Best news ever on this site! Welcome back home!
how perfect! lets all wear green for st. gypsy's day!
I should make a doctors appointment, and have a proper check-up.
My health seems to have suffered a bit, so better safe than sorry.
Where I was locked up for all that time was not what you could call a healthy place. One of the discs slipped in my lower back after a took a tumble (slipped on cat shit) whilst trying to workout, which wasn't easy in such a hot, filthy, roach, rat and mossie infested place. I was virtually bed-ridden for months, robbed by the guards of meds that my friends and family tried to bring me... It's an old injury that reoccurs fairly regularly and I probably need what the docs call 'Spinal Fusion', which is pretty serious surgery...
probably need what the docs call 'Spinal Fusion', which is pretty serious surgery...
Yes, it is....ask about all options. Spinal Fusion is the last resort. There are less non invasive measures. Cementing disks (building back disk) far better.
I wish you good health, back to a familiar positive and goodness your way, along with your family.