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Guy almost blows himself up making BHO -- they warned us pot was dangerous!


Active member
Darwin awards almost and a snicker....

" I know I'll put in the fridge so it won't evaperate while I twist up this spliff.... Honey, where's my lighter taking a quick break? Never mind, I got it"


Stupidity should be painful :joint:
you just need better bubble

you just need better bubble

bubble just aint the same bro. i love its taste, but if i want to get high as shit, for a long time, bho all the way. it

if your herb was tops, then your bubble could be tops, and you wouldn't feel that way. but since you in bammer, i can see why you would want some tane in your head. isn't anything over 50% cannabinoids strong enough?
The guy that taught me how to make it blew himself up in his basement and he was charged by the police with manufacturing meth, but he was being dumb. I would never ever ever make in inside, but I've made it twice this week and plan to do another extraction tonight and I've done it many times in the past and probably will in the future. Its safe, if your smart about it and a great way to get some good hash from trim or whatever you have. Butane boils at room temp though so you do need to be careful with the fumes.
I think he should've spent the $30 for a honey bee honey oil extractor, and may, just maybe gathered some online info....wow, how hard is it to do 10 minutes of research.


Not to mention that making BHO is considered a felony drug manufacturing charge in the state of CA. And your medical doesn't allow for drug manufacturing FYI. Plus if you have finished 'tane weight, distributing narcotics charge, another felony. CA is cracking down on BHO because of morons like the guy in this article exploding homes/apartments

I just don't get it. Bubble hash is so easy to make and easily tests over 50% THC. Smoking bubble and high as shit right now. One Love

I don't care if you're the best bubble hash maker on the planet...you don't get higher THC%....you're getting 50,000 trichs instead of the 1000 or so mixed with leaf in a joint the percentage doesn't go up there's just more of the straight stuff with no plant matter...still same percent as the plant was to start with (I have seen slight increases in certain indian hashes where just the right amount of heat and pressure was enough to alter a thin layer 2mm into the brick but these are still exceptions to the rule and still was no more than about 3% higher than the crystals right off the bud)...and there is not one cannabis plant ANYWHERE that has a 50% THC content....the reason making BHO is a felony charge is because the process molecularily alters and does increase the THC%...idiots blowing themselves up is just an added reason (bonus?)...but we already have laws barring the mentally challenged from operating/owning explosives - obviously not as well enforced as the drug laws on pot smokers, and there will always be ones who want to "challenge themselves"....that aside, bubble is still awesome shit and I fully agree a way less challenging and much safer way to get the good shit without killing yourself or your neighbour...
...ice is nice...
...butane is insane...
...peace out...


"Be shapeless, formless, like water..."
I've smoked bubble, really good pure 73u will vape like oil, but really, theres no substitute for properly made BHO. Some people really are too stupid to breathe, let alone mess with supercritical extractions. I always shake my head when I see people doing multiple can extractions, just too much chance of something bad happening. One can, quick evap with a hot water bath, and all danger has passed.

I have done it indoors when the weather is bad outside (snowing, rainy, etc), right in front of the open door, with the swamp cooler pressurizing the house (all windows and doors closed except for the one I'm blasting in front of, swamper on high vent), blows all the butane right out the front door from the blasting and hot water bath purging. I make sure nothing that can cause a spark is on or plugged in, nobody around me. I have done this many times with absolutely no problems. My conditions are completely different than most, don't try this with central air thinking it'll work, or try it at all if you're unsure of what you're doing.

BHO rules, bottom line. It's not illegal in Colorado, but that wouldn't stop me if it was... Heat that Ti!
I don't care if you're the best bubble hash maker on the planet...you don't get higher THC%....you're getting 50,000 trichs instead of the 1000 or so mixed with leaf in a joint the percentage doesn't go up there's just more of the straight stuff with no plant matter...

Actually, concentrates do test higher than the flower's from which they were derived. Flowers generally test between 10 and 20% THC, while hashes generally test 30 to 60% THC. Butane extracts generally test between 50 and 90% THC. But the difference between a 50% hash and a 90% 'tane extract is only roughly double the strength, which is hardly worth the risk. And keep is hush-hush about BHO in CO 'cause they are already trying the make it a felony there too. Enjoy the freedom while it lasts CO 'tane fans.

still same percent as the plant was to start with (I have seen slight increases in certain indian hashes where just the right amount of heat and pressure was enough to alter a thin layer 2mm into the brick but these are still exceptions to the rule and still was no more than about 3% higher than the crystals right off the bud)...and there is not one cannabis plant ANYWHERE that has a 50% THC content....

I think you may misunderstand the way testing works. They give you percent by (dry) weight. Bubble hash that test 50% THC is literally half THC by weight. Your buds are literally 13ish percent THC by weight (dehydrated). Tops BHO is literally 90 percent THC by weight, and that isn't even including the 65 other discovered cannabinoids.

the reason making BHO is a felony charge is because the process molecularily alters and does increase the THC%...
BHO is illegal because in CA you are not allowed to do any supercritical solvent extractions at home, has to be certified lab. The solvent extractions at legit dispensaries are made in labs, as they should be.

idiots blowing themselves up is just an added reason (bonus?)...but we already have laws barring the mentally challenged from operating/owning explosives - obviously not as well enforced as the drug laws on pot smokers, and there will always be ones who want to "challenge themselves"....that aside, bubble is still awesome shit and I fully agree a way less challenging and much safer way to get the good shit without killing yourself or your neighbour...
...ice is nice...
...butane is insane...
...peace out...

WORD... bonus lol, mentally challenged LOL.


this is why i dont make butane honey oil... only way i'll ever do it is if someone else shows me there perfected technique in person. otherwise its bubble hash for me.


New member
Or just spend the money for an enclosed unit like the Tamisium. No open evaporation, no use of shit iso-butane, and all solvent is recovered. That is why one system costs $60 and the other is $1300. You get what you pay for..


I bet he was chilling it to make it evaporate slower. And when he opened the door the light bulb ignited the gasses.

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