enough for me to live off of for about a year in a cheap hotel while I start up a breeding facility on the land I hopefully will purchase. Also hopefully I can make enough off the breeding to support myself and do research I will make public domain. 89% of the adult population in ghana uses cannabis and it is well tolerated to say the least. The people are friendly.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
.......Hiring people is a tricky thing.........no,... its a minefield.......one bad employee in a trusted position could possibly ruin the business or even try and take it over somehow.......I have had my share of bad employees who privateer within the business.....in effect ripping it off while they are being paid to do so in one way or another.....and even when you fire them they maybe try and squeeze more out of you by sueing you........unless you can find completely trust-worthy people (a rarity) being the boss can be a huge loss.........and merely because you are the boss will give many workers the idea that it's O.K. to rob you when you are not looking......why?......well because you are the boss.....

....I would rather have those working with me who believe in what I am trying to do and do it well........and not those just looking for monetary gain by nicking it from you....... these days the fewer people involved the better.......so BigHerm....call me bitter and twisted towards hiring anyone else....but I apreciate your offer...........and if you are every in a position to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous employee's......mark my words.........finding a good one can be like looking for a diamond in a very dark sewer......

....oh yeah Fella Kuti Rocks!

........and that idyllic dream always seems to come up with us high on the erb'.....would be nice.........an island where we could all be at peace free from being persected for cultivation.....and just grow relentlesly and pasionately huge fields of fine cannabis.......

..makes me wonder how long before the local pirates figure out that you are growing something worth its weight in gold somewhere.........and come and take it from you....


i cant wait forsome to offer me a spot on the island or in a shop i dont even care about pay i would work frre for room and board lol its all about spreading the word and making shure the sacred plant keeping moving from generation to generation and i want to be apart of it my dream is to someday be like johny appleseed and i do all i can now spreading the good word and help bring others to a world filled with happiness under a cloud of friendship.
well talk to you all later and im already saving up to be a judge at next years ic cups on 420 i missed out this year but hope to meet the family next year and if anyone needs a helping hand just ask like i said to me i dont need to be paid just taught and the food to survive its more important to share with others and spread the herbs


from the mists and the shadows .... there you wil
Gypsy Nirvana said:
........and that idyllic dream always seems to come up with us high on the erb'.....would be nice.........an island where we could all be at peace free from being persected for cultivation.....and just grow relentlesly and pasionately huge fields of fine cannabis.......

..makes me wonder how long before the local pirates figure out that you are growing something worth its weight in gold somewhere.........and come and take it from you....

Correction .... try and take it from us!
